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本文是与SiteGround合作创建的系列文章的一部分。 感谢您支持使SitePoint成为可能的合作伙伴。

Backing up your website data just isn’t as complicated as it used to be. All websites need a backup plan in place, and there’s really no excuse not to have one — it’s really easy to handle with the tools available today, especially when running a WordPress site. Large or small, highly trafficked or those without many visitors – all websites have work put into them that you don’t want to have to redo if that site is lost or damaged in some way.

备份网站数据并不像以前那样复杂。 所有网站都需要一个备份计划,并且没有一个没有任何借口–使用当今可用的工具确实很容易处理,尤其是在运行WordPress网站时。 大型或小型,人流量大的网站或没有很多访问者的网站-所有网站上都有工作,如果该网站因某种原因丢失或损坏,您不必重做。

In WordPress, there are many plugins and services that can be used to fill that need for backing up data. The reason that migration tools for WordPress often go hand-in-hand is because often, similar tools can be used for both purposes, as a migration can, in some cases, be similar to backing up the site and then restoring it (albeit in another location).

在WordPress中,有许多插件和服务可用于满足备份数据的需求。 WordPress迁移工具经常齐头并进的原因是,经常可以将相似的工具同时用于这两个目的,因为在某些情况下,迁移可以类似于备份站点然后还原站点(尽管另一个位置)。

You can learn more about backing up your WordPress sites manually and easily in SitePoint’s course Build a Custom WordPress Theme. For a quick and simple introduction in WordPress security, check out our sample video from the How to Secure Your WordPress Site mini course which you can preview below:

您可以在SitePoint的“ 构建自定义WordPress主题”课程中了解有关手动轻松备份WordPress网站的更多信息。 有关WordPress安全性的快速简单介绍,请查看如何保护WordPress网站迷你课程中的示例视频,您可以在下面预览:

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However, if you are a fan of backups using WordPress plugins rather than performing manual backups, then, without further ado, here are five of the better WordPress backup and migration tools out there:


1.一站式WP迁移 (1. All in One WP Migration)

All in One WP Migration is an excellent migration tool for WordPress sites. This plugin is my personal favorite for migrating WordPress websites, as thus far it’s worked every time without a hitch for me. I tend to use migration tools when moving a site from a development environment to production for the first time, or from a private to a public development environment, regardless of whether the long term solution requires more complicated deployment procedures.

多合一WP迁移是适用于WordPress网站的出色迁移工具。 这个插件是我个人最喜欢的WordPress网站迁移工具,到目前为止,它对我来说一直很顺利。 无论是长期解决方案是否需要更复杂的部署过程,我都倾向于在首次将站点从开发环境迁移到生产环境,或从私有环境迁移到公共开发环境时使用迁移工具。

All in One WP Migration works flawlessly with a variety of kinds of WordPress sites — the hosting platforms, plugins, and themes don’t seem to matter at all. Uploads to new platforms are done using chunks of data, so as to bypass the upload limits in place on some servers.

多合一WP迁移可完美地与各种WordPress网站配合使用-托管平台,插件和主题似乎一点都不重要。 使用大块数据完成到新平台的上载,以便绕过某些服务器上的上载限制。

The process is incredibly easy. Once the plugin is installed and activated, you just choose All-inOne WP Migration from the sidebar, and “Export”. Then choose an “Export To” – export to file (download a file), or export via one of the following services that can be connected:

这个过程非常简单。 安装并**插件后,只需从侧边栏中选择All-inOne WP Migration,然后选择“导出”。 然后选择“导出到” –导出到文件(下载文件),或通过以下可连接的服务之一导出:

  • FTP

  • Dropbox

  • Google Drive

  • Amazon S3

  • OneDrive

  • Box

In addition, you can specify find-replace fields. This is useful when transferring a site from one domain to another (transferring a WordPress site from dev.example.com to www.example.com, perhaps). This will allow the plugin to replace the old text with the new text as it exports, preparing the data for seamless import into the new environment.

此外,您可以指定查找替换字段。 当将站点从一个域转移到另一个域(将WordPress站点从dev.example.com转移到www.example.com)时,这很有用。 这将允许插件在导出时用新文本替换旧文本,从而为将数据无缝导入新环境做准备。

Importing is a similar process. In the new environment, install WordPress, add and activate the same plugin, and choose Import. Follow the prompts to import your exported data from the old environment, and in no time you’ll be looking at a migrated mirror copy of the site!

