【Level 08】U06 Good Feeling L3 Fun-filled concert

Word Preparation

upcoming: 即将到来的

coming soon or about to take place

My brother and I are going to the upcoming football game.

We need to buy tickets soon for Ariana Grande’s upcoming concert.
Arianan Grande的音乐会即将举行,我们需要马上买票。
【Level 08】U06 Good Feeling L3 Fun-filled concert

rowdy: 吵闹的

noisy and possibly violent

Someone needs to tell these rowdy children to be quiet.

The neighbors were complaining about the rowdy party.

pop rock: 流行摇滚

a combination of pop and rock music
【Level 08】U06 Good Feeling L3 Fun-filled concert
I want to go to the pop rock concert next week.

Her favorite type of music is pop rock.

miss out on: 错过

fail to experience something

I missed out on Jane’s birthday party because I had an exam.

You don’t want to miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

all set: 准备就绪

completely prepared

Everything is all set for the wedding.

We’re not all set to go to the beach yet.

hyped-up: 兴奋的

feeling very excited

I always get really hyped-up whenever I hear dance music.

Jim will get hyped-up once he hears Taylor Swift is performing.
Jim听到Taylor Swift演出的消息一定会非常兴奋的。


present perfect continuous tense

also called present perfect progressive tense.
【Level 08】U06 Good Feeling L3 Fun-filled concert
structure: Subject + have/has + been + Ving (present participle) + other
在结构中,have/has用现在时表示”现在“, been用过去分词表示“完成”,Ving用现在分词表示“进行”,合在一起叫做“现在完成进行时”。

这种时态,表示从某一个时刻开始,一直持续到现在的动作,主要意图是表达“动作的持续时间或过程” ,经常与for或since连用。

  • She has been learning English for five years.
  • I’ve been waiting for an hour and the secretary says that I have to wait one more hour.
  • He has been writing the book since he was in his twenties and at last it’s finished.