如何从Windows PC切换到Mac

如何从Windows PC切换到Mac
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It’s easy to switch from a Windows-based PC to a Mac. The platforms probably aren’t as different as you’ve heard. Our handy guide will have you up to speed in no time!

从基于Windows的PC切换到Mac很容易。 这些平台可能并没有您所听说的那么不同。 我们方便的指南将使您立即掌握最新信息!

选择一台Mac (Choose a Mac)

If you haven’t already purchased your Mac (or you’re still mulling it over), you should try to decide which computer is right for you. Apple’s lineup is divided into three classes: laptops, consumer home computers, and powerful high-end behemoths.

如果您还没有购买Mac(或者您仍在考虑购买),则应尝试确定哪台计算机适合您。 苹果的产品线分为三类:笔记本电脑,家用电脑和功能强大的高端庞然大物。

手提电脑 (Laptops)

For portable use, Apple currently offers two laptops: the MacBook Air and MacBook Pro. The 13-inch MacBook Air (starting at $1,099, at this writing) is a great all-rounder, with a new Retina (high-DPi) display, energy-efficient performance, and the classic “wedge” shape. It’s ideal for web browsing, typing essays, watching Netflix, and can even handle some light sub-4K video editing.

对于便携式设备,Apple当前提供两种笔记本电脑:MacBook Air和MacBook Pro。 13英寸MacBook Air (撰写本文时起价为1,099美元)是一款出色的全能产品,具有新型的Retina(高DPi)显示屏,节能性能和经典的“楔形”形状。 它是Web浏览,键入文章,观看Netflix的理想选择,甚至可以处理4K以下的轻量级视频编辑。

如何从Windows PC切换到Mac

If you need more power on the go, particularly in the graphics department, the MacBook Pro is the next logical choice. It’s a mobile powerhouse available in both 13- and 15-inch models (at this writing, starting at $1,299 and $2,399, respectively). It’s fatter, heavier, and packs far more punch than its lightweight sibling. It’s also considerably more expensive. You customize both models at checkout, but you get more options if you opt for the Pro.

如果您在旅途中需要更多电源,尤其是在图形部门,则MacBook Pro是下一个合理的选择。 它是一种移动动力站,有13英寸和15英寸两种型号(在撰写本文时,起价分别为1,299美元和2,399美元)。 它更胖,更重,并且比其轻巧的兄弟姐妹具有更大的冲击力。 它也相当昂贵。 您可以在结帐时自定义两种型号,但是如果选择Pro,则会有更多选择。

家用消费类计算机 (Consumer Home Computers)

For home and office users, the iMac is a great choice. It’s available with a built-in 21.5-inch display up to 4K or 27-inch 5K display (at this writing, starting at $1,099 or $1,799, respectively). It’s great value for the money, even when you compare it to building your own computer. You get a lot more performance for your money if you opt for the larger, desktop type. You also get expansion ports to add more RAM, a proper array of ports on the back, Apple’s decent keyboard, and its passable mouse.

对于家庭和办公室用户, iMac是一个不错的选择。 它具有内置21.5英寸显示屏,最高4K或27英寸5K显示屏(在撰写本文时,分别起价为1,099美元或1,799美元)。 这笔钱物有所值,即使您将其与构建自己的计算机进行比较也是如此。 如果选择更大的台式机类型,您将获得更多的性能回报。 您还将获得扩展端口,以增加更多的RAM,背面适当的端口阵列,Apple的体面键盘以及可通过的鼠标。

如何从Windows PC切换到Mac

If you already have a monitor and peripherals, you might be interested in the Mac mini (starting at $799 at this writing). This is the most affordable computer Apple manufactures, partly due to the somewhat limited hardware. You won’t get iMac-like performance, nor are these machines armed with powerful GPUs, but you can beef up the RAM and processor selection at checkout if you want.

如果您已经有显示器和外围设备,则可能对Mac mini感兴趣(起价为799美元)。 这是Apple生产的最实惠的计算机,部分是由于硬件有限。 您将无法获得类似iMac的性能,这些机器也不会配备强大的GPU,但是如果需要,可以在结帐时增强RAM和处理器的选择。

高端专业系统 (High-End Professional Systems)

Professional users are left with the iMac Pro and the Mac Pro. Generally speaking, if you have to ask, you don’t really need either of these machines. They’re stuffed with high-end components, like Intel Xeon server-grade processors, Radeon Pro Vega GPUs, and more RAM than you know what to do with. At this writing, the iMac Pro starts at $4,999, and the Mac Pro isn’t shipping until late 2019 (price to be announced).

