

Slack is the best inbox organizational tool in the market now. It is used by many huge companies ranging to average-sized and small companies as well. You can make and manage the business conversations through this app and can keep a record of them too.

Slack是目前市场上最好的收件箱组织工具。 许多大型公司(包括中型和小型公司)都使用它。 您可以通过此应用进行和管理业务对话,也可以记录下来。

Slack was initially released in August 2013, when there was not its single competitor out there in the market. Yes, there were many other messaging platforms but not for the business. Usually, the business websites give a boring idea of faded colors and take all the charm and drive away to use that website or app. But Slack did something different.

Slack最初于2013年8月发布,当时市场上没有任何竞争对手。 是的,还有许多其他消息传递平台,但不适用于企业。 通常,商业网站会给人一种无聊的褪色主意,并抓住所有的魅力,开车去使用该网站或应用程序。 但是Slack做了一些不同的事情。

To create an app like Slack, Stewart Butterfield's team has performed a gorgeous, playful interface and tons of delightful little interactions throughout the app. This makes Slack attractive, whereas at the same time making it suitable for professional use. The entire user interface of Slack is quite easy and simple to use. It also helps the users via tutorials to get more insight about this app and get the maximum benefit out of it.

为了创建像Slack这样的应用程序 ,Stewart Butterfield的团队在整个应用程序中执行了华丽,有趣的界面以及大量令人愉快的小交互。 这使Slack具有吸引力,而同时使其适合专业用途。 Slack的整个用户界面非常容易使用。 它还可以通过教程帮助用户获得有关此应用程序的更多见解,并从中获得最大的收益。


No matter if you are an owner of a small or an average-sized firm or a huge corporation, Slack will provide you with a professional, organized, and secured communication. It allows you to create various channels, groups, or private chats.

无论您是小型公司,中型公司还是大型公司的所有者,Slack都会为您提供专业,有组织和安全的通信。 它允许您创建各种频道,组或私人聊天。

Slack supports teamwork and the efficiency of work time, that's why it offers different workspaces that you can join and become a part of a specific business or team. A certain workspace will allow you to chat with its members in the groups or privately. You will be able to share attachments, use different tools that enhance the working experience, and track your productivity along with other team members.

Slack支持团队合作和工作时间效率,这就是为什么它提供了不同的工作空间,您可以将它们加入并成为特定企业或团队的一部分。 某个工作区将允许您与组中的成员或私下聊天。 您将能够共享附件,使用不同的工具来增强工作体验,并与其他团队成员一起跟踪您的工作效率。

The main role of Slack is to keep your conversations private and organized by following the invitation system. You cannot join any workplace or conversation until you receive an invitation from the member of that workspace or conversation. Other users cannot join a specific workplace or chat unless you invite them to as well. This method allows you to build privacy and trust.

Slack的主要作用是通过遵循邀请系统来保持对话的私密性和组织性。 在收到该工作区或对话成员的邀请之前,您无法加入任何工作场所或对话。 除非您也邀请其他用户加入,否则其他用户将无法加入特定的工作场所或聊天。 此方法使您可以建立隐私和信任。

松弛如何工作? (How Does Slack Work?)

The interface of Slack is quite easy and usually comes with three main options that you will be seen spread across the page. On the left sidebar, you will see different existing channels within the workplace that you can join and the window showing different Direct Messages right below it.

Slack的界面非常简单,通常带有三个主要选项,您可以在页面中看到它们的分布。 在左侧边栏上,您将看到可以加入的工作场所中现有的不同渠道,以及在其下方显示不同直接消息的窗口。

You can create new channels or groups and invite different people to involve. Then you will see the main chat window on the same page with current chat history and a bar to type in. You can not only interact with your colleagues but with other companies' representatives, vendors, and different clients.

