chrome禁用缓存_是否可以完全禁用Google Chrome中的书签栏?

chrome禁用缓存_是否可以完全禁用Google Chrome中的书签栏?


chrome禁用缓存_是否可以完全禁用Google Chrome中的书签栏?

While you can easily deactivate the bookmarks bar in Google Chrome and not see it during normal browsing, it does reappear regardless of your settings when opening new tab pages. So how do you make it completely disappear? Today’s SuperUser Q&A post discusses some options to help a frustrated reader deal with the bookmarks bar.

尽管您可以轻松停用Google Chrome浏览器中的书签栏,并且在正常浏览过程中看不到它,但是无论您在打开新标签页时进行了何种设置,它都会重新出现。 那么如何使它完全消失呢? 今天的SuperUser Q&A帖子讨论了一些选项,以帮助沮丧的读者处理书签栏。

Today’s Question & Answer session comes to us courtesy of SuperUser—a subdivision of Stack Exchange, a community-driven grouping of Q&A web sites.

今天的“问答”环节由SuperUser提供,它是Stack Exchange的一个分支,该社区是由社区驱动的Q&A网站分组。

问题 (The Question)

SuperUser reader nowox wants to know if it is possible to completely disable the bookmarks bar in Google Chrome:

超级用户阅读器nowox想知道是否可以完全禁用Google Chrome浏览器中的书签栏:

I would like to completely disable the bookmarks bar in Google Chrome, but I am unable to find any information on the Internet that shows me how to do this. If I disable the bookmarks bar, it still appears as an embedded bar on the “new tab/search” page.

我想完全禁用Google Chrome浏览器中的书签栏,但是我无法在Internet上找到任何显示该操作方法的信息。 如果我禁用书签栏,它仍会在“新标签页/搜索”页面上显示为嵌入式栏。

chrome禁用缓存_是否可以完全禁用Google Chrome中的书签栏?

If I right click and select “Show bookmarks bar”, I see this:


chrome禁用缓存_是否可以完全禁用Google Chrome中的书签栏?

If I go to the bookmarks manager and delete all the useless bookmarks, I still see the bookmarks bar:


chrome禁用缓存_是否可以完全禁用Google Chrome中的书签栏?

How can I completely disable it?


Is it possible to completely disable the bookmarks bar in Google Chrome?

是否可以完全禁用Google Chrome浏览器中的书签栏?

答案 (The Answer)

SuperUser contributors CustomX and deltab have the answer for us. First up, CustomX:

超级用户贡献者CustomX和deltab为我们找到了答案。 首先,CustomX:

From what I know and have found in the past, it is impossible to completely remove the embedded bookmarks bar from the “new tab/search” page. Even if you have the “Show bookmarks bar” option disabled in Google Chrome, it will still show an alternative embedded version of the bar within the “new tab/search” page.

根据我过去的了解和发现,不可能从“新选项卡/搜索”页面上完全删除嵌入式书签栏。 即使您在Google Chrome浏览器中禁用了“显示书签栏”选项,它仍会在“新标签页/搜索”页中显示该栏的替代嵌入式版本。

You do have two options:


  • Move your bookmarks from the bookmarks bar to a different folder (Bookmarks > Bookmark manager).

    将书签从书签栏移动到其他文件夹(“ 书签”>“书签管理器” )。

  • Set up a home page other than the “new tab/search” page so that when you start Google Chrome, you will not see the bookmarks bar.

    设置除“新标签页/搜索”页以外的主页,以便在启动Google Chrome浏览器时不会看到书签栏。

Followed by the answer from deltab:


Google Chrome’s default “new tab/search” page (NTP) always shows the bookmarks bar, even if you turn it off for all other web pages. You can, however, install browser extensions that replace the “new tab/search” page. The replacements for the “new tab/search” page do not automatically display the bookmarks bar (but can do so with some extra programming).

Google Chrome的默认“新标签页/搜索”页(NTP)始终显示书签栏,即使您对所有其他网页都将其关闭。 但是,您可以安装替换“新标签页/搜索”页面的浏览器扩展。 “新标签页/搜索”页面的替换项不会自动显示书签栏(但是可以通过一些额外的编程来显示)。

For example, Google’s Earth View extension does not show the bookmarks bar whereas Pinterest’s extension does display it.

例如,Google的Earth View扩展程序不显示书签栏,而Pinterest扩展程序却显示书签栏。

Have something to add to the explanation? Sound off in the comments. Want to read more answers from other tech-savvy Stack Exchange users? Check out the full discussion thread here.

有什么补充说明吗? 在评论中听起来不错。 是否想从其他精通Stack Exchange的用户那里获得更多答案? 在此处查看完整的讨论线程

