



Google updates Chrome with major new versions every six weeks and security patches more often than that. Chrome normally downloads updates automatically but won’t automatically restart to install them. Here’s how to immediately check for updates and install them.

Google 每六周更新一次主要版本的 Chrome浏览器,并且比以前更频繁地更新安全补丁。 Chrome通常会自动下载更新,但不会自动重启以安装更新。 这是立即检查更新并安装更新的方法。

如何更新谷歌浏览器 (How to Update Google Chrome)

While Google Chrome downloads and prepares updates in the background, you still need to restart your browser to perform the installation. Because some people keep Chrome open for days—maybe even weeks—the update could be idly waiting to install, putting your computer at risk.

Google Chrome在后台下载并准备更新时,您仍然需要重新启动浏览器才能执行安装。 由于有些人将Chrome打开几天(甚至几周),因此更新可能会闲置等待安装,从而使您的计算机面临风险。

In Chrome, click menu (three dots) > Help > About Google Chrome. You can also type chrome://settings/help into Chrome’s location box and press Enter.

在Chrome浏览器中,点击菜单(三个点)>帮助>关于Google Chrome浏览器。 您也可以在Chrome的位置框中输入chrome://settings/help ,然后按Enter。


Chrome will check for any updates and immediately download them as soon as you open the About Google Chrome page.

当您打开“关于Google Chrome浏览器”页面时,Chrome浏览器会检查是否有任何更新,并立即下载它们。

If Chrome has already downloaded and is waiting to install an update, the menu icon will change to an up arrow and take on one of three colors, depending on how long the update has been available:


  • Green: An update has been available for two days


  • Orange: An update has been available for four days


  • Red: An update has been available for seven days



After the update has installed—or if it’s been waiting for a few days—click “Relaunch” to finish the update process.


Warning: Make sure you save anything you’re working on. Chrome reopens the tabs that were open before the relaunch but doesn’t save any of the data contained in them.

警告:请确保您保存所做的任何工作。 Chrome重新打开在重新启动之前打开的标签页,但不会保存其中包含的任何数据。


If you’d rather wait to restart Chrome and finish up the work you’re doing, just close the tab. Chrome will install the update the next time you close and reopen it.

如果您想等待重新启动Chrome并完成正在执行的工作,只需关闭选项卡。 Chrome会在您下次关闭并重新打开时安装更新。

When you relaunch Chrome, and the update finally finishes installing, head back to chrome://settings/help and verify you’re running the latest version of Chrome. Chrome will say “Google Chrome is up to date” if you’ve already installed the latest updates.

重新启动Chrome并最终完成更新安装后,请返回chrome://settings/help并确认您正在运行最新版本的Chrome。 如果您已经安装了最新更新,Chrome会说“ Google Chrome是最新的”。


