如何在PlayStation 4或Pro上设置自定义壁纸

如何在PlayStation 4或Pro上设置自定义壁纸

With the recent software update to version 4.50, Sony added something to the PlayStation 4 and Pro that has long been requested: the option to set custom wallpapers. Here’s how to make it happen.

随着最新的软件更新到版本4.50,索尼向PlayStation 4和Pro添加了一些长期以来人们所要求的功能:设置自定义壁纸的选项。 这是实现它的方法。

First, make sure your PlayStation 4 is running the latest update—version 4.50. At this point, it should be, but check just in case.

首先,请确保您的PlayStation 4运行最新的更新-版本4.50。 在这一点上应该是,但以防万一。

Good? Good. Go ahead and jump into the Settings menu—it’s the luggage-looking icon in the function area.

好? 好。 继续并进入“设置”菜单-它是功能区域中看上去很象行李的图标。

如何在PlayStation 4或Pro上设置自定义壁纸

From here, scroll down to “Themes” and click into this menu.


如何在PlayStation 4或Pro上设置自定义壁纸

Choose “Select Theme.”


如何在PlayStation 4或Pro上设置自定义壁纸

Scroll down to “Custom.” It should be at the bottom of the list.

向下滚动到“自定义”。 它应该在列表的底部。

如何在PlayStation 4或Pro上设置自定义壁纸

To choose your background image, use the “Select image” option. At the current time, you can only choose from Screenshots that have been saved on the PS4, but it’s a solid start—and you can turn any image into a PS4 screenshot using this method.

要选择背景图像,请使用“选择图像”选项。 目前,您只能从已保存在PS4上的屏幕截图中进行选择,但这是一个可靠的开始-您可以使用此方法将任何图像转换为PS4屏幕截图

如何在PlayStation 4或Pro上设置自定义壁纸

Scroll through and select the screenshot you’d like to use. It’s pretty simple.

滚动浏览并选择您要使用的屏幕截图。 很简单

如何在PlayStation 4或Pro上设置自定义壁纸

There are also a handful of other tweaks here, like the option to make the Function Area dim—it basically makes this area easier to see since the icons are fairly small.


如何在PlayStation 4或Pro上设置自定义壁纸

You can also choose which color you’d like for the menus and whatnot to be, so you can get things to be all matchy-matchy if you’re into that.


如何在PlayStation 4或Pro上设置自定义壁纸

Once you have everything set the way you want it to be, click Apply to finalize it.


如何在PlayStation 4或Pro上设置自定义壁纸

Bam, you’re done. Sure, these custom themes are limited in what they can do, but it’s still better than having to choose from the pre-made options (though many of those are excellent). In other words: it’s better than nothing.

班姆,你做完了 当然,这些自定义主题在功能上受到限制,但是比必须从预制选项进行选择要好(尽管其中许多都是很棒的)。 换句话说:总比没有好。

如何在PlayStation 4或Pro上设置自定义壁纸

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/298324/how-to-set-custom-wallpapers-on-the-playstation-4-or-pro/