chrome 标签静音_如何在Chrome,Safari和Firefox中使各个浏览器标签静音

chrome 标签静音_如何在Chrome,Safari和Firefox中使各个浏览器标签静音

chrome 标签静音

chrome 标签静音_如何在Chrome,Safari和Firefox中使各个浏览器标签静音

Modern desktop web browsers—Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Apple Safari—all allow you to mute individual browser tabs in just a few clicks. Even Microsoft Edge allows you to mute browser tabs, although Microsoft could make this a lot easier.

现代的桌面Web浏览器(Google Chrome,Mozilla Firefox和Apple Safari)都使您只需单击几下即可使各个浏览器选项卡静音。 即使Microsoft Edge允许您使浏览器选项卡静音,尽管Microsoft可以使此操作变得容易得多。

This is useful if a tab starts playing music or video and you want to mute it temporarily. In most cases, it just takes a click or two. If you want something more robust that can automaticaly mute tabs for you, though, we have a separate guide for that.

如果标签页开始播放音乐或视频并且您想暂时将其静音,则此功能很有用。 在大多数情况下,只需点击一下即可。 但是,如果您想要更强大的功能,可以自动使标签静音,那么我们有单独的指南

谷歌浏览器 (Google Chrome)

To mute a browser tab in Google Chrome, right-click it and select “Mute Site.” This will mute all tabs from the site in the future.

要使Chrome浏览器中的浏览器标签静音,请右键单击该标签,然后选择“静音网站”。 这将使以后站点中的所有选项卡静音。

To unmute them, right-click one of that site’s tabs and click “Unmute SIte.”


chrome 标签静音_如何在Chrome,Safari和Firefox中使各个浏览器标签静音

In older versions of Google Chrome, you could just click on the speaker icon that appears on a tab that is playing audio. You’d see a line through it, and the tab would be muted. Now, you have to use the context menu option instead.

在旧版的Google Chrome浏览器中,您只需单击播放音频的标签上显示的扬声器图标即可。 您会看到一条通过它的线,并且该选项卡将被静音。 现在,您必须改为使用上下文菜单选项。

火狐浏览器 (Mozilla Firefox)

To mute a browser tab in Firefox, right-click the tab and select “Mute Tab”. As in Chrome, you’ll see a crossed-out speaker icon appear to the left of the “x” button on the browser tab.

要使Firefox中的浏览器标签静音,请右键单击该标签,然后选择“静音标签”。 与在Chrome中一样,您会在浏览器标签上的“ x”按钮的左侧看到一个划线的扬声器图标。

chrome 标签静音_如何在Chrome,Safari和Firefox中使各个浏览器标签静音

Like in Chrome, it’s easy to find which browser tabs are making noise—just look for the speaker icon. You can also preemptively mute a tab before it starts making noise. You can also simply left-click the speaker icon to toggle sound on and off for that tab.

像在Chrome中一样,很容易找到导致噪声的浏览器选项卡-只需查找扬声器图标即可。 您也可以在制表符开始发出声音之前先使其静音。 您也可以简单地用鼠标左键单击扬声器图标以打开和关闭该选项卡的声音。

苹果Safari (Apple Safari)

In Safari on a Mac, you can mute a tab in multiple different ways. While the current active tab is playing sound, a speaker icon will appear in Safari’s location bar. Click it to toggle sound on and off for the tab.

在Mac上的Safari中,您可以通过多种不同方式使标签静音。 当前的活动选项卡在播放声音时,扬声器图标将出现在Safari的位置栏中。 单击它可以打开和关闭选项卡的声音。

chrome 标签静音_如何在Chrome,Safari和Firefox中使各个浏览器标签静音

You can also right-click any tab and select “Mute Tab”, or just left-click the speaker icon that appears at the right side of the tab.


微软Edge (Microsoft Edge)

Microsoft Edge also displays a speaker icon on browser tabs when that tab is playing sound. However, there’s no way to actually mute the tabs from within Edge.

当该选项卡正在播放声音时,Microsoft Edge还会在浏览器选项卡上显示扬声器图标。 但是,无法从Edge内部实际静音选项卡。

There is a way to mute individual Edge browser tabs, however. To do so, right-click the speaker icon in the notification area at the bottom right corner of your screen and select “Open Volume Mixer”.

但是,有一种方法可以使各个Edge浏览器选项卡静音。 为此,请在屏幕右下角的通知区域中右键单击扬声器图标,然后选择“打开音量混合器”。

chrome 标签静音_如何在Chrome,Safari和Firefox中使各个浏览器标签静音

Scroll to the right in the Volume Mixer window and look for the Edge browser tab playing sound. Different browser tabs will appear separately here. Click the speaker icon below the name of the page to mute it.

“音量混合器”窗口中 ,向右滚动,然后查找播放声音的Edge浏览器选项卡。 不同的浏览器选项卡将在此处单独显示。 单击页面名称下方的扬声器图标将其静音。

To unmute the tab, you will need to either close and reopen the browser tab or return here and click the speaker icon once again.


chrome 标签静音_如何在Chrome,Safari和Firefox中使各个浏览器标签静音

Hopefully, Microsoft will one day add a more integrated tab-muting feature to Microsoft Edge. For now, this is the only option besides muting your PC or switching to another browser.

希望微软将来有一天会向Microsoft Edge添加一个更加集成的Tab静音功能。 目前,除了静音PC或切换到其他浏览器之外,这是唯一的选择。


chrome 标签静音