此帐户未启用sso。_在Windows 7、8或10上启用(隐藏)管理员帐户

此帐户未启用sso。_在Windows 7、8或10上启用(隐藏)管理员帐户


此帐户未启用sso。_在Windows 7、8或10上启用(隐藏)管理员帐户

Many people familiar with prior versions of Windows are curious what happened to the built-in Administrator account that was always created by default. Does this account still exist, and how can you access it?

许多熟悉Windows早期版本的人都好奇总是默认创建的内置Administrator帐户发生了什么。 此帐户是否仍然存在,如何访问?

The account is created in Windows 10, 8, 7, or Vista, but since it’s not enabled you can’t use it. If you are troubleshooting something that needs to run as administrator, you can enable it with a simple command.

该帐户是在Windows 10、8、7或Vista中创建的,但由于未启用,因此无法使用。 如果要对某些需要以管理员身份运行的问题进行故障排除,则可以使用简单的命令启用它。

Warning: The built-in Administrator account has a lot more privileges than a regular administrator account—privileges that can easily get you into trouble if you use it regularly. We recommend only enabling the built-in Administrator account if you are certain you need it to troubleshoot a specific problem and then disabling it when you are done. If you’re unsure whether you need it, you probably shouldn’t use it at all.

警告:内置的Administrator帐户比普通的Administrator帐户具有更多的特权-如果定期使用该特权,很容易使您陷入麻烦。 我们建议仅在确定需要解决特定问题后再启用内置管理员帐户,然后在完成后将其禁用。 如果不确定是否需要它,则可能根本不应该使用它。

在Windows中启用内置管理员帐户 (Enable Built-in Administrator Account in Windows)

First you’ll need to open a command prompt in administrator mode by right-clicking and choosing “Run as administrator” (or use the Ctrl+Shift+Enter shortcut from the search box).

首先,您需要通过右键单击并选择“以管理员身份运行”(或使用搜索框中的Ctrl + Shift + Enter快捷键), 以管理员模式打开命令提示符

Note that this works the same in all versions of Windows. Just search for cmd and then right-click on the command prompt icon in the Start menu or Start screen.

请注意,这在所有版本的Windows中都相同。 只需搜索cmd ,然后右键单击“开始”菜单或“开始”屏幕中的命令提示符图标即可。

此帐户未启用sso。_在Windows 7、8或10上启用(隐藏)管理员帐户

If you are in Windows 8.x or 10 you can right-click on the Start button and choose to open a command prompt that way.

如果您使用的是Windows 8.x或10,则可以右键单击“开始”按钮,然后选择以这种方式打开命令提示符。

此帐户未启用sso。_在Windows 7、8或10上启用(隐藏)管理员帐户

Now type the following command:


net user administrator /active:yes

净用户管理员/ active:是

此帐户未启用sso。_在Windows 7、8或10上启用(隐藏)管理员帐户

You should see a message that the command completed successfully. Log out, and you’ll now see the Administrator account as a choice. (Note that this screenshot is from Vista, but this works on Windows 7 and Windows 8 and Windows 10)

您应该看到一条消息,说明命令已成功完成。 注销,您现在将看到Administrator帐户作为选择。 (请注意,此屏幕截图来自Vista,但适用于Windows 7,Windows 8和Windows 10)

此帐户未启用sso。_在Windows 7、8或10上启用(隐藏)管理员帐户

You’ll note that there’s no password for this account, so if you want to leave it enabled you should change the password.


Disable Built-in Administrator Account


Make sure you are logged on as your regular user account, and then open an administrator mode command prompt as above. Type the following command:

确保以常规用户帐户登录,然后按上述方式打开管理员模式命令提示符。 键入以下命令:

net user administrator /active:no


此帐户未启用sso。_在Windows 7、8或10上启用(隐藏)管理员帐户

The administrator account will now be disabled, and shouldn’t show up on the login screen anymore.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/enable-the-hidden-administrator-account-on-windows-vista/
