如何在Windows 10中设置默认应用

如何在Windows 10中设置默认应用

The Default Apps setting is not exclusively new to Windows 10 but, much like many of the other Control Panel staples of previous versions, Microsoft has worked in an almost total rehaul of the old system in favor of something a little more streamlined and a lot more functional.

默认应用程序设置不是Windows 10的独有功能,但与以前版本中的许多其他控制面板必备功能一样,微软几乎完全对旧系统进行了改进,以使工作流程更加简化和更多。功能。

Here’s how to configure which programs open which files, links, and protocols in the Windows 10 OS.

这是配置Windows 10 OS中哪些程序打开哪些文件,链接和协议的方法。

输入设定 (Entering Settings)

The first step to getting your default applications configured properly is to enter the Settings app through the revamped Start Menu.


如何在Windows 10中设置默认应用

In Settings, click on the “System” icon, and scroll down to “Default Apps” in the left-hand side menu.


如何在Windows 10中设置默认应用
如何在Windows 10中设置默认应用

配置库存默认应用 (Configure Stock Default Apps)

On the splash page of the Default Apps section, you’ll see several different applications which have already been pre-selected to automatically use integrated Windows applications for seven of the main activities you’ll participate in while using the OS. At stock config, any email links clicked on or offline will launch using the default Windows Mail app, web links will open in Microsoft’s new web browser Edge, photos will be routed through the internal Photo Viewer, movies and video files will open in the Video Player app, and Map requests will automatically route to Bing Maps (from within a new tab of Edge).

在“默认应用程序”部分的初始页面上,您将看到已经预先选择了几个不同的应用程序,以自动将集成的Windows应用程序用于您在使用OS时将参与的七个主要活动。 在股票配置下,任何单击或脱机的电子邮件链接都将使用默认的Windows Mail应用启动,网络链接将在Microsoft的新网络浏览器Edge中打开,照片将通过内部的Photo Viewer进行路由,电影和视频文件将在“视频”中打开Player应用程序和地图请求将自动路由到Bing地图(从Edge的新选项卡中)。

如何在Windows 10中设置默认应用

The only command left up to you by default is Calendar links, which can be tied to your email provider or a third-party scheduling application that’s been installed at a later date.


Though these are the original options you’ll find on a fresh install of Default Apps, you can always use the following options to customize exactly how Windows 10 will handle different requests based on the file type, the program, or an underlying launch protocol.

尽管这些是您在全新安装的默认应用程序中可以找到的原始选项,但是您始终可以使用以下选项根据文件类型,程序或基础启动协议确切地自定义Windows 10如何处理不同的请求。

按文件类型选择默认应用 (Choose Default Apps by File Type)

Overall, how you choose to organize your app commands is a matter of personal preference, but certain options such as “Default Apps by File Type” can usually tend to be a bit easier to manage for the average everyday user.


如何在Windows 10中设置默认应用

To choose which apps launch which types of media or link by the type of file, select the “Choose Default Apps by File Type” option. Here you’ll be greeted by a two-tiered menu, the first containing every file type that Windows 10 is designed to handle, and the second with the list of apps you currently have installed on the machine.

要选择哪些应用程序启动哪种媒体类型或按文件类型链接,请选择“按文件类型选择默认应用程序”选项。 在这里,您会看到一个两层菜单,第一个包含Windows 10设计用来处理的每种文件类型,第二个包含您当前在计算机上安装的应用程序列表。

如何在Windows 10中设置默认应用

Say for example you want to launch .mkv files in Windows Media Player rather than the in-house Movies app. To change this, just scroll down to “.mkv” on the left, and once selected, choose the corresponding application on the right that you’d like to set as the default.

举例来说,您要在Windows Media Player中而不是内部电影应用程序中启动.mkv文件。 要更改此设置,只需向下滚动到左侧的“ .mkv”,然后选择它,就在右侧选择要设置为默认值的相应应用程序。

And that’s it! In theory you could customize all the possible app combinations from this section alone, but in case you prefer a different system of app management, Microsoft has included two other pathways to keeping your default launch instructions in check.

就是这样! 从理论上讲,您可以仅从本节中自定义所有可能的应用程序组合,但是如果您希望使用其他应用程序管理系统,Microsoft还提供了两种其他方法来检查默认启动说明。

通过协议管理启动选项 (Manage Launch Options by Protocol)

Back in the Default Apps section, you’ll find a second section directly underneath the first option, labeled “Choose default apps by protocol”.


如何在Windows 10中设置默认应用

In this section, you’ll find a greater level of control over exactly how your computer handles specific requests from global programs and networked devices like Xboxes, remote desktops, and external email clients.


