

Microsoft Editor is an AI-powered intelligent writing assistant available for Word, Outlook, and as a browser extension. Microsoft Editor, available in over 20 languages, aims to make you a better writer. Here’s a brief look at how to use it.

Microsoft编辑器是一款基于AI的智能写作助手,可用于Word,Outlook和浏览器扩展。 Microsoft编辑器提供20多种语言,旨在使您成为更好的作家。 这里是如何使用它的简要介绍。

Microsoft provides a basic version of Editor for free—so long as you have a Microsoft account. This version includes the essentials that you’d expect in a writing assistant, such as a grammar and spell checker. Editor’s premium features are only available for Microsoft 365 subscribers.

只要您拥有Microsoft帐户,Microsoft就会免费提供基本版本的Editor。 此版本包括您期望在写作助手中所必需的要素,例如语法和拼写检查器。 编辑器的高级功能仅适用于Microsoft 365订户。

如何为Microsoft 365使用编辑器 (How to Use Editor for Microsoft 365)

Log in to your Microsoft 365 account, and open Word or Outlook. We’ll use Word for this tutorial, though Editor works the same for both applications.

登录到您的Microsoft 365帐户,然后打开Word或Outlook。 尽管本编辑器对两个应用程序都起作用,但本教程将使用Word。

Once you start typing in Word, Microsoft Editor will check your text in real time. That is, as with any text linter, it underlines the text (either with (1) a dashed line or (2) a solid line) that may need correcting.

一旦开始输入Word,Microsoft编辑器将实时检查您的文本。 也就是说,与任何文本短衬里一样,它在可能需要更正的文本(带有(1)虚线或(2)实线)下划线。


By clicking the underlined text, a brief description of the error and a suggestion will appear. Clicking the suggested word will replace the error in your text.

单击带下划线的文本,将显示错误的简要说明和建议。 单击建议的单词将替换您的文本中的错误。


You’ll also notice that there’s a new “Editor” group in the ribbon of the “Home” tab.



Clicking this option will open the “Editor” pane on the right-hand side of the window. Here, you’ll see an overall score of your content based on Editor’s algorithm, along with other stats like readability and the amount of time it takes to read your content.

单击此选项将打开窗口右侧的“编辑器”窗格。 在这里,您会看到基于编辑器算法的内容总体得分,以及其他统计信息,例如可读性和读取内容所花费的时间。


Here are the things Editor looks at when giving your score:


  • Corrections:


    • Spelling

    • Grammar

  • Refinements:


    • Clarity

    • Conciseness

    • Formality

    • Inclusiveness

    • Perspectives

    • Punctuation Conventions

    • Sensitive Geopolitical References

    • Vocabulary


Editor will tell you how many instances of each issue appears in the content. While any item under “Refinements” can be considered as suggestions, items under “Corrections” are generally must-fix issues.

编辑器将告诉您内容中出现每个问题的实例数。 虽然“精制”下的任何项目都可以视为建议,但“更正”下的项目通常是必须解决的问题。


By clicking an item in a menu, the tool will bring you to the first instance of that issue in the text. From there, you can either accept or ignore Editor’s suggestion.

通过单击菜单中的项目,该工具将带您进入文本中该问题的第一个实例。 从那里,您可以接受或忽略编辑器的建议。


While having a good score in Editor may feel nice, remember that the most important goal in writing is to write for the target audience–not writing to satisfy Editor. Even Editor itself changes our grammar error above from “your” to “you’re” and then marks it as a formality issue, suggesting we later change it from “you’re” to “you are.” Microsoft Editor can’t determine who you’re writing for, so use your best judgment.

在编辑器中获得良好的成绩可能会感到不错,但请记住,写作的最重要目标是为目标受众写作,而不是为了使编辑满意而写作。 甚至编辑器本身也将上面的语法错误从“您的”更改为“您是”,然后将其标记为形式问题,建议我们稍后将其从“您是”更改为“您是”。 Microsoft编辑器无法确定您的写作对象,因此请使用最佳判断。

如何在网络上使用编辑器 (How to Use Editor for the Web)

To use  Microsoft Editor on the web, you’ll need to download the web extension. At the time of writing, Editor has an extension available for Chrome and Edge.

要在网络上使用Microsoft编辑器,您需要下载网络扩展。 在撰写本文时,编辑器具有适用于ChromeEdge的扩展程序。

Find and install the extension on your respective browser. Once installed, the Editor icon will appear in your browser’s toolbar. Click it and select “Sign In” from the drop-down menu.

在相应的浏览器中找到并安装扩展程序。 安装后,“编辑器”图标将出现在浏览器的工具栏中。 单击它,然后从下拉菜单中选择“登录”。


Once signed in to your Microsoft account, a few options will appear in the extension’s menu. Here, you can turn on/off different linter options, such as spelling or grammar. To disable a function, toggle the slider to the left for the respective option.

登录到您的Microsoft帐户后,扩展程序菜单中将显示一些选项。 在这里,您可以打开/关闭不同的短毛猫选项,例如拼写或语法。 要禁用某个功能,请向相应选项的左侧滑动滑块。

Additionally, you can also select one of the proofing languages supported by Editor.



The Editor extension isn’t compatible with every site on the web. For example, it’s compatible with WordPress but not OneDrive. So editing a Word doc in OneDrive is only possible by using the native Editor functionality in Microsoft 365.

编辑器扩展与网络上的每个站点都不兼容。 例如,它与WordPress兼容,但与OneDrive不兼容。 因此,只有通过使用Microsoft 365中的本机编辑器功能,才能在OneDrive中编辑Word文档。


The editor extension works the same way as discussed in the previous section. That is, errors in the content will be underlined with a solid or dashed line, and clicking the underlined word will prompt a suggestion to appear. You can click Editor’s suggestion to replace the source content.

编辑器扩展的工作方式与上一节中讨论的相同。 也就是说,内容中的错误将以实线或虚线加下划线,单击带下划线的单词将提示出现建议。 您可以单击编辑器的建议来替换源内容。


If you’re working online and Editor is in the way, you can disable Editor for that specific site. While on the site, click the extension icon in the toolbar and select “Disable Editor on www.<website>.com.”

如果您正在在线工作并且妨碍了Editor,则可以为该特定站点禁用Editor。 在网站上时,单击工具栏中的扩展程序图标,然后选择“在www。<website> .com上禁用编辑器”。


Note: While it shows www.howtogeek.com in the “Disable Editor on…” message, this is actually How-To Geek’s WordPress that we’re blocking Editor on. When blocking a WordPress site, Editor will show that site’s URL—not www.wordpress.com.

注意:虽然它在“在...上禁用编辑器”消息中显示了www.howtogeek.com,但这实际上是我们正在阻止其使用的How-To Geek WordPress。 阻止WordPress网站时,编辑器将显示该网站的URL,而不是www.wordpress.com。

Once selected, Microsoft Editor will now be blocked on that site. You can re-enable Editor by clicking the icon in the taskbar and selecting “Enable Editor on www.<website>.com.”

一旦选择,Microsoft编辑器现在将在该站点上被阻止。 您可以通过单击任务栏中的图标并选择“在www。<website> .com上启用编辑器”来重新启用编辑器。


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/691520/what-is-microsoft-editor-and-how-do-i-use-it/