



Google Sheets add-ons work similarly to browser extensions. They are third-party apps you install to Sheets to gain additional features. Some add-ons increase productivity, and some add more extensive capabilities. Here’s how to get started.

Google表格加载项的工作方式与浏览器扩展类似。 它们是您安装到Sheets以获得其他功能的第三方应用程序。 一些附加组件可提高生产率,而另一些则可提供更广泛的功能。 这是入门方法。

安装附加组件 (Installing an Add-On)

To get an add-on, open a new or existing file in Google Sheets, click “Add-ons,” and then click “Get add-ons.”



You can browse the list of all add-ons, use the drop-down menu to sort by category or search using the search bar. Once you find an add-on you like, click the “Free” button to install the add-on (if it’s a paid add-on, this button will reflect the purchase price).

您可以浏览所有加载项的列表,使用下拉菜单按类别排序或使用搜索栏进行搜索。 找到您喜欢的附件后,单击“免费”按钮以安装附件(如果是付费附件,则此按钮将反映购买价格)。


Upon installing add-ons, you need to grant them specific permissions. These are fundamental to the operation of the add-on to function correctly. Make sure you fully understand the permissions and trust the developer before installing any add-on.

安装加载项后,需要授予他们特定的权限。 这些是插件正常运行的基础。 在安装任何附加组件之前,请确保您完全理解权限并信任开发人员。

Click “Allow.”



After you’ve installed an add-on, click on “Add-ons,” point to the one you want to use, and then click either “Start” or “Open.” This launches the add-on or docks the sidebar to your window.

安装加载项后,单击“加载项”,指向要使用的加载项,然后单击“开始”或“打开”。 这将启动附加组件或将侧栏停靠在窗口中。


删除附加组件 (Removing an Add-On)

If you no longer need an add-on, it’s easy to remove from Google Sheets.


From your document, click “Add-ons,” then click “Manage Add-ons.”



In the window that pops up, scroll down to the add-on you’d like to remove, click the green “Manage” button, and then click “Remove.”



The selected add-on is removed, and the manage button is now replaced with the blue “Free” install button.



我们最喜欢的附加组件 (Our Favorite Add-Ons)

Now, with the how-to stuff out of the way, let’s move on to some of our favorite add-ons.


电动工具:自动完成繁琐的任务 (Power Tools: Automate Tedious Tasks)


Power Tools is a set of 20+ features to help you complete common and the most tedious and complex tasks. Each tool is designed to make data processing easy for everyone. Reduce clicks on repeated tasks by keeping track of the formulas and operations you use most so you can quickly re-apply a set of actions to different ranges. But that’s not all; you can find duplicate or unique entries, match and merge data, compare sheets, split text, and so much more.

Power Tools具有20多种功能,可帮助您完成常见,最繁琐和最复杂的任务。 每个工具都旨在简化每个人的数据处理。 通过跟踪最常用的公式和运算来减少重复任务的点击,从而可以将一组操作快速地重新应用到不同的范围。 但这还不是全部。 您可以找到重复或唯一的条目,匹配和合并数据,比较工作表,拆分文本等等。

Power Tools is free for the first 30 days, $43 for the year, and $90 for a lifetime license.

电动工具的前30天免费,一年$ 43,终身许可证$ 90。

Doctopus:“分发”文档 (Doctopus: “Hand Out” Documents)


Doctopus is built with teachers in mind. It gives you the ability to copy and “hand out” your Google Drive files to a specified roster of students, leaving you in full control over how you manage your assignments.

Doctopus在构建时就考虑到了教师。 它使您能够将Google云端硬盘文件复制并“分发”到指定的学生名单中,从而完全控制您如何管理作业。

When used in conjunction with the  Goobric (Google + rubric) Chrome extension, Doctopus lets you create rubrics and shorten the time it takes to read, comment, and grade student’s work using rubrics, even leave audio commentary about a student’s work.

Goobric (Google + rubric)Chrome扩展程序结合使用时,Doctopus可使您创建指标,并缩短使用指标阅读,评论和评分学生作品所需的时间,甚至可以留下有关学生作品的音频评论。

Doctopus is 100% free to use.


WolframAlpha:查找事实并计算公式 (WolframAlpha: Find Facts and Compute Formulas)


It’s hard enough these days to get anything done on your computer without the distractions of opening a new tab and getting lost in a rabbit hole that is the internet. With the help of WolframAlpha’s free add-on, you never have to leave Google Sheets to search the internet for mathematical computations, science & technology questions, historical facts, and so on.

这些天来,很难在计算机上完成任何事情,而又不会打扰打开新标签页并迷失在互联网的兔子洞中。 借助WolframAlpha的免费插件 ,您无需离开Goog​​le表格即可在互联网上搜索数学计算,科学和技术问题,历史事实等等。

WolframAlpha uses vast databases and algorithms to answer questions, do analysis and generate reports for just about anything you can think of or may need to know. In your spreadsheet, select any text or cells you want to compute—or even just find more information about—then from the WolframAlpha add-on menu, click “Compute Selection with Wolfram Alpha” to replace the selected text with its results.

WolframAlpha使用庞大的数据库和算法来回答问题,进行分析并生成关于您可以想到或可能需要知道的任何内容的报告。 在电子表格中,选择要计算的任何文本或单元格,甚至只是找到有关的更多信息,然后从WolframAlpha附加菜单中,单击“使用Wolfram Alpha计算选择”,以其结果替换所选文本。


超度量:生成业务报告 (Supermetrics: Generate Business Reports)


Supermetrics is a powerful add-on that transforms your Google Sheets into a complete business reporting system, with integration using SEM, SEO, web analytics, and social media. Pull data across multiple sites into one spreadsheet, saving you time and effort comparing data across portfolios. It connects analytics tools like Google Analytics, AdWords, Facebook Ads, Twitter Ads, Amazon Ads, Instagram, and many more.

