

Create your own WordPress theme with our tutorial Create a Bare-bones WordPress Theme From Scratch.


If you do work online, you absolutely need a portfolio. You can have a ton of cool fonts and all the pop-up plugins you could ever need. But if you can’t display your work to potential clients, you’re missing out. Being able to present your projects in an appealing fashion is an invaluable tool, as it can tell the reader why you’re better than everyone else at what you do.

如果您确实在线工作,则绝对需要投资组合。 您可以拥有很多很酷的字体以及所有可能需要的弹出式插件 。 但是,如果您不能向潜在客户展示您的作品,那您就错过了。 能够以一种吸引人的方式展示您的项目是一种无价的工具,因为它可以告诉读者为什么您在做事上比其他所有人都更好。

You have two options for a stunning portfolio. You can either use a portfolio theme or get a portfolio plugin. If you don’t prefer any of the portfolio themes or simply want to use a different one, then a portfolio plugin is for you.

您可以通过两种选择获得出色的投资组合。 您可以使用投资组合主题或获取投资组合插件。 如果您不喜欢任何一个投资组合主题,或者只是想使用其他主题,那么一个投资组合插件非常适合您。

The plugins listed below are 9 of the best WordPress portfolio plugins available, they’re the cream of the crop. They’re packed with useful features and are simple to use. Several of them are free, and all of them will catch the eye of potential clients.

下面列出的插件是可用的9个最佳WordPress组合插件中的9个,它们是最重要的。 它们包含有用的功能,并且易于使用。 其中有几个是免费的,而且所有这些都会吸引潜在客户的注意。

1. Huge IT的Portfolio Gallery(免费) (1. Portfolio Gallery by Huge IT (Free))


This is one of the most flexible portfolio plugins on the list, and it’s the one I use. It provides seven unique views that showcase your portfolio as a responsive gallery. You can choose from the following views:

这是列表中最灵活的产品组合插件之一,也是我使用的插件。 它提供了七个独特的视图,可作为响应式画廊展示您的作品集。 您可以从以下视图中选择:

  • Blocks Toggle Up/Down

  • Full-Height Blocks

  • Gallery/Content-popup

  • Full-Width Blocks

  • FAQ Toggle Up/Down

  • Content Slider

  • Lightbox-Gallery


All of these options display your work in a clean, unobtrusive fashion. The interface is intuitive and looks great with any WordPress theme.

所有这些选项均以简洁,醒目的方式显示您的工作。 界面直观,与任何WordPress主题配合使用都很好。

To add projects, you simply add a video slide or image and enter the details of the projects. All you have to do is paste a line of shortcode on the page of your choice, and voilà, you’ve got a shiny new portfolio.

要添加项目,只需添加视频幻灯片或图像,然后输入项目的详细信息。 您所要做的就是在您选择的页面上粘贴一行简码,然后,您将获得一个崭新的投资组合。

The free version has everything you need to get started and customize your portfolio. If you spring for one of the paid versions ($40-$100), you’ll get more options and a higher level of customization.

免费版提供了开始和自定义投资组合所需的一切。 如果您选择付费版本($ 40- $ 100)之一 ,则会获得更多选择和更高级别的自定义。

2. Miixee的职业组合(免费) (2. Career Portfolio by Miixee (Free))


Career Portfolio is a streamlined, grid-based portfolio plugin. It’s a fully responsive design that supports shortcode for easy setup.

职业组合是一个简化的,基于网格的组合插件。 这是一个完全响应的设计,支持简码以方便设置。

The free version comes with one layout style and one full-screen viewer style, which is good if you’re looking for a simple portfolio. It looks great, and it’s ideal for everyone from writers to designers.

免费版具有一种布局样式和一种全屏查看器样式,如果您正在寻找简单的作品集,那么这很好。 它看起来很棒,是从作家到设计师的每个人的理想选择。

The paid version of Career Portfolio ($30–$50) offers several more benefits:

职业版投资组合付费版本 ($ 30– $ 50)提供更多好处:

  • 3 layout styles

  • Category filtration

  • Design customization

  • Custom CSS & JS


So if you like the look and want to be able to customize it more, springing for the paid version is a smart investment.


