SiteMesh Java web页面布局框架


SiteMesh是一个轻量级灵活的Java web应用框架,它应用了*(Gang of Four)的装饰模式允许内容和表现有一个清晰的分离

SiteMesh is a lightweight and flexible Java web application framework that applies the Gang of Four decorator pattern to allow a clean separation of content from presentation.

Work with the simple content of your website and have the complex presentation code centrally applied (decorated) just before delivery to the client.

At the same time, SiteMesh has many advanced features and works with popular frameworks such as Spring and Struts.


Why Use SiteMesh

Write your content once and present it in many different ways,

SiteMesh Java web页面布局框架


Setup SiteMesh in 5 Minutes or Less


This tutorial teaches you how to set up SiteMesh within a Java Web Development Environment and should take about 5 minutes or less.


Install SiteMesh Manually

Installing SiteMesh into your web application consists of three steps,

  1. Add the SiteMesh library file to WEB-INF/lib
  2. Add the SiteMesh filter to web.xml
  3. Create a blank decorators.xml file
Setup Library File

Copy the SiteMesh jar file into your web application's WEB-INF/lib directory. In this example we downloaded SiteMesh 2.4.1 which uses the jar name, sitemesh-2.4.1.jar.


Add SiteMesh Filter

Add the following to WEB-INF/web.xml within the <web-app> tag,









Here is a sample web.xml,

















Add Decorator Controller File

Create the a decorators.xml file in your WEB-INF directory,





If you start up your application server (container) and get no errors then SiteMesh is is ready to go. However, SiteMesh will not do anything yet. Continue to Start Using SiteMesh in 10 Minutes.


Start Using SiteMesh in 10 Minutes


The best approach to understanding SiteMesh is to use it. Assuming that SiteMesh is setup in your web application this tutorial will show you how to master the most powerful aspect of SiteMesh, decorating pages as illustrated below,

SiteMesh Java web页面布局框架

The magic happens at step 2 where the pageMenu.jspis rendered as html. Just before the html page is sent down to the client browser, the page is decorated by a single file,basic-theme.jsp.

In this example, a menu is added, a footer is added without any extra code being added toMenu.jsp.


Demo Website

We will start by creating a simple website about a fictional coffee & cake shop called Café Mirabeau.

In your web folder, usually called WebContent, create a folder called data. Inside of data create or download (menu.jsp hours.jsp) these 2 simple html pages.


<?xml version="1.0"encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"


<html xmlns="">






<p>Cappucino $3.25</p>

<p>Latte $3.35</p>

<p>Espresso $2.00</p>

<p>Mocha $3.50</p>



And your second page,



<?xml version="1.0"encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"


<html xmlns="">






    <p>5:00pm -10:00pm</p>


    <p>5:00pm -10:00pm</p>



The key thing to keep in mind is that these are just simple HTML pages which all contain a head and body. The files have a jsp extension to prevent caching issues.


Setup Decorators

The decorators are what define the look and feel of the site.

In your web folder, usually called WebContent, create a folder called decorators. Inside decorators create or download your first decorator basic-theme.jsp,



















<?xml version="1.0"encoding="UTF-8"?>

<%@ taglib uri=""prefix="decorator"%>

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"


<html xmlns="">







    <hr />

    <decorator:body />

    <hr />




Line 2 - the taglib declaration allows the JSP file to use the SiteMesh tag library.

Line 12 - decorator:body places the rendered contents of the decorated pages into the decorator.


Define Decorator and Pattern

The last step is to modify or download WebContent/WEB-INF/decorators.xml to,

  • Reference the decorator basic-theme.jsp
  • Specify the what resources should be decorated








Start your application server and browse to menu.jsp and hours.jsp to see the results of the pages combined with the decorator.

