


Through our connected games initiatives, we’re revamping how we can make networked games easier, more performant, and multiplayer-ready by default. To make these important changes, we need to start anew. That means existing multiplayer features will be gradually deprecated, with more performant, scalable, and secure technologies taking their place. But don’t worry – games with impacted features will have plenty of time to react.

通过我们的联网游戏计划,我们正在改进如何使联网游戏在默认情况下变得更轻松,更高效且支持多人游戏。 要进行这些重要的更改,我们需要重新开始。 这意味着现有的多人游戏功能将逐渐被淘汰,而更多的高性能,可扩展性和安全性技术将取代它们。 但请放心-具有受影响功能的游戏将有足够的时间做出React。

Update: As promised, we have been following  your feedback closely while building our new Connected Games solution. We’ve decided to extend UNet LLAPI critical support for an additional year from the original plan, to provide more transition time for developers. We’ve recently also updated our UNet Depreciation FAQs to address the concerns we’ve seen most feedback about, like transition timing. Head there to find out more (April 11, 2019).

更新:按照承诺,我们在构建新的Connected Games解决方案时会密切关注您的反馈。 我们已决定将UNet LLAPI关键支持从原始计划再延长一年,以为开发人员提供更多的过渡时间。 我们最近还更新了UNet折旧常见问题解答,以解决我们所看到的大多数反馈意见,例如过渡时间。 前往那里了解更多信息(2019年4月11日)。

Over the past few years we’ve offered Unity creators a set of multiplayer tools and services commonly referred to as “UNet.” UNet consists of two major components: Core networking (High Level API/HLAPI and Low Level API/LLAPI) and enabling services (Relay Server and Matchmaker). These features work together to enable peer-to-peer (P2P) multiplayer games.

在过去的几年中,我们为Unity创作者提供了一套通常称为“ UNet”的多人工具和服务 。 UNet由两个主要组件组成:核心网络(高级API / HLAPI和低级API / LLAPI)和启用服务(中继服务器和Matchmaker)。 这些功能共同作用以启用对等(P2P)多人游戏。

UNet has been a tremendous learning experience for all of us, and we’ve seen our community ship some incredible multiplayer games.


The journey of these games hasn’t been without challenges, however, and we’ve heard your feedback: Unity game developers need more than what the current version of UNet can offer. Notably, you want more-scalable and transparent core networking and fully supported server-authoritative games that enable the security, stability, and consistent performance required for all levels of success. The future at Unity holds great promise for large-scale projects that are networked-by-default with the Entity Component System (ECS).

但是,这些游戏的征途并非没有挑战,我们已经听到您的反馈:Unity游戏开发人员需要的不仅仅是当前版本的UNet所能提供的。 值得注意的是,您需要更具扩展性和透明性的核心网络以及受到完全支持的服务器权威游戏,这些游戏应具有成功所有级别所需的安全性,稳定性和一致的性能。 Unity的未来为大型项目提供了广阔的前景,这些项目默认情况下会与实体组件系统(ECS)联网。

To achieve these goals, a complete rethinking of our real-time multiplayer technology was required. Here’s our plan.

为了实现这些目标,需要重新考虑我们的实时多人游戏技术。 这是我们的计划。

UNet过渡概述 (UNet transition overview)

UNet powers many active games today, and we take this responsibility very seriously. As a result, we are ensuring the following long-term support for developers who depend on our existing technology:

UNet为当今许多活跃的游戏提供动力,我们非常重视这一责任。 因此,我们确保为依赖我们现有技术的开发人员提供以下长期支持:

  1. The HLAPI will no longer ship with Unity after 2018.4 (LTS): Critical fixes will be provided for two years following the 2018.4 (LTS) ship date, consistent with Unity’s Long-Term Support policy.


  2. The LLAPI will no longer ship with Unity after 2019.4 (LTS): Critical fixes will be provided for two years following the 2019.4 (LTS) ship date.


  3. Relay Server and Legacy Matchmaker Services: Continued operation for at least three years following 2018.4 (LTS) ship date, with a clear transition plan provided before this date.


While UNet features are being deprecated, next-generation networking features will be made available soon, including:


  1. New networking layer, which replaces existing UNet HLAPIs and LLAPIs. This will be DOTS compatible.

    新的网络层,取代了现有的UNet HLAPI和LLAPI。 这将与DOTS兼容。

  2. Game Server Hosting services from Multiplay, which replace the P2P-enabling Relay Server.

    Multiplay的 游戏服务器托管服务 替代了启用P2P的中继服务器。

  3. A new matchmaking service, which replaces the Legacy Matchmaker Service. The new service will work seamlessly with Multiplay’s Game Server Hosting.

    一项新的婚介服务,代替了传统的婚介服务。 这项新服务将与Multiplay的游戏服务器托管无缝配合。

For more on what we’re working on, check out our blog post on connected games. In addition to the features and services above, we’re working on a lean DOTS server runtime, and have recently added Vivox to the family, delivering voice and text chat for multiplayer games.

有关我们正在从事的工作的更多信息,请查看我们有关互联游戏的博客文章。 除了上面的功能和服务之外,我们还在精简DOTS服务器运行时上工作,并且最近将 Vivox 添加 到了该系列中,为多人游戏提供语音和文本聊天 。

保持联系 (Stay in touch)

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2018/08/02/evolving-multiplayer-games-beyond-unet/
