



If you create documents in Word with complex layouts, tables are a useful method of arranging your content. You can use the cells in a table to structure your text, images, and even other tables. And yes, you can even nest tables in Word and we’ll show you how.

如果您在Word中使用复杂的布局创建文档,则表格是安排内容的有用方法。 您可以使用表格中的单元格来构造文本,图像甚至其他表格。 是的,您甚至可以在Word中嵌套表格,我们将向您展示如何进行。

Using nested tables in Word can make a document more readable by adding more white space to line up text and images. As an example, we’ll create a nested table for part of a procedure from our article about printing a worksheet with comments in Excel.

通过在Word中使用嵌套表,可以通过添加更多空白以使文本和图像对齐来使文档更具可读性。 作为示例,我们将为文章中有关在Excel中打印带有注释的工作表的过程的一部分创建嵌套表。

First, we insert the main table that will contain the steps of the procedure. We write the first step and press “Enter”. We’re going to insert a nested table that describes the situations in which you would choose each option. Before inserting the nested table, we make sure the cursor is placed where we want to insert it.

首先,我们插入将包含该过程步骤的主表。 我们编写第一步,然后按“ Enter”。 我们将插入一个嵌套表,该表描述您将选择每个选项的情况。 在插入嵌套表之前,我们确保将光标放置在我们要插入它的位置。


You can simply insert a table at the cursor; however, you may notice that the top and bottom borders are very close to the surrounding cell. In our example, we have text above the nested table, but the bottom border of the nested table is too close to the bottom border of the containing cell. We need to expand the margins within the cell.

您只需在光标处插入一个表即可; 但是,您可能会注意到顶部和底部边框非常靠近周围的单元格。 在我们的示例中,嵌套表上方有文本,但是嵌套表的底部边框太靠近包含单元格的底部边框。 我们需要扩大单元内的边距。

If you inserted a nested table this way, you can press Ctrl+Z to undo the insertion and remove the nested table. We will insert the nested table again after expanding the margins within the cell.

如果以这种方式插入嵌套表,则可以按Ctrl + Z撤消插入操作并删除嵌套表。 扩展单元格内的边距后,我们将再次插入嵌套表。


To expand the margins in the cell so the borders of the nested table and the cell are not too close, make sure the cursor is in the cell of the main table where you want to insert the nested table.


NOTE: If you know that you are going to need to expand the margins the same way in other cells of the main table as well, you can select multiple cells in the table. For this example, however, we’re only going to change the margins for one cell.

注意:如果您知道还需要在主表的其他单元格中以相同的方式扩展页边距,则可以在表中选择多个单元格 。 但是,对于此示例,我们将仅更改一个单元格的边距。

Click the “Layout” tab.



In the Table section, click “Properties”.



On the Table Properties dialog box, click the “Cell” tab, if it’s not already active.



Click “Options” at the bottom of the Cell tab.



In the Cell margins section on the Cell Options dialog box, click on the “Same as the whole table” check box so there is NO check mark in the box. This activates the Top, Bottom, Left, and Right edit boxes, which contain the values for the four margins in the selected cell. By default (in Word 2016), the Top and Bottom margins are “0” and the Left and Right are “0.08”. These values might differ in earlier versions of Word. Enter new values for the margins, especially the Top and Bottom margins. We used “0.1” for all the margins in our cell. Click “OK”.

在“单元格选项”对话框的“单元格边距”部分中,单击“与整个表格相同”复选框,以使该框中没有复选标记。 这将**“顶部”,“底部”,“左”和“右”编辑框,其中包含所选单元格中四个边距的值。 默认情况下(在Word 2016中),上边距和下边距为“ 0”,左和右为“ 0.08”。 这些值可能在Word的早期版本中有所不同。 输入页边距的新值,尤其是顶部和底部页边距。 我们将“ 0.1”用于单元格中的所有边距。 点击“确定”。


You are returned to the Table Properties dialog box. Click “OK” to close it.

您将返回到“表属性”对话框。 单击“确定”将其关闭。


Now, you can insert a table in that cell and enter your content. The nested table sits nicely in the cell in your main table.

现在,您可以在该单元格中插入表格并输入内容。 嵌套表恰好位于主表的单元格中。


To further enhance your table layout, you can add borders to all or parts of cells, add shading in different colors, merge and split cells, and even freeze the size of some or all of the cells in a table. You can also have multiple layers of nested tables, but be careful. Too many layers of nested tables can make for a confusing layout.

为了进一步增强表格的布局,您可以为所有或部分单元格添加边框以不同的颜色添加阴影 ,合并和拆分单元格,甚至冻结表格中部分或全部单元格的大小 。 您也可以有多层嵌套表,但是要小心。 嵌套表的太多层会使布局混乱。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/microsoft-office/nesting-a-table-inside-a-table-in-word-2007/
