谷歌chrome xp_什么是Google Chrome?

谷歌chrome xp_什么是Google Chrome?

谷歌chrome xp

Google Chrome is a web browser developed by Google. Google Chrome provides access to web pages on the web. As of June 2020, Google Chrome is the most popular web browser in the world with the market share around 60%.

Google Chrome浏览器是Google开发的网络浏览器。 Google Chrome浏览器可以访问网络上的网页。 截至2020年6月,谷歌浏览器是世界上最受欢迎的网络浏览器,市场份额约为60%。

Google Chrome历史记录 (Google Chrome History)

Google Chrome rumors are first appered in Spetember 2004 but the release announcement take 4 years where first release is announced September 2008.

Google Chrome的传闻最早是在2004年9月发布的,但该发布声明需要4年的时间,而2008年9月则发布了第一版。

  • First Google Chrome released made available September 2, 2008, with 43 different language support.

    首款Google Chrome浏览器于2008年9月2日发布,支持43种语言。
  • In two months Google Chrome gained 1%of the market share.

  • With Google Chrome version 5.0 MacOSX and Linux are supported in May 2010.

    使用Google Chrome版本5.0于2010年5月支持MacOSX和Linux。
  • On January 11, 2011, Google Chrome removed H.264 codec supports for the HTML 5 player which mainly uses open codec. In February 2012, Google Chrome for Android 4.0 devices was released.

    2011年1月11日,谷歌浏览器删除了对HTML 5播放器的H.264编解码器支持,该播放器主要使用开放式编解码器。 2012年2月,发布了适用于Android 4.0设备的Google Chrome。

Google Chrome无痕模式 (Google Chrome Incognito Mode)

Google Chrome provides the “Incognito Mode” which is also called “Private Browsing” or “Private Mode” in other browsers. Incognito Mode is used to surf the web without storing any information persistently. This can be useful to protect privacy. In the incognito mode, no information about cookies, site data, form inputs, and browsing history is stored.

Google Chrome浏览器提供了“隐身模式”,在其他浏览器中也称为“私人浏览”或“私人模式”。 隐身模式用于上网浏览而无需持久存储任何信息。 这对于保护隐私很有用。 在隐身模式下,不会存储有关cookie,站点数据,表单输入和浏览历史记录的信息。

谷歌chrome xp_什么是Google Chrome?
Google Chrome Incognito Mode
Google Chrome无痕模式

Google Chrome开发人员工具(Google Chrome Developer Tools)

Google Chrome provides a very useful feature named Developer Tools which is mainly used for web application development purposes on Google Chrome. Developer tools can be opened from the Menu-> More Tools -> Developer Tools or by using CTRL+SHIFT+I keyboard shortcut.

谷歌浏览器提供了一个very useful feature称为Developer Tools ,主要用于在谷歌浏览器上进行Web应用程序开发。 可以从菜单->更多工具->开发人员工具或使用CTRL+SHIFT+I键盘快捷键打开开发人员工具。

谷歌chrome xp_什么是Google Chrome?
Google Chrome Developer Tools
Google Chrome开发人员工具

Developer Tools provides followin features and screens.


Elements menu is used to show HTML, CSS, JavaScript code and manipulate them. The changed new version is immediately showed visually.

Elements菜单用于显示HTML,CSS,JavaScript代码并进行操作。 更改后的新版本将立即以视觉方式显示。

了解更多信息如何在所有平台上为所有浏览器打开私人浏览? (Chrome,Edge,Firefox,Safari,Windows上的Opera,Linux,MacOSX,Android,iOS)

Console is used to run JavaScript code and script which can be useful to make checks and test.


Sources tab show the HTML, CSS, JavaScript files as well as remote resurces.


Network provides information about the network requests, load time while loading a web page.


Performance tab shows performance related metrics to load and run different components and scripts.


Google Chrome功能 (Google Chrome Features)

Google Chrome is a very advanced web browser which support different features and standards. Even Google Chrome features can be extended with extensions following features that are provided as builtin by Google Chrome.