您可以创建新的频道或组,并邀请其他人参与。 然后,您将在同一页面上看到主聊天窗口,其中包含当前的聊天记录和一个输入栏。您不仅可以与同事互动,还可以与其他公司的代表,供应商和不同的客户进行互动。

If you are using a paid account, you will see many more features like screen sharing, voice mails, and video calls. You can also share different pictures, emojis, and GIFs while using any paid or unpaid accounts. You can even type in the URL of any GIF from the internet in the chat bar, and it will show the GIF. Also, users can integrate up to 1500 other apps into Slack which makes it even more adaptable in comparison to other software or websites in the market. Furthermore, you can even create your API as well.

如果您使用的是付费帐户,则将看到更多功能,例如屏幕共享,语音邮件和视频通话。 您还可以在使用任何付费或未付费帐户时共享不同的图片,表情符号和GIF。 您甚至可以在聊天栏中从互联网输入任何GIF的URL,它将显示GIF。 此外,用户可以将多达1500个其他应用程序集成到Slack中,与市场上的其他软件或网站相比,它更具适应性。 此外,您甚至还可以创建您的API。


Another great feature of Slack is that you can revisit the older conversations of any channel or chat. Or it simply means that you can search the history to make better decisions by keeping the previous decisions and attainments in mind. This expands the whole idea of decision-making and staying well-informed all the time. Even when you leave a channel or a chat, you can still access the previous content of that certain conversation.

Slack的另一个重要功能是您可以重新访问任何频道或聊天的较早对话。 或仅仅意味着您可以通过记住历史上的决定和成就来搜索历史以做出更好的决定。 这扩展了整个决策过程并始终保持消息灵通。 即使您离开频道或聊天,您仍然可以访问该特定对话的先前内容。

账户类型 (Types of Accounts)

You use the free version of Slack, but it comes with a limited range of features. There are four main types of accounts that you can subscribe to. The first one is the basic one, which is free and can easily be used by a small business. Then comes the Standard one, which can be used by small and medium-sized businesses. The third one, the Plus account, meets the requirements of big businesses. Then the fourth type of account is quite customizable and it is used for even bigger industries and extra-large businesses. With every upgrade of the account, the features of that account also start increasing.

您使用的是Slack的免费版本,但功能有限。 您可以订阅四种主要类型的帐户。 第一个是基本版本,它是免费的,可以由小型企业轻松使用。 然后是Standard之一,该标准可供中小企业使用。 第三个是Plus帐户,可以满足大型企业的需求。 然后,第四种帐户是非常可定制的,并且用于更大的行业和超大型企业。 随着帐户的每次升级,该帐户的功能也开始增加。


And there is something even bigger and that is the solutions offered by Slack to different departments or kinds of businesses. Slack offers automated solutions for areas like engineering, IT, financial services, sales, customer support, project management, marketing, human resources, and media. You can search for them in the Solutions section on the website and can find even more information. You can also join different channels regarding a particular area to get guidelines and support from the relevant people in a particular industry.

还有更大的东西,那就是Slack为不同部门或企业提供的解决方案。 Slack为工程,IT,金融服务,销售,客户支持,项目管理,市场营销,人力资源和媒体等领域提供自动化解决方案。 您可以在网站上的“解决方案”部分中搜索它们,甚至可以找到更多信息。 您还可以加入有关特定领域的不同渠道,以获得特定行业相关人员的指导和支持。

By availing these automated solutions, you may not even increase your productivity, but also save time and effort to produce better results.


This is an app of the future and is must-have software to be used by every business owner to keep track of their business activities and to build healthy and organized relations with employees, clients and other business owners.


Now all you need to do now is to add your login credentials if you have already signed up or just sign up to get started with the biggest platform which will take care of your business communications. And by using a paid account you can experience many more features and options which you might not be able to experience while using an unpaid account.

现在,您需要做的就是添加登录凭据(如果您已经注册),或者只是注册以开始使用最大的平台来处理您的业务沟通。 通过使用付费帐户,您可以体验更多的功能和选项,而这些功能和选项在使用免费帐户时可能无法体验。

For more information about Slack, you can visit its website and get more insight of the most advanced features that it is offering.


翻译自: https://habr.com/en/post/483780/