导入是一个类似的过程。 在新环境中,安装WordPress,添加并**相同的插件,然后选择“导入”。 按照提示从旧环境中导入导出的数据,您将很快看到该网站的迁移镜像副本!

2. UpdraftPlus (2. UpdraftPlus)

UpdraftPlus WordPress Backup is an easy-to-use backup solution for WordPress websites. UpdraftPlus can be used to manually back up your site, or it can be set on a specific schedule to allow for automatic backups. In addition to the ability to back up onto the hosting platform that the WordPress site already resides on, the plugin supports the following services as backup destinations:

UpdraftPlus WordPress备份是针对WordPress网站的易于使用的备份解决方案。 UpdraftPlus可以用于手动备份您的站点,也可以按特定的时间表进行设置以允许自动备份。 除了能够备份到WordPress网站已经驻留的托管平台上之外,该插件还支持以下服务作为备份目标:

  • Amazon S3

  • Dropbox

  • Google Drive

  • Rackspace

  • FTP + SFTP

    FTP + SFTP
  • … and more

    … 和更多

In addition, the paid version of UpdraftPlus includes even more choices. UpdraftPlus is one of the highest rated and most used WordPress backip solutions out there, and it’s hard to go wrong with it.

此外,UpdraftPlus的付费版本还包括更多选择。 UpdraftPlus是目前使用率最高,使用最多的WordPress backip解决方案之一,很难做到这一点。

Backups of site files, plugins, themes, and the WordPress database are supported, at varied schedules or all together. Additionally, UpdraftPlus can also be used as a migration tool, although some of the more dedicated migration tools might be a bit simpler or smoother if migration is the requirement, rather than backup.

支持站点文件,插件,主题和WordPress数据库的备份,备份时间不定,或全部备份。 此外,UpdraftPlus也可以用作迁移工具,尽管如果需要迁移而不是备份,某些更专用的迁移工具可能会更简单或更流畅。

Restoring from backups just requires one to set the plugin up and import a backup dataset. Testing backups is always good, so it’s worth it to occasionally spin up a test WordPress site and import one of your backups, to make sure all is working — and with Updraft Plus, it should be!

从备份还原只需设置插件并导入备份数据集即可。 测试备份始终是好的,所以值得偶尔启动一个测试WordPress网站并导入您的备份之一,以确保所有备份都正常工作-而对于Updraft Plus来说,应该如此!

3.复制器 (3. Duplicator)

Duplicator advertises itself as a bit of a player in both the migration and backup arenas. Duplicator backs up WordPress sites into a single zip file, including plugins, themes, and the database. This can be done manually, in the free version.

在迁移和备份领域中, Duplicator都会做自己的广告。 Duplicator将WordPress网站备份到单个zip文件中,包括插件,主题和数据库。 免费版本可以手动完成。

As a migration tool, or when restoring from a backup, Duplicator is somewhat unique from some of the other plugins, as it does not require an existing WordPress installation. Instead, you upload the backup files to the server in question, run the installer file, and the site files are created for you.

作为迁移工具,或从备份还原时,Duplicator在某些其他插件中与众不同,因为它不需要现有的WordPress安装。 而是将备份文件上载到有问题的服务器,运行安装程序文件,然后为您创建站点文件。

Another interesting feature of Duplicator is the ability to use Duplicator packages as pre-configured sites. If you often build new WordPress sites for clients, and typically start with the same sets of plugins, settings, and themes, you could set up the development version of a client project, without specific information for that project, then save the backup package.

Duplicator的另一个有趣功能是能够将Duplicator软件包用作预配置的站点。 如果您经常为客户端构建新的WordPress网站,并且通常以相同的插件,设置和主题集开始,则可以设置客户端项目的开发版本,而无需该项目的特定信息,然后保存备份包。

Now, when you go to start a new project, you simply have to fire up the installer and install that new project template, alter a few items such as the website URL, and off you go, a quick start. When you have another new project – you can repeat that process again, saving tons of time in the process.

现在,当您开始一个新项目时,只需启动安装程序并安装该新项目模板,更改一些项目(例如网站URL),然后就可以快速开始了。 当您有另一个新项目时,您可以再次重复该过程,从而节省大量时间。

4. VaultPress (4. VaultPress)

VaultPress is a WordPress backup plugin that is unique for two reasons. The first is that it is built by Automattic. This is an automatic benefit (the bad puns though!) when dealing with WordPress because, of course, if anyone would know WordPress plugins and support, it would be the company that runs WordPress.com!