Supermetrics是一个功能强大的插件,可通过使用SEM,SEO,网络分析和社交媒体进行集成,将您的Google表格转化为一个完整的业务报告系统。 将多个站点中的数据收集到一个电子表格中,从而节省了您比较多个投资组合中的数据的时间和精力。 它连接了Google Analytics(分析),AdWords,Facebook Ads,Twitter Ads,Amazon Ads,Instagram等分析工具。

To import data, you can apply filters only to choose fields you want to be added to your spreadsheet. Spreadsheets are then updated automatically, keeping all your data up to date. Afterward, you can set up automatic emailing to send out PDF, Excel, CSV or HTML formats, even give access to your reports with Google’s share options.

要导入数据,您只能将过滤器应用于选择要添加到电子表格中的字段。 然后,电子表格会自动更新,使您的所有数据保持最新。 之后,您可以设置自动电子邮件发送PDF,Excel,CSV或HTML格式,甚至可以使用Google的共享选项访问报告。

Supermetrics is free for 14 days; afterward, you can continue to use it for free with limited features or upgrade to the Pro or Super Pro versions for $69/user/month and $149/user/month respectively.

Supermetrics免费使用14天; 之后,您可以继续免费使用功能有限的版本,或升级到Pro或Super Pro版本,价格分别为$ 69 /用户/月和$ 149 /用户/月。

Twitter存档器:将推文保存到工作表 (Twitter Archiver: Save Tweets to Sheets)


Twitter Archiver lets you easily save tweets to Google Sheets using any keyword or hashtag. After you enter a search query, all tweets that match your query are saved to your Google Sheets spreadsheet automatically. Save tweets around trending hashtags, your brand mentions, geo-tagged tweets, and more.

通过Twitter Archiver ,您可以使用任何关键字或#标签将推文轻松保存到Google表格中。 输入搜索查询后,所有与查询匹配的推文都会自动保存到Google表格电子表格中。 在热门标签,您的品牌提及,带有地理标签的推文等周围保存推文。

Twitter Archiver is free to use, though a premium account has access to capture more search terms, more Twitter rules, and decreased polling cooldown. Free users poll Twitter once per hour, while premium users poll every 10-15 minutes. A premium membership will run you $29/year to subscribe.

Twitter Archiver是免费使用的,尽管高级帐户可以捕获更多搜索词,更多Twitter规则并减少轮询时间。 免费用户每小时对Twitter进行一次轮询,而高级用户每10-15分钟进行一次轮询。 高级会员将使您每年需要支付29美元。

模板库:查找出色的模板 (Template Gallery: Find Great Templates)


Save time using professionally designed templates for your Google Sheets spreadsheets with Template Gallery. Choose from calendars, schedules, time sheets, financial calculators, invoices, and many more. After clicking a template you want, the add-on saves a copy of the template directly to your Google Drive’s root folder.

节省时间使用专业设计的模板与您的谷歌试算表模板库 。 从日历,时间表,时间表,财务计算器,发票等中进行选择。 单击所需的模板后,附加组件会将模板的副本直接保存到Google云端硬盘的根文件夹中。

Template Gallery is completely free to use.


另一个邮件合并 (Yet Another Mail Merge)


Yet Another Mail Merge (YAMM) lets you send emails based on templates to your contacts, automates email campaigns, and tracks the emails you send. It’s as easy as importing all your contacts into a Sheets document, creating a draft email template in Gmail, then launching the add-on. You can even customize the email’s content directly from your spreadsheet using markup commands, personalizing each email to a specific person.

然而,另一个邮件合并 (YAMM)允许您将基于模板的电子邮件发送给您的联系人,自动执行电子邮件活动并跟踪您发送的电子邮件。 就像将您的所有联系人导入到表格文档中一样简单,在Gmail中创建电子邮件草稿模板,然后启动附件。 您甚至可以直接使用标记命令从电子表格中自定义电子邮件的内容,从而将每封电子邮件个性化给特定的人。

YAMM is free to use for 50 emails per day. Paid plans start from $28/year and include scheduled delivery and sending up to 400 emails per day.

YAMM每天免费使用50封电子邮件。 付费计划的起步价为每年28美元,包括定期递送和每天发送多达400封电子邮件。

猎人:查找电子邮件地址 (Hunter: Find Email Addresses)


Hunter for Google Sheets easily finds email addresses of any domain, then populates your document with its results. Find the professional email addresses of people in a fraction of a second, helping you enrich your database of emails. Hunter uses a large number of signals to find the most probable email addresses of anyone.

Hunter for Google Sheets可以轻松找到任何域的电子邮件地址,然后将其结果填充到您的文档中。 在不到一秒钟的时间内即可找到人员的专业电子邮件地址,从而帮助您丰富电子邮件数据库。 Hunter使用大量信号来查找任何人中最可能的电子邮件地址。

Enter the domain of the company you want to retrieve email addresses from, and Hunter adds them all to your Sheets document along with a score showing how confident they are it is correct, and the type.


Hunter is free to use for up to 20 searches per month. Paid accounts range from $34/month for 1,000 searches and up to $279 per month for 50,000 searches and CSV downloads.

猎人每月可免费使用多达20个搜索。 付费帐户的价格范围从每月34美元(1,000次搜索)到每月279美元(50,000次搜索和CSV下载)不等。