专业用户只能使用iMac ProMac Pro 。 一般来说,如果需要询问,您实际上并不需要这些机器。 它们塞满了高端组件,例如Intel Xeon服务器级处理器,Radeon Pro Vega GPU和比您知道的要多的RAM。 在撰写本文时,iMac Pro的起价为4,999美元,Mac Pro直到2019年下半年才发货(价格待定)。

如何从Windows PC切换到Mac

For most people, an iMac or MacBook Air are the obvious choices. If you’re happy to trade some performance for portability, the MacBook Pro should be on your radar. If you’re buying your primary computer, and you opt for a laptop, avoid the smallest SSD.

对于大多数人来说,iMac或MacBook Air是显而易见的选择。 如果您乐意为了提高便携性而牺牲一些性能,那么MacBook Pro应该备受关注。 如果您要购买主计算机并选择笔记本电脑,请避免使用最小的SSD。

At this writing, you can upgrade the MacBook Air’s tiny 128 GB SSD to 256 GB for $200, or 512 GB for $400. If you’re going to store your main photo library on the machine, along with software like Office or Photoshop, you’ll need that extra space a few years down the line. While increasing your MacBook’s storage later is sometimes possible, solutions can be expensive and inconvenient.

在撰写本文时,您可以将MacBook Air的微型128 GB SSD升级到256 GB,价格为200美元,或将512 GB升级为400美元。 如果要将主要照片库以及Office或Photoshop之类的软件存储在计算机上,则几年后将需要额外的空间。 虽然有时可以稍后增加MacBook的存储空间,但解决方案可能既昂贵又不便。

基础 (The Basics)

When you first boot up your new Mac, you configure your account username and set up (or sign in with) an Apple ID. With that out of the way, you have a desktop in front of you that looks simultaneously familiar and slightly alien.

首次启动新Mac时,您需要配置帐户用户名并设置(或登录)Apple ID。 这样一来,您前面的桌面便看起来既熟悉又有点陌生。

如何使用触控板或鼠标 (How to Use the Trackpad or Mouse)

Before we begin, it’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with some common actions you’ll use while you make your way around macOS:


  • Scrolling: On a trackpad, you scroll with two fingers, like you would on a mobile device.


  • Clicking: The trackpad is one big button, so you can click anywhere.


  • Right- or two-finger click: To open the “right-click” context menu, place two fingers on the trackpad and “click” with one. You can also right-click with a regular mouse or hold the Control key and click.

    右手或两指单击:要打开“右键单击”上下文菜单,请将两根手指放在触控板上,然后用一根手指“单击”。 您也可以使用常规鼠标右键单击或按住Control键并单击。

码头 (The Dock)

At the bottom of the screen, you find the macOS Dock. This is the Mac equivalent of the Windows taskbar. It’s one of the easiest ways to launch and access your applications. There are two areas on the Dock separated by a partition. On the left, you find your applications, and on the right, folders, the Trash, and any minimized windows you have open.

在屏幕底部,找到macOS Dock。 这与Windows任务栏在Mac上等效。 这是启动和访问应用程序的最简单方法之一。 Dock上有两个区域,由一个分区隔开。 在左侧,您可以找到您的应用程序,在右侧,您可以找到文件夹,废纸rash以及您已打开的所有最小化窗口。

如何从Windows PC切换到Mac

To pin an item to the Dock, you right-click it (or two-finger click on a trackpad), and then choose Options > Keep in Dock. To get rid of something, click and drag it until “Remove” appears, and then release. You can configure the Dock to appear on the bottom, or the left or right edge of the screen. You can also configure it to auto-hide. Launch System Preferences > Dock to set it up however you like.

要将项目固定到Dock,请右键单击它(或在触控板上单击两指),然后选择“选项”>“保留在Dock中”。 要清除某些东西,请单击并拖动它直到出现“删除”,然后释放。 您可以将Dock配置为显示在屏幕的底部或左侧或右侧。 您还可以将其配置为自动隐藏。 启动“系统偏好设置”>“扩展坞”以根据需要进行设置。

菜单栏 (The Menu Bar)

At the top of the screen, you see the Mac menu bar (shown below). Unlike Windows, where drop-down menus like File and Edit appear docked to the window you’re using, macOS places these at the top of the screen at all times. You can tell which application is in use because its name will appear in the top-left corner next to the Apple logo.

在屏幕顶部,您会看到Mac菜单栏(如下所示)。 与Windows不同,在Windows中,“文件”和“编辑”等下拉菜单会停靠在您正在使用的窗口中,macOS始终将它们放置在屏幕顶部。 您可以知道正在使用哪个应用程序,因为其名称将显示在Apple徽标旁边的左上角。

如何从Windows PC切换到Mac

To the right of the menu bar is Apple’s equivalent of the Windows system tray (shown below). This is where you do things like connect to Wi-Fi networks or check your battery percentage. Many applications, like Evernote and Google Drive, place icons here for easy access. macOS also has a healthy number of apps that live in the menu bar.