3. Nimble3提供的Nimble Portfolio(免费) (3. Nimble Portfolio by Nimble3 (Free))


Nimble Portfolio offers a straightforward gallery for showcasing your projects. It’s a user-friendly, responsive design based around a grid of frames.

Nimble Portfolio提供了一个简单的画廊来展示您的项目。 这是一个基于框架网格的用户友好型响应式设计。

You have a lot of room to play around with this plugin, since you can modify almost everything. You can choose thumbnail styles, categorize projects, and embed videos or PDF previews. Its flexibility is a strong plus that makes it ideal for just about everyone.

由于您可以修改几乎所有内容,因此您有很大的空间可以使用此插件。 您可以选择缩略图样式,对项目进行分类以及嵌入视频或PDF预览。 它的灵活性是其强大的优势,使其几乎适合所有人。

Nimble Portfolio also offers several premium add-ons, including various skins and lightbox options. It’s one of the most full-featured free portfolio plugins available.

Nimble Portfolio还提供了几种高级附加组件,包括各种外观和灯箱选项。 它是可用的功能最全的免费产品组合插件之一。

4. iTechFlare的挥舞作品集(免费) (4. Waving Portfolio by iTechFlare (Free))


Waving Portfolio is another grid-based portfolio that uses shortcodes for customization. It’s simple to add projects, and viewers can filter from the front end using category buttons.

Waving Portfolio是另一种基于网格的组合,它使用短代码进行自定义。 添加项目很简单,观众可以使用类别按钮从前端进行过滤。

The viewer can click on your project to see a pop-up with more detail. It’s a great option for creatives who want a no-fuss approach to their portfolio.

查看者可以单击您的项目以查看具有更多详细信息的弹出窗口。 对于想要轻松处理广告素材的广告素材来说,这是一个不错的选择。

You can choose from a light or dark skin and customize the sizes/dimensions of portfolio items. If you need a portfolio to use regularly that doesn’t require complicated maintenance, Waving Portfolio is a solid option.

您可以选择浅色或深色皮肤,并自定义投资组合项目的大小/尺寸。 如果您需要定期使用不需要复杂维护的投资组合,那么挥动投资组合是一个不错的选择。

5. BestWebSoft提供的产品组合(免费) (5. Portfolio by BestWebSoft (Free))


Another take on a clean grid-based layout, BestWebSoft’s Portfolio plugin is a free option that provides several features so you can personalize your portfolio.


You can modify various elements, such as image size and labels. The result is a dynamic portfolio that nicely showcases your work. While it’s not responsive, it’s hassle-free and user-friendly.

您可以修改各种元素,例如图像大小和标签。 结果是一个动态的投资组合,很好地展示了您的工作。 虽然没有响应,但它无忧且易于使用。

The paid version ($25) offers additional functionalities, including categorization and extended support. The free version is a good way to get started building your professional portfolio.

付费版本($ 25)提供其他功能,包括分类和扩展支持。 免费版本是开始构建专业档案袋的好方法。

6. BriniA很棒的可过滤投资组合(免费) (6. Awesome Filterable Portfolio by BriniA (Free))


Awesome Filterable Portfolio gives you exactly that––a unique, filterable portfolio that shows off your work in style. This plugin comes with animations and image hover effects that add some verve to your portfolio.

令人敬畏的可过滤投资组合可为您提供准确的–独特的可过滤投资组合,彰显您的工作风格。 该插件带有动画和图像悬停效果,为您的作品集增添了活力。

You can easily order portfolio categories and items and configure the animation properties. It’s an intuitive option for artists or photographers who want to display their images in a striking fashion.

您可以轻松订购投资组合类别和项目并配置动画属性。 对于想要以惊人的方式显示其图像的艺术家或摄影师来说,这是一个直观的选择。

7. Sakura Plugins的Aeolus Creative Portfolio(免费) (7. Aeolus Creative Portfolio by Sakura Plugins (Free))


Aeolus is the perfect portfolio plugin for contemporary creatives who want an impressive pedestal for their work. You can display your work in parallax showcase or as thumbnails in a column showcase.

