


You’re likely reading this article because you’ve noticed moe.exe running in Task Manager and are wondering why it it using up memory and CPU time.  You’re not running program named Moe, so where is this process from and what is it doing running on your computer?

您可能正在阅读本文,因为您已经注意到moe.exe在任务管理器中运行,并且想知道为什么它会占用内存和CPU时间。 您没有在运行名为Moe的程序,因此此过程从何而来?它在计算机上的运行情况是什么?

So What Is It?


No worries! Moe.exe is not the name of some malicious software infecting your system. Moe.exe (Mesh Operating Environment) is the core syncing engine for the new Windows Live Sync Beta, as well as the older Live Mesh.  The new Live Sync is based on Mesh technology, and still includes the same syncing engine.  This lets you synchronize folders between your computers and online storage at SkyDrive.  Even if you do not use Live Sync, you may have it installed if you installed the new Windows Live Essentials beta.

别担心! Moe.exe不是感染您的系统的某些恶意软件的名称。 Moe.exe(网格操作环境)是新的Windows Live Sync Beta和较旧的Live Mesh的核心同步引擎。 新的Live Sync基于Mesh技术,并且仍包含相同的同步引擎。 这使您可以在SkyDrive上在计算机和在线存储之间同步文件夹。 即使您不使用Live Sync,也可以安装新的Windows Live Essentials beta版来安装它。

You may notice it consuming a fair amount of CPU resources while it is syncing your files or checking for changes.  Unfortunately, Live Sync currently is slightly resource intensive; hopefully performance will be improved before the final release.

您可能会注意到它在同步文件或检查更改时消耗了大量CPU资源。 不幸的是,Live Sync当前稍微占用资源。 希望性能会在最终版本之前得到改善。


You may notice some other processes related to Live Sync.  These include WLSync.exe, which is the user interface for Live Sync, and WLRemoteClient.exe, which will be running if you are connected to a remote computer via Live Sync.

您可能会注意到其他一些与实时同步相关的过程。 其中包括WLSync.exe(这是Live Sync的用户界面)和WLRemoteClient.exe(如果您通过Live Sync连接到远程计算机,则将运行)。


Close Live Sync


To make sure your files stay synchronized whenever there are changes, moe.exe runs automatically at startup.  If you need to free up system resources, you can exit Live Sync from the tray.  Right-click the icon and select Exit.

为了确保文件随时保持同步,moe.exe在启动时自动运行。 如果需要释放系统资源,则可以从任务栏中退出Live Sync。 右键单击该图标,然后选择退出。


Select Close Sync at the prompt.  This will exit WLSync.exe, moe.exe, and any other related processes.

在提示符下选择关闭同步。 这将退出WLSync.exe,moe.exe和任何其他相关进程。


You can run Live Sync as normal later if you need to sync your files again.

如果需要再次同步文件,则以后可以正常运行Live Sync。

Kill the Processes Directly


If instead you try to kill the moe.exe process directly in Task Manager, it will be automatically restarted by WLSync.exe.  Generally exiting it as above is the best way, but if the process is unresponsive, kill WLSync.exe first, and then kill moe.exe.

相反,如果尝试直接在任务管理器中终止moe.exe进程,则WLSync.exe将自动重新启动它。 通常,按上述方法退出是最好的方法,但如果该进程没有响应,请先杀死WLSync.exe,然后再杀死moe.exe。


Keep Moe.exe from Automatically Running


As mentioned previously, Live Sync will automatically run when you boot your computer.  If you’d rather only run it manually, you can remove it from startup and then just launch the program when you need to sync files.Launch msconfig.exe from the Start menu search or the Run command, select the Startup tab, and unselect the box beside Windows Live Devices, then click OK to save your changes.

如前所述,当您启动计算机时,Live Sync将自动运行。 如果您只想手动运行它,可以将其从启动中删除,然后在需要同步文件时启动程序。从“开始”菜单搜索或“运行”命令中启动msconfig.exe ,选择“启动”选项卡,然后取消选择Windows Live设备旁边的框,然后单击确定以保存更改。


You may be asked to restart your computer to apply the changes, but you can just restart later.  Either which way, Live Sync will now only run when you launch it directly.

可能会要求您重新启动计算机以应用更改,但是您稍后可以重新启动。 无论哪种方式,Live Sync现在仅在直接启动时才运行。


Remove Live Sync and moe.exe


If you don’t use Live Sync and would rather uninstall it, open Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel, select Windows Live Essentials Beta, and then click Uninstall/Change.

如果您不使用Live Sync而是希望将其卸载,请在“控制面板”中打开“添加/删除程序”,选择“ Windows Live Essentials Beta”,然后单击“卸载/更改”


Click Remove one or more Windows Live programs in the Uninstall window.

在“卸载”窗口中,单击“删除一个或多个Windows Live程序”。


Check the box beside Sync, and then click the Uninstall box at the bottom.  This will fully remove Live Sync, along with its related processes like moe.exe.

选中“同步”旁边的框,然后单击底部的“卸载”框。 这将完全删除Live Sync及其相关过程,例如moe.exe。


But, we have found Live Sync to be a useful tool, so you might want to give it a try and see if you like it first.  For more information about Live Sync and what it does, check out our article on how to sync files between computers & SkyDrive with Live Sync Beta.

但是,我们发现Live Sync是一个有用的工具,因此您可能需要尝试一下,看看是否先喜欢它。 有关Live Sync及其作用的更多信息,请查看我们的文章如何使用Live Sync Beta在计算机和SkyDrive之间同步文件