Google Chrome浏览器是一种非常先进的网络浏览器,支持不同的功能和标准。 甚至Google Chrome功能也可以通过Google Chrome内置提供的功能进行扩展。

JavaScript,CSS,HTML5支持 (JavaScript, CSS, HTML5 Support)

Google Chrome has very good support for the JavaScript/ECMAScript start and different versions. Also, the official CSS 2.1 test is passed with the 99% score. For HTML5 test Google Chrome passed all other web browsers with a score of 518 out of 555 points.

Google Chrome对JavaScript / ECMAScript开始和不同版本提供了很好的支持。 另外,官方CSS 2.1测试以99%的分数通过。 对于HTML5测试,谷歌浏览器以555分的总分518通过了所有其他网络浏览器。

安全 (Security)

Google Chrome has an integrated blacklist for phishing and malware detection and warns users about suspicious web sites and URLs. Google Also uses a sandbox in order to isolate processes and tabs. Google Chrome also shows non-HTTPS sites as insecure.

Google Chrome浏览器具有用于网络钓鱼和恶意软件检测的集成黑名单,并警告用户有关可疑网站和URL的信息。 Google还使用沙箱来隔离进程和标签。 Google Chrome浏览器还将非HTTPS网站显示为不安全。

密码管理 (Password Management)

Another popular and useful feature for password management. Password managers used to store sensitive information like usernames and passwords in a protected way to be used in Google Chrome. The password manager is supported for Windows, Linux, MacOSX operating systems.

密码管理的另一个流行且有用的功能。 密码管理器曾经以受保护的方式存储敏感信息,例如用户名和密码,以便在Google Chrome中使用。 Windows,Linux,MacOSX操作系统支持密码管理器。

谷歌搜索 (Google Search)

Google Chrome provides the Google Search as a default search engine which can be called from the address bar directly without navigating to the Google Search URL which is

Google Chrome提供了Google搜索作为默认搜索引擎,可以直接从地址栏中调用它,而无需导航到Google搜索URL,即。

了解更多关于什么:空白? 如何添加或删除有关:空白?

Google Chrome插件或扩展程序 (Google Chrome Plugins or Extensions)

Even Google Chrome is very advanced browser with its builtin features is can be also extended with the 3rd party extensions or plugins. Google Chrome terminology uses the “Extension” where other browsers may call it as “Plugin”. Google Chrome Extensions can be downloaded and installed with a single click from the “Chrome Web Store”.

即使是Google Chrome浏览器,它具有内置功能的非常先进的浏览器,也可以通过3rd party扩展程序或插件进行扩展。 Google Chrome术语使用“扩展名”,其他浏览器可能将其称为“插件”。 只需单击“ Chrome Web Store”即可下载和安装Google Chrome扩展程序。

Chrome Web Store provides a lot of useful and popular plugins like One Note, Zoom, Hangouts, Office, Google Drive, Dropbox, Evernote, Pocket, Pinterest etc.

Chrome网上应用店提供了许多有用且流行的插件,例如One Note,Zoom,Hangouts,Office,Google Drive,Dropbox,Evernote,Pocket,Pinterest等。

谷歌chrome xp_什么是Google Chrome?
Chrome Web Store

如何获取谷歌浏览器?(How To Get Google Chrome?)

Google Chrome is a free web browser that can be installed on different operating systems and platforms like Windows, Linux, MacOSX, Android, iOS, etc. Google Chrome update is automatically detected and installed where the user only needs to close and reopen the Google Chrome web browser. Google Chrome supports both 32 and 64 bit operating systems in most of the cases.

Google Chrome是一种免费的网络浏览器,可以安装在Windows,Linux,MacOSX,Android,iOS等不同的操作系统和平台上。系统会自动检测并安装Google Chrome更新,用户只需关闭并重新打开Goog​​le Chrome网页浏览器。 在大多数情况下,Chrome浏览器都支持32位和64位操作系统。

  • MacOS X 10.10 and later versions

    MacOS X 10.10及更高版本
  • Windows 7/8/20 64-bit

    Windows 7/8/20 64位
  • Windows 7/8/20 32-bit

    Windows 7/8/20 32位


谷歌chrome xp