Aeolus是理想的作品集插件,适合希望为其作品提供出色底座的当代创意人士。 您可以在视差展示柜中显示作品,也可以在列展示柜中以缩略图形式显示作品。

It’s fully responsive and comes with unlimited colors so you can tweak it to your liking. Another big plus is the drag and drop interface of the admin panel, which makes customization a breeze.

它具有充分的响应能力,并具有无限的颜色,因此您可以根据自己的喜好对其进行调整。 另一个重要的优点是管理面板的拖放界面,使定制变得轻而易举。

For a free plugin, Aeolus has some of the best features available. If you like the parallax showcase, this is the portfolio plugin for you.

对于免费插件,Aeolus具有一些可用的最佳功能。 如果您喜欢视差展示,这是您的投资组合插件。

8. eleopard的Behance Portfolio Manager(免费) (8. Behance Portfolio Manager by eleopard (Free))


If you’re a Behance user, managing your portfolio just got a whole lot easier. This nifty portfolio plugin helps you integrate Behance projects on your WordPress site and allows you to manage everything from the Behance interface.

如果您是Behance用户,则管理投资组合变得非常容易。 这个漂亮的产品组合插件可帮助您在WordPress网站上集成Behance项目,并允许您从Behance界面管理所有内容。

It’s a clean, minimalistic layout that’s grid-based but not clunky or unnatural. It’s responsive and swift, allowing viewers to easily navigate your portfolio.

这是一种干净,简约的布局,基于网格,但并非笨拙或不自然。 它ReactSwift,使观众可以轻松浏览您的作品集。

The plugin offers categorization, tab customization, custom styling, and more. It’s a wonderful plugin that’s a Behance user’s dream.

该插件提供了分类,选项卡自定义,自定义样式等。 这是Behance用户梦dream以求的出色插件。

9. 格randint(Granth)的Go Portfolio($ 23) (9. Go Portfolio by Granth ($23))


Go Portfolio offers a full set of features and design options for a mere $23. The percent based grid layout provides an appealing touch to any site. Go Portfolio comes with four default styles, Google Web Font support, customizable vertical and horizontal spaces, and a plethora of other useful features.

Go Portfolio仅需$ 23,即可提供全套功能和设计选项。 基于百分比的网格布局为任何站点提供了吸引人的风格。 Go Portfolio提供了四种默认样式,Google Web Font支持,可自定义的垂直和水平空间以及许多其他有用的功能。

The admin panel gives you all the options you could ask for. You can have unlimited portfolios and custom post types.

管理面板为您提供了可能需要的所有选项。 您可以有无限的投资组合和自定义帖子类型。

You can modify anything to your heart’s content and tailor it to your needs. It’s great for companies and individuals alike, no matter your industry or niche. If you’re looking for a robust portfolio plugin that gives you options galore, then Go Portfolio is easily worth the $23.

您可以修改任何内容以适应自己的需求,并根据需要进行调整。 无论您的行业或利基市场如何,这对公司和个人都非常有用。 如果您正在寻找一款功能强大的投资组合插件,可以为您提供丰富的选择,那么Go Portfolio无疑很值得$ 23。

结论 (Conclusion)

In a world where nearly every field is growing more competitive by the hour, an outstanding portfolio will make your work shine. By showcasing your work in an appealing, memorable fashion, potential employers and clients are more likely to be impressed and take note of you and your work.

在这个几乎每个领域都每小时都变得越来越有竞争力的世界中,出色的产品组合会让您的工作大放异彩。 通过以一种令人难忘的,令人难忘的方式展示您的工作,潜在的雇主和客户就更有可能被打动并注意到您和您的工作。

These portfolio plugins provide a simple way to organize your work, and you can customize all you want. Add them to the theme of your choice, and you’re good to go.

这些产品组合插件提供了一种简单的方式来组织您的工作,并且您可以自定义所有所需的内容。 将它们添加到您选择的主题中,您就可以开始了。

After you’ve finished customizing your portfolio, you can share it with everyone, and don’t be surprised if you get more eyes on your work.


Create your own WordPress theme with our tutorial Create a Bare-bones WordPress Theme From Scratch.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/9-of-the-best-wordpress-portfolio-plugins/