菜单栏右侧是Apple等效于Windows系统的托盘(如下所示)。 在这里,您可以执行诸如连接Wi-Fi网络或检查电池电量百分比的操作。 Evernote和Google云端硬盘等许多应用程序都在此处放置图标,以方便访问。 macOS菜单栏中还包含许多健康的应用程序。

如何从Windows PC切换到Mac

Over time, the menu bar can get cluttered and unwieldy, as shown above. If you find this is the case, you can tidy it up with Bartender.

随着时间的流逝,菜单栏会变得混乱和笨拙,如上所示。 如果发现这种情况,可以使用Bartender进行整理

聚光灯 (Spotlight)

While the Dock is one of the easiest ways to access applications, it’s not the most efficient. If you press Command + Spacebar, you launch Spotlight search. This is Mac’s all-encompassing search engine, and it’s the perfect way to launch applications—just type the name of the application, and then hit Enter.

尽管Dock是访问应用程序的最简单方法之一,但它并不是最有效的。 如果按Command +空格键,将启动Spotlight搜索。 这是Mac的无所不包的搜索引擎,它是启动应用程序的理想方法-只需键入应用程序的名称,然后按Enter。

如何从Windows PC切换到Mac

You can do a lot with Spotlight. You can access the options panels under System Preferences, search for files, and even perform simple sums or convert currency. You can also use natural language in your search, like, “PDF files I opened last week,” to further refine your results. It’s a good idea to get in the habit of using Spotlight, particularly to launch applications.

您可以使用Spotlight做很多事情。 您可以访问“系统偏好设置”下的选项面板,搜索文件,甚至执行简单的总和或转换货币。 您还可以在搜索中使用自然语言,例如“我上周打开的PDF文件”,以进一步优化搜索结果。 养成使用Spotlight的习惯是一个好主意 ,尤其是启动应用程序时。

系统偏好设定 (System Preferences)

The Mac equivalent to the Control Panel on Windows is System Preferences. This is where you go to add new users to your machine, change security settings, or customize your desktop (just to name a few of its useful functions). Third-party applications might also install their own options panels here. It’s worth it to poke around System Preferences, so you can familiarize yourself with its various options.

与Windows上的“控制面板”等效的Mac是“系统偏好设置”。 您可以在此处向计算机添加新用户,更改安全设置或自定义桌面(仅举几个有用的功能)。 第三方应用程序也可以在此处安装自己的选项面板。 值得一提的是“系统偏好设置”,因此您可以熟悉其各种选项。

如何从Windows PC切换到Mac

通知中心和今天 (The Notification Center & Today)

In the top-right corner of the menu bar is an icon you can click to open the Notification Center or Today screen. You can also swipe inward from the right-most edge of the trackpad. macOS has a robust notifications system, and this is where they all appear. Scroll up on this screen to enable Do Not Disturb mode or Night Shift.

菜单栏右上角是一个图标,您可以单击以打开“通知中心”或“今日”屏幕。 您也可以从触控板的最右边缘向内滑动。 macOS有一个强大的通知系统,这就是它们的全部出现位置。 在此屏幕上向上滚动以启用“请勿打扰”模式或“夜班”。

如何从Windows PC切换到Mac

The Today screen (shown above) also lives here. This functions just like the Today screen on iPhone and iPad. It’s comprised entirely of widgets. Scroll to the bottom of the Today screen and click “Edit” to reorganize, and enable or disable widgets. Many third-party apps also install widgets you can access in this panel. You can add weather forecasts, a Reminders widget, or even a calculator.

今日屏幕(如上所示)也位于此处。 此功能就像iPhone和iPad上的“今天”屏幕一样。 它完全由小部件组成。 滚动到“今日”屏幕的底部,然后单击“编辑”以重新组织,启用或禁用小部件。 许多第三方应用程序还安装了可在此面板中访问的小部件。 您可以添加天气预报,提醒小部件,甚至是计算器。

西里 (Siri)

Siri is a personal assistant that helps you find files or information on the internet. To access Siri, hold Command + Spacebar or click the Siri icon in the menu bar. You can change this setting (and others, like Siri’s voice or language) under System Preferences > Siri.

