http shield_听到“ OK Google”后如何使NVIDIA SHIELD或控制器闪烁

http shield_听到“ OK Google”后如何使NVIDIA SHIELD或控制器闪烁

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http shield_听到“ OK Google”后如何使NVIDIA SHIELD或控制器闪烁

NVIDIA’s SHIELD is the first Android TV box to get the Google Assistant, and you can already do some cool thing with it—like use it with the TV turned off. If you’d like a visual notification that it heard you, though, there’s a hidden tweak for that, too.

NVIDIA的SHIELD是第一个使用Google Assistant的Android电视盒,您已经可以用它做一些很棒的事情-例如在关闭电视的情况下使用它。 但是,如果您希望听到声音的视觉通知,也有一个隐藏的调整。

There’s actually a pair of toggles found in the Developer Settings menu that will force the controller or SHIELD itself to blink when it detects the words “OK Google”, making it a lot easier to use when you’re away from the TV…assuming you have the controller nearby, of course.

实际上,在“开发人员设置”菜单中有一对切换开关,当它检测到“ OK Google”字样时,将迫使控制器或SHIELD自身闪烁,从而使您远离电视时更容易使用...假设当然,请将控制器放在附近。

Before you can enable said tweak, however, you first need to enable Developer Options on your SHIELD. The process is exactly like it is on Android phones and tablets, but here’s the quick and dirty: jump into Settings, then scroll down to About. In this menu, find the “Build” entry, then click on it seven times. Toast notifications will let you know how many more clicks you need, and on the last one it will let you know that “you’re a developer.” Done.

但是,在启用所说的调整之前,您首先需要在SHIELD上启用“开发人员选项”。 该过程与Android手机和平板电脑上的过程完全相同,但这是快速而肮脏的过程:跳到“设置”,然后向下滚动到“关于”。 在此菜单中,找到“构建”条目,然后单击七次。 吐司通知将使您知道还需要单击多少次,而在最后一次通知中,它将使您知道“您是开发人员”。 做完了

http shield_听到“ OK Google”后如何使NVIDIA SHIELD或控制器闪烁
http shield_听到“ OK Google”后如何使NVIDIA SHIELD或控制器闪烁

With that out of the way, jump back one menu, then scroll down to the newly-added Developer Options entry. Open it.

这样一来,就跳回一个菜单,然后向下滚动到新添加的“开发人员选项”条目。 打开它。

http shield_听到“ OK Google”后如何使NVIDIA SHIELD或控制器闪烁

There’s a lot going on in this menu—lots of stuff you probably need not concern yourself with right now—so scroll all the way to the very bottom. Here you’ll find two options: “Blink controller LED on hotword detection” and “Pulse SHIELD LED on first pass hotword detection.”

此菜单中发生了很多事情-您可能现在不需要担心很多事情-因此一直滚动到最底端。 在这里,您会找到两个选项:“检测到热字时闪烁控制器LED”和“检测第一遍热字时显示脉冲SHIELD LED”。

http shield_听到“ OK Google”后如何使NVIDIA SHIELD或控制器闪烁

Enable either one (or both!) with the toggle, and away you go. Now every time your SHIELD detects the hotword, it will give you a visual notification not only on the TV, but also controller and box itself if you choose. Neat.

使用切换开关启用一个(或同时启用两个!),然后离开。 现在,每次SHIELD都检测到该热门单词时,它不仅会在电视上显示视觉通知,而且还会在您选择时在控制器和盒子本身上发出视觉通知。 整齐。

http shield_听到“ OK Google”后如何使NVIDIA SHIELD或控制器闪烁

Note: Since these toggles are found in the Developer Settings menu, there’s a chance they could be removed with any update, since they’re not technically meant for everyday use—just testing purposes. You’ve been warned.

注意:由于这些切换开关位于“开发人员设置”菜单中,因此有可能通过任何更新将其删除,因为从技术上讲 ,它们并不是日常使用的,只是出于测试目的。 您已被警告。


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