C++ builder xe关于FMX的消息弹出提示处理源码


C++ builder xe关于FMX的消息弹出提示处理源码


void __fastcall TForm2::btnMultipleButtonAlertClick(TObject *Sender)
  struct TCloseDialogHandler : public TCppInterfacedObject<TInputCloseDialogProc> {
    void __fastcall Invoke(const System::Uitypes::TModalResult AResult) {
      switch (AResult) {
      case mrYes :
        ShowMessage("You chose Yes");
      case mrNo:
        ShowMessage("You chose No");
      case mrCancel:
        ShowMessage("You chose Cancel");
  _di_TInputCloseDialogProc handler = new TCloseDialogHandler();

  /* Show a multiple-button alert that triggers different code blocks according to
    your input */
  MessageDlg("Choose a button:", TMsgDlgType::mtInformation,
    TMsgDlgButtons() << TMsgD*n::mbYes << TMsgD*n::mbNo << TMsgD*n::mbCancel , 0, handler);