Camera Calibration and Stereo Vison Reconstruction

1. Camera Models and Distortion Models

For current, there are several camera model and lens distortion model products.

1.1 Camera Model

for camera models, follows is the main type:

  • pinhole camera model (pinhole)
    (intrinsics vector: [fu fv pu pv])
  • omnidirectional camera model (omni)
    (intrinsics vector: [xi fu fv pu pv])
  • double sphere camera model (ds)
    (intrinsics vector: [xi alpha fu fv pu pv])
  • extended unified camera model (eucm)
    (intrinsics vector: [alpha beta fu fv pu pv])

The intrinsics vector contains all parameters for the model:

  • fu, fv: focal-length
  • pu, pv: principal point
  • xi: mirror parameter (only omni)
  • xi, alpha: double sphere model parameters (only ds)
  • alpha, beta: extended unified model parameters (only eucm)

Here, only focus on pinhole camera, which is the most popular camera image type.

1.2 Lens Distortion Model

General lens distortion model as follows:

  • radial-tangential (radtan)
    (distortion_coeffs: [k1 k2 r1 r2])
  • equidistant (equi)
    (distortion_coeffs: [k1 k2 k3 k4])
  • fov (fov)
    (distortion_coeffs: [w])
  • none (none)
    (distortion_coeffs: [])

2. Severa Coordinates in Camera Calibration

Just think about the pinhole camera model and radial and tangential lens distortion model, so, there are four coordinates in camera calibration, World Frame, Camera Frame, Image Frame,  Pixel Frame. Look at the fiugre 1, Camera Calibration and Stereo Vison Reconstructionis the world frame point,Camera Calibration and Stereo Vison Reconstruction is the camera frame, (x, y) is the image frame and the (u, v) is the pixel frame.

                                                                            Figure 1 Image System


Camera Calibration and Stereo Vison Reconstruction

2.1 Word Frame to Camera Frame

For these two different frames, there exist a rotation matrix(R) and translation vetor(t), which can used to transform one point to antoher frame.

                                                            Camera Calibration and Stereo Vison Reconstruction                                  (1)

the R is a 3*3 orthogonal matrix.


2.2 Camera Frame to Image Frame

Given Camera Calibration and Stereo Vison Reconstruction is the focal length, 

                                                                      Camera Calibration and Stereo Vison Reconstruction                                           (2)

Use the homogeneous coordinates and matrix to express it as follows:

                                                      Camera Calibration and Stereo Vison Reconstruction                       (3)

2.3 Image Frame to Pixel Frame

                                                                 Camera Calibration and Stereo Vison Reconstruction

                                                                    Figure 2 Image Frame and Pixel Frame

x and y expressed in pysichal unit:mm, and (u, v) expressed in pixels, givenCamera Calibration and Stereo Vison Reconstruction are the phsichal length in millimeter per pixel, we can get:

                                                                        Camera Calibration and Stereo Vison Reconstruction                                             (4)

Camera Calibration and Stereo Vison Reconstruction means the image frame origin point's coordinates in Pixel Frame.

Thus, we use the homogeneous coordinates to express it as follows:

                                                            Camera Calibration and Stereo Vison Reconstruction                        (5)

Finally, join the equation(1) to (5), we can get the follows formular:

                                       Camera Calibration and Stereo Vison Reconstruction                         (6)

Then, do some mergence, it shows as follows:

                            Camera Calibration and Stereo Vison Reconstruction              (7)

Camera Calibration and Stereo Vison Reconstruction is the focal length in pixel at x or y axis respectively. Camera Calibration and Stereo Vison Reconstruction is the internal parameter of the camera, and Camera Calibration and Stereo Vison Reconstruction is the external paramers of the camera.

2.4 Undistortion to Distortion Frame

From formular(7), it gots only undistortion cooridnates, but in fact, almost all the lens have distortion for both radial and tangential direction. Given (x, y) is the distortioned pxiel coordiantes.

2.4.1 Raidal Distortion

                                                  Camera Calibration and Stereo Vison Reconstruction                                    (8)

2.4.2 Tangential Distortion

                                                     Camera Calibration and Stereo Vison Reconstruction                                  (9)


3. Calibration Method

3.1 Plate Calibration

This method is proposed by Zhang Zhengyou, it's a practical and popular method, both OpenCV and Matlab support this method. Detail information can be found in this paper[A Flexible New Technique for Camera]

3.2 Calibration Steps

4. Attention With Camera Calibration

5. Depth Information Generation

6. 3D Point Cloud Reconstruction