



After every Uber and Lyft ride, you can rate your driver out of five stars based on how good or bad the ride was. However, you may not know that drivers also rate you as a passenger. Here’s how to view your passenger rating for both Uber and Lyft.

在每次Uber和Lyft骑行之后,您都可以根据骑行的好坏对您的驾驶员评分5颗星。 但是,您可能不知道驾驶员也将您评为乘客。 这是查看Uber和Lyft旅客评级的方法。

When you request a ride, the closest driver will receive the request, and they’ll have the option to accept or deny it. If it’s denied, the request moves onto the next-closest driver. Generally, you shouldn’t have a hard time getting a driver to accept your request, but if you have a low passenger rating, that can affect your chances severely. So it’s good to know where you stand.

当您请求乘车时,最接近的驾驶员将收到请求,他们可以选择接受还是拒绝。 如果拒绝,则请求移至下一个最近的驱动程序。 通常,让驾驶员接受您的请求不会很困难,但是如果您的乘客评分较低,则可能会严重影响您的乘机机会。 因此,很高兴知道您的立场。

您的优步乘客评分 (Your Uber Passenger Rating)

Start off by opening up the Uber app on your phone and tapping on the menu button in the top-left corner of the screen.



In the sidebar that pops out from the left side, you’ll see your name and profile picture at the top. Below your name will be your passenger rating out of five stars. That’s it! Easy, huh?

在从左侧弹出的侧边栏中,您会在顶部看到您的姓名和个人资料图片。 您的名字下面将是五星级的旅客评价。 而已! 容易吧?


您的Lyft乘客评分 (Your Lyft Passenger Rating)

Unfortunately, there’s currently no way to see your Lyft passenger rating in the app itself, but you’re not completely out of luck.


Perhaps the easiest way to find our your passenger rating is to just ask your Lyft driver the next time you take a ride—drivers are able to see your passenger rating in order to get a quick feel for what kind of passenger you are. So politely asking them for your passenger rating is a quick and easy way to find that out.

找到我们的乘客评分的最简单方法是,在您下次乘车时询问您的Lyft驾驶员-驾驶员能够查看您的乘客评分,从而快速了解您的乘客类型。 因此,礼貌地向他们询问您的乘客评分是一种便捷的方法。

Alternatively, can contact Lyft support and they can tell you what your passenger rating is. Personally, I hit up Lyft’s support Twitter account and was able to find out my passenger rating that way.

或者,可以联系Lyft支持人员 ,他们可以告诉您您的乘客等级是多少。 就个人而言,我打通了Lyft的支持Twitter帐户,从而能够以这种方式找出我的乘客评分。


如何成为一名好乘客 (How to Be a Good Passenger)

If your passenger rating isn’t as good as you’d have hoped, or you just want to keep that perfect five-star rating intact, there are some things you should keep in mind whenever you take an Uber or a Lyft.



Over on Reddit, many Uber drivers and passengers alike have chimed in on what makes a good or bad passenger. Here are some key points to know:

在Reddit上,许多Uber司机和乘客都对造就好乘客或坏乘客的原因有所了解。 这里有一些要点:

  • Don’t reek of smoke or any other pungent odor that can linger.

  • Likewise, don’t smoke or drink during the ride.

  • Don’t vomit in the car (a pretty obvious tip).

  • Be ready when your Uber or Lyft arrives.

  • Don’t be loud or obnoxious.


In the end, it really just comes down to not being a jerk and having some common courtesy, which isn’t hard to do at all. If you can manage that, then your passenger rating should stay pretty high and you shouldn’t have to worry about it for the most part.

最后,这实际上归结为不是一个混蛋,要有一些共同的礼貌,这一点也不难。 如果您能做到这一点,那么您的乘客评价应该保持很高,并且您不必在很大程度上担心它。

Title Image by Uber


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/251228/how-to-see-your-uber-passenger-rating/
