maya中将模型添加纹理_如何在Windows 10中将PIN添加到您的帐户

maya中将模型添加纹理_如何在Windows 10中将PIN添加到您的帐户


maya中将模型添加纹理_如何在Windows 10中将PIN添加到您的帐户

With each new version of Windows, new and innovative features are improving the total user experience in different ways. Windows 10 is quickly growing in popularity due in part to its innovative security features, and among these security options are new sign in options like the PIN code.

对于Windows的每个新版本,新的创新功能以不同的方式改善了总体用户体验。 Windows 10的流行是部分由于其创新的安全功能而Swift普及的,其中包括PIN码等新的登录选项。

You can enter a numeric PIN, or trace a pattern of gestures on a picture, or with appropriate hardware you can even use Windows Hello — a biometric sign-in method that scans your fingerprint, your face, or your iris. In this article, we’ll show you how to add a PIN to your account in Windows 10.

您可以输入数字PIN或跟踪图片上的手势模式,或者使用适当的硬件,甚至可以使用Windows Hello(一种生物特征登录方法,用于扫描指纹,脸部或虹膜)。 在本文中,我们将向您展示如何在Windows 10中向您的帐户添加PIN。

为什么使用PIN码是更好的选择 (Why Using a PIN is a Better Option )

If a password is compromised in some way, the person who has entered the system may have access to all platforms that are linked to that password. On the other hand, if a PIN is compromised, they can use it only on that device; they can’t use it to sign into your account on any other device.

如果以某种方式破坏了密码,则进入系统的人员可以访问链接到该密码的所有平台。 另一方面,如果PIN遭到破坏,他们只能在该设备上使用它; 他们无法使用它在任何其他设备上登录您的帐户。

In addition, the individual must be physically present in order to enter the PIN, and this is not the same with a password. If someone steals your computer they can’t sign in unless they know your PIN. Also, keep in mind that the PIN login feature is necessary if you want to take advantage of additional security features available in Windows 10 such as Windows Hello, the iris reader, or a fingerprint scanner.

另外,必须亲自在场才能输入PIN,这与密码不同。 如果有人窃取了您的计算机,则除非知道您的PIN,否则他们无法登录。 另外,请记住,如果要利用Windows 10中可用的其他安全功能(例如Windows Hello,虹膜读取器或指纹扫描仪),则PIN登录功能是必需的。

And, of course, a PIN is much easier to enter on a touchscreen device like the Surface tablet.


将PIN码添加到您的帐户 (Add a PIN to Your Account )

Open the “Settings” app, and click/tap on the “Accounts” icon. Click/tap on “Sign-in options” on the left side, and click/tap on the “Add” button under “PIN” on the right side.

打开“设置”应用,然后单击/点击“帐户”图标。 单击/点击左侧的“登录选项”,然后单击/点击右侧“ PIN”下方的“添加”按钮。

maya中将模型添加纹理_如何在Windows 10中将PIN添加到您的帐户

If prompted to verify your account password, enter your local account password and click/tap on “OK”.


maya中将模型添加纹理_如何在Windows 10中将PIN添加到您的帐户

If you have a Microsoft account, then enter your Microsoft account password and click/tap on “Sign in”. After entering your password to confirm your identity, enter the numbers in a dialog box. The minimum length is four digits (0–9 only; no letters or special characters allowed), but your PIN can be as long as you want. If you need to check what you’ve set at this point then select the icon to the right side of the dialog box. This will briefly reveal the number you’ve entered.

如果您拥有Microsoft帐户,请输入您的Microsoft帐户密码,然后单击/点击“登录”。 输入密码以确认您的身份后,在对话框中输入数字。 最小长度为四位数字(仅限0–9;不允许使用字母或特殊字符),但PIN可以根据需要设置。 如果需要检查此时的设置,请选择对话框右侧的图标。 这将简要显示您输入的号码。

maya中将模型添加纹理_如何在Windows 10中将PIN添加到您的帐户

The only criteria for choosing a PIN is that it must be at least four digits long. There are no limitations on maximum length or complexity. Here are some considerations before you choose a PIN:

选择PIN的唯一标准是,它必须至少四位数字长。 最大长度或复杂度没有限制。 选择PIN之前,请注意以下事项:

  • Using more digits will make the PIN harder to guess but make sure you can enter the PIN quickly and accurately, otherwise there’s little benefit over just using a password.

  • Using a simple PIN (0000, 0123, 1111, and so on) will make it very easy to guess; choose random numbers.

    使用简单的PIN(0000、0123、1111等)将很容易猜测; 选择随机数。
  • Reusing PINs from your bank accounts or credit card number should be avoided. Also, avoid using the same PIN on different devices.

    应避免重复使用银行帐户或信用卡号中的PIN码。 另外,请避免在不同设备上使用相同的PIN。

更改您的帐户的PIN码 (Change the PIN for Your Account )

Open the “Settings” app, and click/tap on the “Accounts” icon. Click/tap on “Sign-in options” on the left side, and click/tap on the “Change” button under “PIN” on the right side.

打开“设置”应用,然后单击/点击“帐户”图标。 单击/点击左侧的“登录选项”,然后单击/点击右侧“ PIN”下的“更改”按钮。

maya中将模型添加纹理_如何在Windows 10中将PIN添加到您的帐户

Enter your current PIN at the top, enter a new PIN and click/tap “OK”.


maya中将模型添加纹理_如何在Windows 10中将PIN添加到您的帐户

If you are unable to sign into Windows 10 with your PIN, you’ll be offered a link that says “Sign-in options.” When you choose that, you’re offered all of the sign-in options you’ve created so far: picture password, PIN, Windows Hello, and regular password.

如果您无法使用PIN登录Windows 10,则会为您提供一个“登录选项”链接。 选择该选项后,系统会为您提供到目前为止创建的所有登录选项:图片密码,PIN,Windows Hello和常规密码。

重置您的帐户的PIN码 (Reset the PIN for Your Account )

Open the “Settings” app, and click/tap on the “Accounts” icon. Click/tap on “Sign-in options” on the left side, and click/tap on the “I forgot my PIN” link under “PIN” on the right side.

打开“设置”应用,然后单击/点击“帐户”图标。 单击/点击左侧的“登录选项”,然后单击/点击右侧“ PIN”下的“我忘记了PIN”链接。

maya中将模型添加纹理_如何在Windows 10中将PIN添加到您的帐户

Verify your account password, and proceed setting up a new PIN. Remember, if you boot to Safe mode, you’ll be able to sign in with your password, and not with any other sign-in options. Concluding this article, it’s quite easy to setup a PIN and if you’ve not yet enabled it on your device, do it now.

验证您的帐户密码,然后继续设置新的PIN。 请记住,如果您启动到安全模式,则可以使用密码登录,而不能使用任何其他登录选项登录。 总结本文,设置PIN相当容易,如果您尚未在设备上启用PIN,请立即进行设置。