如何在Windows 10中设置默认应用

In general, the types of options included here are commands that you would want routed to Windows applications anyway, unless you have a specific need for URL links to launch in separate programs. Examples of protocol configurations include actions like a specific keyboard command launching into the Windows Search feature, links that contain content from MSN channeling into Windows apps, or .zip files being extracted via the stock archive reader instead of third-party software like WinRar or 7Zip.

通常,这里包含的选项类型是您无论如何都希望路由到Windows应用程序的命令,除非您特别需要URL链接在单独的程序中启动。 协议配置的示例包括诸如启动Windows搜索功能的特定键盘命令,包含来自MSN的内容的链接的通道等操作,这些通道会进入Windows应用程序,或者通过库存档案读取器而非第三方软件(如WinRar或7Zip)提取的.zip文件。

最后但并非最不重要的 (Last, But Not Least)

Finally, if all these new app settings are a little too jarring for you and you’d rather manage your default apps the old fashioned way, Microsoft has been kind enough to still include the original Windows 7/8 configuration interface for anyone who prefers to keep it old school.

最后,如果所有这些新应用程序设置对您来说都有点麻烦,而您希望以老式方式管理默认应用程序,则Microsoft会很友好,仍然为喜欢使用Windows 7/8的任何人提供原始Windows 7/8配置界面保持它的老派。

如何在Windows 10中设置默认应用

“Set defaults by app” is the last, but also most extensive method of managing which files are handled by the apps installed on your computer. Here you’ll find a familiar face with the list of programs available on your machine pinned to the left, and the list of various commands that will open them individually buried under the “Choose defaults for this program” button.

“由应用程序设置默认值”是最后一种方法,也是管理计算机上安装的应用程序处理哪些文件的最广泛的方法。 在这里,您会发现一张熟悉的面Kong,机器左侧可用的程序列表固定在左侧,各种命令列表将单独打开这些程序,并隐藏在“为此程序选择默认值”按钮下。

If you want to make things easy, all you’ll need to do is click “Set this program as default”, after which Windows will automatically set that program as the go-to for any protocols, links, or files it’s designed to open on its own. I.e- Microsoft Edge will swoop up any HTTP links, FTP commands, or attached PDFs.

如果您想使事情变得简单,则只需单击“将该程序设置为默认值”,然后Windows就会自动将该程序设置为它打算打开的任何协议,链接或文件的必选内容。在其自己的。 即,Microsoft Edge会弹出所有HTTP链接,FTP命令或附加的PDF。

如何在Windows 10中设置默认应用

If you want to dig in and get more particular about these commands, you can click the “Choose defaults for this program” option, which will take you to this prompt:


如何在Windows 10中设置默认应用

Here you’ll find a list of all the protocols and extensions that the app has been coded to recognize on its own. As an example, you can see below that the Edge browser is already set to look out for any links that contain the HTTP or HTTPS protocol, as well as files ending in .htm or .html. You’re free to pick and choose from these at your own discretion, in case you have multiple web applications that you’d like to spread responsibility around to based on personal preference or daily working requirements.

在这里,您会找到该应用程序已被编码以识别的所有协议和扩展的列表。 例如,您可以在下面看到Edge浏览器已设置为查找包含HTTP或HTTPS协议的任何链接,以及以.htm或.html结尾的文件。 如果您有多个Web应用程序希望根据个人喜好或日常工作需求将责任分散到其他应用程序中,则可以*选择并从中选择。

如何在Windows 10中设置默认应用

重置默认应用 (Reset Default Apps)

And as always, if your configurations get a bit too convoluted or you just want to send your account back into the same state as it was when you first booted up, resetting any changes is a quick and painless operation.


如何在Windows 10中设置默认应用

In the main Default Apps window, scroll down to the bottom of the sub-menu, and find the “Reset to Microsoft recommended defaults” option. Click the Reset button, and any alterations you’ve made to the options above will be undone in an instant.

在“默认应用程序”主窗口中,向下滚动到子菜单的底部,然后找到“重置为Microsoft建议的默认值”选项。 点击重置按钮,您对以上选项所做的任何更改都会立即撤消。

Microsoft has made a lot of changes to the way we manage our applications for the release of Windows 10, but thankfully there isn’t anything too confusing about making sure that your files open flawlessly in the programs you want them to every single time.

微软对Windows 10发行版中我们管理应用程序的方式进行了很多更改,但值得庆幸的是,确保您的文件每次都能完美地在您想要的程序中完美打开是没有什么让人困惑的。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/223144/how-to-set-your-default-apps-in-windows-10/