chrome点击书签栏书签_在Google Chrome浏览器中使用工具栏按钮访问您的书签

chrome点击书签栏书签_在Google Chrome浏览器中使用工具栏按钮访问您的书签


Would you love to reduce the Bookmarks Toolbar to a single button in Chrome and have the extra screen real-estate? Now you can with the addition of a simple command line switch.

您是否希望将书签工具栏缩小为Chrome中的单个按钮,并拥有更多的屏幕空间? 现在,您可以添加一个简单的命令行开关。



There it is…the same old Bookmarks Toolbar that we have been looking at far too long. Time to do something about that and get that UI more streamlined!

那里是…我们使用了很长时间的同一旧书签工具栏。 是时候做些什么,使UI更加简化了!

chrome点击书签栏书签_在Google Chrome浏览器中使用工具栏按钮访问您的书签

Get Chrome Set Up for the Bookmarks Toolbar Button


You only need to do a little bit of prep work to get Chrome ready for your new beautiful Bookmarks Toolbar Button. Locate the shortcut(s) for Chrome and right click on them. Select “Properties”.

您只需要做一点准备工作就可以为新的漂亮的书签工具栏按钮准备好Chrome。 找到Chrome的快捷方式,然后右键单击它们。 选择“属性”。

chrome点击书签栏书签_在Google Chrome浏览器中使用工具栏按钮访问您的书签

Once you have clicked through, you will see the “Properties” window with the “Shortcut” tab displayed.


chrome点击书签栏书签_在Google Chrome浏览器中使用工具栏按钮访问您的书签

In the address area for “Target:” you will need to add the following command to the end of the target path making certain to leave a single space in between the final quote mark and the bookmark menu command.

在“目标:”的地址区域中,您需要在目标路径的末尾添加以下命令, 并确保在最终引号和书签菜单命令之间保留一个空格

chrome点击书签栏书签_在Google Chrome浏览器中使用工具栏按钮访问您的书签

Here is an example of what the the target path should look like…


chrome点击书签栏书签_在Google Chrome浏览器中使用工具栏按钮访问您的书签

Or as an example, here is what your target path could look like if you happen to be adventurous and have enabled multiple command line switches like we have on our example system.


chrome点击书签栏书签_在Google Chrome浏览器中使用工具栏按钮访问您的书签

Once you have that finished, click “Apply”, then “OK”.



Look at that beautiful little button! Easy access to all of your bookmarks without a clunky toolbar in the way. Have fun with your new toolbar button!

看看那个漂亮的小按钮! 无需笨拙的工具栏,即可轻松访问所有书签。 玩转您的新工具栏按钮吧!

chrome点击书签栏书签_在Google Chrome浏览器中使用工具栏按钮访问您的书签

Works On: Google Chrome versions 2.x – 4.x.

适用于: Google Chrome版本2.x –4.x。

Installed On: Windows Vista (32 bit), Service Pack 2

安装于: Windows Vista(32位),Service Pack 2

