


Small Smiles/Shutterstock.com. Small Smiles / Shutterstock.com。

Browser bookmarks can become a mess over time. Do you need bookmarks to hundreds of web pages you never visit? Here’s how to back up your bookmarks, purge them efficiently, and keep a more organized browser going forward.

随着时间的推移,浏览器书签可能变得一团糟。 您是否需要书签来访问从未访问过的数百个网页? 这是备份书签,有效清除书签并保持浏览器组织性的方法。

首先备份您的书签 (Back Up Your Bookmarks First)

Deleting large numbers of bookmarks can be tough. What if you need some obscure web page you bookmarked three years ago?

删除大量书签可能很困难。 如果您需要三年前加入书签的晦涩网页,该怎么办?

To avoid this stress, back up your bookmarks first. Your browser can export your bookmarks to an HTML file. If you ever need some bookmarks you deleted, you can view the HTML file in your browser—or even import it and get all your deleted bookmarks back.

为避免这种压力,请先备份您的书签。 您的浏览器可以将书签导出到HTML文件。 如果您需要删除一些书签,则可以在浏览器中查看HTML文件,甚至可以导入该HTML文件并取回所有已删除的书签。

It’s easy to start deleting large numbers of bookmarks if they’re backed up. You can always find them again if you need them—and there’s a good chance you won’t need them.

如果备份大量书签,则很容易开始删除它们。 如果需要它们,您总是可以再次找到它们-而且很可能不需要它们。


Here’s how to back up your bookmarks in all the big browsers:


  • Google Chrome: Click menu > Bookmarks > Bookmark Manager. Click the menu button at the top right corner of the Bookmark Manager page and select “Export Bookmarks.”

    Google Chrome :点击菜单>书签>书签管理器。 单击“书签管理器”页面右上角的菜单按钮,然后选择“导出书签”。

  • Mozilla Firefox: Click menu > Library > Bookmarks > Show All Bookmarks. In the Library window, click Import and Backup > Export Bookmarks to HTML.

    Mozilla Firefox :单击菜单>库>书签>显示所有书签。 在“库”窗口中,单击导入和备份>将书签导出为HTML。

  • Apple Safari: Click File > Export Bookmarks. Give your file a name and choose a save location.

    Apple Safari :单击文件>导出书签。 给您的文件起一个名字,然后选择一个保存位置。

  • Microsoft Edge: Click menu > Settings > General > Import or Export. Select “Favorites” and click the “Export to File” button.

    Microsoft Edge :单击菜单>设置>常规>导入或导出。 选择“收藏夹”,然后单击“导出到文件”按钮。

  • Internet Explorer: Click the Favorites (star) icon on the toolbar, click the down arrow to the right of Add to Favorites, and select “Import and Export.” Select “Export to a File,” click “Next,” select “Favorites,” click “Next,” select the main “Favorites” folder, click “Next,” choose a location for the file, and click “Export.”

    Internet Explorer :单击工具栏上的“收藏夹”(星号)图标,单击“添加到收藏夹”右侧的向下箭头,然后选择“导入和导出”。 选择“导出到文件”,单击“下一步”,选择“收藏夹”,单击“下一步”,选择主“收藏夹”文件夹,单击“下一步”,选择文件的位置,然后单击“导出”。

Save your bookmarks somewhere safe, such as a Dropbox, Google Drive, or Microsoft OneDrive folder.

将书签保存在安全的地方,例如Dropbox,Google Drive或Microsoft OneDrive文件夹。

After you’re done, you can double-click the .html file to view its contents. You can open the file and use Ctrl+F to search for bookmarks, or use your browser’s bookmark import function to restore the bookmarks into your browser.

完成后,您可以双击.html文件以查看其内容。 您可以打开文件并使用Ctrl + F搜索书签,或者使用浏览器的书签导入功能将书签还原到浏览器中。

清除这些书签 (Purge Those Bookmarks)


Now you can start deleting bookmarks. It’s probably easier to do this in your web browser’s bookmarks manager. For example, to open it in Chrome, click menu > Bookmarks > Bookmark Manager.

现在,您可以开始删除书签。 在网络浏览器的书签管理器中执行此操作可能更容易。 例如,要在Chrome中打开它,请点击菜单>书签>书签管理器。

You can right-click a bookmark or folder and select “Delete” to delete it, or left-click a bookmark and press the Delete key on your keyboard. To select multiple bookmarks, hold the Ctrl key down as you left-click them. To select a range of bookmarks, click one, hold the Shift key down, and then click another. You can hold the Ctrl key and click selected bookmarks to deselect them. Press the Command key instead of the Ctrl key on a Mac.

您可以右键单击书签或文件夹,然后选择“删除”将其删除,或者左键单击书签并按键盘上的Delete键。 要选择多个书签,请在按住Ctrl键的同时单击鼠标左键。 若要选择一系列书签,请单击一个,按住Shift键,然后单击另一个。 您可以按住Ctrl键并单击选定的书签以取消选择它们。 在Mac上,按Command键而不是Ctrl键。

Assuming you’re syncing your browser data, this will also clean up your messy bookmarks on your phone. You can, of course, manage bookmarks on your phone or tablet instead. Those changes will sync to the browser on your PC or Mac.

