chrome取消单词校验_使用DictionaryTip查看Google Chrome中的单词定义

chrome取消单词校验_使用DictionaryTip查看Google Chrome中的单词定义


Do you need occasional quick access to a dictionary or thesaurus while browsing but find opening a new tab with the appropriate website a hassle? Now you can have quick and easy access in the same tab with the DictionaryTip extension for Chrome.

您是否需要在浏览时偶尔快速访问字典或同义词库,却发现麻烦打开具有相应网站的新标签? 现在,您可以在与Chromebook的DictionaryTip扩展名相同的选项卡中快速轻松地访问。

DictionaryTip in Action


For our example we left the default settings in place and used the mouse to access DictionaryTip. To use your mouse simply hover the cursor over a word as shown here…

对于我们的示例,我们保留了默认设置,并使用鼠标访问了DictionaryTip。 要使用鼠标,只需将光标悬停在单词上,如下所示……

chrome取消单词校验_使用DictionaryTip查看Google Chrome中的单词定义

Double click and the word is highlighted. Notice that there is also a small icon just below the highlighted word…to open the “Popup Reference Window” move your mouse over the icon.

双击并突出显示该单词。 请注意,突出显示的单词下方还有一个小图标……要打开“弹出参考窗口”,请将鼠标移到该图标上。

chrome取消单词校验_使用DictionaryTip查看Google Chrome中的单词定义

The “Popup Reference Window” will quickly appear and you will be able to move the window to a different location within the browser window if desired. The “Popup Reference Window” may also be resized to better suit your needs. Here you can see the definition for our example word from “”…

“弹出窗口参考窗口”将快速出现,并且您可以根据需要将窗口移至浏览器窗口中的其他位置。 还可以调整“弹出窗口参考窗口”的大小,以更好地满足您的需求。 在这里,您可以从“”看到示例单词的定义…

chrome取消单词校验_使用DictionaryTip查看Google Chrome中的单词定义

If you prefer to use one of the other services you may change to it using the drop-down menu.


chrome取消单词校验_使用DictionaryTip查看Google Chrome中的单词定义

The definition for our example word from “”.


chrome取消单词校验_使用DictionaryTip查看Google Chrome中的单词定义

Perhaps you would prefer a synonym or antonym instead? Use the secondary drop-down menu to select “thesaurus”.

也许您更希望使用同义词或反义词? 使用辅助下拉菜单选择“同义词库”。

chrome取消单词校验_使用DictionaryTip查看Google Chrome中的单词定义

And just like that you will have a listing of both synonyms or antonyms for the word in question. Notice that even here there is still a brief definition provided.

就像这样,您将同时列出有问题的单词的同义词或反义词。 请注意,即使在这里,仍然提供了简要定义。

chrome取消单词校验_使用DictionaryTip查看Google Chrome中的单词定义



In the options you will be able to make changes in how you activate DictionaryTip using your mouse or the keyboard shortcut. You will also be able to specify which services are available for reference and add custom sites if desired.

在选项中,您将能够使用鼠标或键盘快捷键来更改如何**DictionaryTip。 您还可以指定哪些服务可供参考,并根据需要添加自定义站点。

chrome取消单词校验_使用DictionaryTip查看Google Chrome中的单词定义



If you need an easy way to look up a definition, synonym, and/or antonym for a word while browsing then this is definitely a great extension to have added to your browser.




Download the DictionaryTip extension (Google Chrome Extensions)

下载DictionaryTip扩展程序(Google Chrome扩展程序)