VaultPress是一个WordPress备份插件,其独特之处有两个原因。 首先是它是由Automattic构建的。 这是与WordPress打交道时的自动好处(虽然是坏双关!),因为,当然,如果有人知道WordPress插件和支持,那将是运行WordPress.com的公司!

The second fun fact about VaultPress is that it now comes packaged as yet another awesome feature of Jetpack, which many WordPress sites already use.


So, for pricing, you can refer to the pricing pages at VaultPress/Jetpack, but you’re looking at $39 per year and up, so not bad for the total sum of features that VaultPress offers, and definitely a steal when you include all of Jetpack.

因此,对于定价,您可以参考VaultPress / Jetpack的定价页面,但是您每年的费用为39美元,因此对于VaultPress提供的功能总数来说还不错,而且当您包括所有功能时,肯定是便宜的Jetpack。

VaultPress will back up everything. Files, pages, posts, comments, database. It does it all. Coupled with the above benefits, and if you’re willing to pay a small fee for the service, it doesn’t seem like you could go wrong using VaultPress for your backups.

VaultPress将备份所有内容。 文件,页面,帖子,评论,数据库。 做到这一切。 加上上述好处,如果您愿意为该服务支付少量费用,那么使用VaultPress进行备份似乎并不会出错。

5. WP迁移数据库 (5. WP Migrate DB)

WP Migrate DB is the last, but not least, of my five choices for the day. This plugin’s flaw (and its strength) is in its granular approach to backup. It explains in detail what it’s doing — dumping databases to SQL files.

WP Migrate DB是当天我五个选择中的最后一个,但并非最不重要。 该插件的缺陷(及其优势)在于其备份的精细方法。 它详细说明了它在做什么-将数据库转储到SQL文件。

The service is for backup of databases only — posts, pages, settings, and other irreplaceable content. The stuff that can’t be quickly re-downloaded, but would be instead lost forever if things went awry.

该服务仅用于数据库备份-帖子,页面,设置和其他不可替代的内容。 这些内容无法快速重新下载,但是如果出现问题,它们将永远丢失。

This plugin will let you choose database table to migrate or to leave out, let you filter the types of posts you want to backup, and will work with very large databases. It is a solid platform for WordPress database backup.

这个插件可以让您选择要迁移或保留的数据库表,可以过滤要备份的帖子的类型,并且可以处理非常大的数据库。 它是WordPress数据库备份的可靠平台。

It also has a pro version that will enable even more features, as well as a level of support, which alone might make it worth investigating for some users.


包装东西 (Wrapping Things Up)

These are just five of the many, many backup and migration tools out there for WordPress sites. They are not necessarily the best, but they are five that are fairly well reviewed by the community and that I’ve used myself in several of these cases. It’s a good starting point for WordPress developers, but we shouldn’t forget the crucial tenets of backing up: back up often, back up to another location, and make sure you schedule time to check your backups!

这些只是WordPress网站的众多备份和迁移工具中的五个。 它们不一定是最好的,但有五个是社区中相当受好评的,并且我在其中一些案例中使用了自己。 对于WordPress开发人员来说,这是一个很好的起点,但是我们不应该忘记备份的关键原则:经常备份,备份到另一个位置,并确保您安排时间检查备份!

Migration tools really boil down to what works best in your development and migration flow, which is different for all of us. The fact remains that simple and error-free is your primary goal — you need to trust a migration system as much as you do one for backups!

迁移工具可以归结为最适合您的开发和迁移流程的工具,这对我们所有人来说都是不同的。 事实是,简单且无错误是您的主要目标-您需要像迁移备份一样信任一个迁移系统!

The main thing is that you’re doing backups. The service you use can depend on your situation. In fact, some web hosts will take care of migrations and backups. For example, SiteGround provides a daily backup service. This provides constant, reliable security, with offsite backups that will give customers peace of mind. In this case, any backup plugin is just icing on the cake!

最主要的是,你在备份。 您使用的服务可能取决于您的情况。 实际上,某些Web主机将负责迁移和备份。 例如, SiteGround提供每日备份服务 。 这提供了持续,可靠的安全性,并具有异地备份功能,使客户安心。 在这种情况下,任何备份插件都锦上添花!

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/5-wordpress-plugins-backups-migrations/