假设您正在同步浏览器数据,这还将清理您手机上的混乱书签。 当然,您可以改为在手机或平板电脑上管理书签。 这些更改将同步到PC或Mac上的浏览器。

或者暂时隐藏他们 (Or Just Hide Them, For Now)


If even this is too much for you, you can get them out of your sight. Press Ctrl+A to select all the visible bookmarks. On a Mac, press Command+A instead. You can then drag them into another folder—for example, you could drag them into the “Other Bookmarks” folder on Chrome, or even create another folder for them. Then you can place the ones you do want to use in the top level, and all the clutter will be hidden behind that folder.

即使这对您来说太多了,您也可以将它们移出视线。 按Ctrl + A选择所有可见的书签。 在Mac上,请按Command + A。 然后,您可以将它们拖到另一个文件夹中-例如,您可以将它们拖到Chrome上的“其他书签”文件夹中,甚至可以为它们创建另一个文件夹。 然后,您可以将要使用的文件放在顶层,所有杂物将隐藏在该文件夹的后面。

This is a good compromise between immediately erasing those bookmarks and having them in your face all day. Place those bookmarks in a hidden folder and, if you ever use a bookmark, move it out of the folder. When you’re comfortable that you don’t need the bookmarks in the folder, you can delete the entire folder. After all, you still have that bookmark backup file, anyway.

这是在立即擦除这些书签并将其整天放在脸上之间的一个很好的折衷方案。 将这些书签放在隐藏的文件夹中,如果您曾经使用过书签,请将其移出该文件夹。 如果您不需要文件夹中的书签,可以删除整个文件夹。 毕竟,无论如何,您仍然拥有该书签备份文件。

使书签工具栏更紧凑 (Make Your Bookmarks Toolbar More Compact)


If you want to keep a bunch of bookmarks on your toolbar for easy access, the names take up a lot of space. You can remove a bookmark’s name, and it will appear as its icon on the toolbar. This will give you a lot more space with which to work. To rename a bookmark in Chrome, right-click it and select “Edit,” and then change its name. Other browsers work similarly.

如果要在工具栏上保留一堆书签以便于访问,则名称会占用很多空间。 您可以删除书签的名称 ,它会在工具栏上显示为图标。 这将为您提供更多的工作空间。 要在Chrome中重命名书签,请右键单击该书签,然后选择“编辑”,然后更改其名称。 其他浏览器的工作方式与此类似。

Of course, you don’t have to remove the name altogether. You could shorten it. For example, you could rename your “Google Calendar” bookmark to just “Calendar,” which would shrink it on your toolbar. Your bookmarks can become much more compact and easier to identify at a glance.

当然,您不必完全删除名称。 您可以缩短它。 例如,您可以将“ Google日历”书签重命名为“日历”,这会将其缩小到工具栏上。 您的书签可以变得更加紧凑,一目了然。

存档网页而不是为其添加书签 (Archive Web Pages Instead of Bookmarking Them)


If you do find yourself bookmarking things to remember them, consider bookmarking all such items in a specific folder—sort of an “inbox” for bookmarks. Go through that folder every few weeks and delete any bookmarks you don’t care about.

如果您确实为自己的事情加上了书签以记住它们,请考虑将所有此类项目添加为书签在特定的文件夹中-一种“书签”收件箱。 每隔几周浏览一次该文件夹,并删除所有不需要的书签。

Or, if you want to archive web pages for use later, consider using an app like OneNote or Evernote instead. These apps will archive the full text of any web page, and you can search through them in your OneNote or Evernote app later. They’ll even keep the text of the web page, so you can still view it if it goes down. It’s a lot more convenient for finding information than searching through your bookmarks, which just include the title of the web page.

或者,如果您要存档网页供以后使用,请考虑改用OneNote或Evernote之类的应用程序。 这些应用程序将存档任何网页的全文,以后您可以在OneNote或Evernote应用程序中搜索它们。 他们甚至会保留网页的文本,因此,如果网页出现问题,您仍然可以查看。 查找信息比通过书签(仅包含网页标题)进行搜索要方便得多。

您的书签真的有用吗? (Are Your Bookmarks Truly Useful?)

The key to decluttering is being honest with yourself about how useful something is. As Marie Kondo would say, do those bookmarks bring you joy?

整理的关键是对自己诚实,以了解事物的有用性。 就像近藤玛丽(Marie Kondo)会说的那样,这些书签会带给您欢乐吗?

A bookmark leading to a work tool you use every day or a particular recipe you love could certainly be useful. But, if you have hundreds of bookmarks, it’s likely that many of them aren’t really useful to you but are around “just in case.”

引导您每天使用的工作工具的书签或您喜欢的特定食谱肯定有用。 但是,如果您有数百个书签,则其中许多书签可能对您并不是真正有用,而是“以防万一”。

Be honest with yourself. This is the web, and you can find most things with a quick Google search. You’ll probably turn to Google instead of your cluttered bookmarks if you ever need to find something, anyway.

不要自欺欺人。 这是网络,您可以通过Google的快速搜索找到大多数东西。 如果您仍然需要查找某些内容,则可能会选择Google而不是混乱的书签。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/403345/how-to-declutter-your-web-browser-bookmarks/