Siri是个人助理,可帮助您在Internet上查找文件或信息。 要访问Siri,请按住Command +空格键或单击菜单栏中的Siri图标。 您可以在系统偏好设置> Siri中更改此设置(以及其他设置,例如Siri的语音或语言)。

如何从Windows PC切换到Mac

You can also pin some of Siri’s responses to your Today screen. For example, if you ask Siri to show you the premiership table, you can click the small plus sign (+) to pin this query (see above). It will update automatically when new information is available. Siri can do all sorts of things on a Mac, including composing tweets or emails and, of course, searching the internet.

您也可以将Siri的某些回复固定在“今日”屏幕上。 例如,如果您要求Siri向您显示超级联赛表格,则可以单击小加号(+)来固定此查询(请参见上文)。 当有新信息可用时,它将自动更新。 Siri可以在Mac上执行各种操作 ,包括编写推文或电子邮件,当然还可以搜索Internet。

如何安装和删除软件 (How to Install and Remove Software)

The process to install software on a Mac is slightly different than on a Windows machine, but it’s still straightforward. There are three main methods to install software on a Mac:

在Mac上安装软件的过程与在Windows机器上安装软件的过程略有不同,但是仍然很简单。 在Mac上安装软件的主要方法有以下三种:

  • Manual install: After you download a disk image file with the DMG extension, double-click it to mount it. A window pops up with an app icon in it (and maybe a README file). Click and drag the app icon to your “Applications” folder in Finder. Many DMG installers provide you with a shortcut to the Applications folder and instructions.

    手动安装:下载带有DMG扩展名的磁盘映像文件后,双击将其安装。 弹出一个带有应用程序图标的窗口(可能还有自述文件)。 单击并将应用程序图标拖到Finder中的“应用程序”文件夹中。 许多DMG安装程序会为您提供“应用程序”文件夹和说明的快捷方式。

  • Package installer: These work just like install wizards on Windows. Double click the PKG file to run it. Follow the onscreen instructions (usually, you just click “Next” a few times) until your software is installed.

    软件包安装程序:这些工作与Windows上的安装向导相同。 双击运行PKG文件。 按照屏幕上的说明进行操作(通常只需单击“下一步”几次),直到安装了软件。

  • Mac App Store installs: Launch the Mac App Store and find the app you want to download. Click “Get” (or “Buy” if it’s a paid app) and type your Apple ID password. Your app automatically installs in the Applications folder.

    Mac App Store安装:启动Mac App Store并找到要下载的应用。 单击“获取”(如果是付费应用,则单击“购买”),然后键入您的Apple ID密码。 您的应用程序会自动安装在“应用程序”文件夹中。

如何从Windows PC切换到Mac

There’s one other method you can use that involves the free app Homebrew. It’s a package manager that works via the command line, just like many Linux distributions. You can read more about how to find and install software via Homebrew, here.

您还可以使用涉及免费应用程序Homebrew的另一种方法。 它是一个程序包管理器,可通过命令行工作,就像许多Linux发行版一样。 您可以在此处阅读有关如何通过Homebrew查找和安装软件的更多信息

The two primary methods to remove software are:


  • Manual delete: Find the application in the Applications folder, and then click and drag it to the Trash. You might need to provide your Admin password to uninstall an application completely. Empty the Trash to recover the free space.

    手动删除:在“应用程序”文件夹中找到该应用程序,然后单击并将其拖到“废纸rash”。 您可能需要提供管理员密码才能完全卸载应用程序。 清空垃圾箱以恢复可用空间。

  • Automatic uninstallers: Some apps include uninstallers that work just like those on Windows, so check the Applications folder first. If you find an uninstaller for an app, double-click it and follow any on-screen instructions.

    自动卸载程序某些应用程序包含的卸载程序与Windows上的卸载程序一样工作,因此请首先检查“应用程序”文件夹。 如果找到某个应用程序的卸载程序,请双击该程序并按照屏幕上的说明进行操作。

If you have any trouble removing an app, there’s a free app called AppCleaner that can help you out. AppCleaner scrubs any sign of an app from your system, and it might be necessary sometimes to remove a stubborn software package.

如果您在删除某个应用程序时遇到问题,可以使用免费的AppCleaner应用程序来帮助您。 AppCleaner会清除系统中任何应用程序的信号,有时可能有必要删除顽固的软件包。

You can read more about how to uninstall software from a Mac here.


如何管理macOS (How to Manage macOS)

Generally speaking, everyday maintenance is easier on a Mac than it is on Windows. You don’t need to update drivers manually—Apple provides all driver and firmware updates for you. There’s also no registry on a Mac, and most OS housekeeping is taken care for you behind the scenes.

一般来说,Mac上的日常维护比Windows上的日常维护容易。 您不需要手动更新驱动程序-Apple为您提供了所有驱动程序和固件更新。 在Mac上也没有注册表,大多数OS内部维护都在幕后为您服务。

活动监控 (Activity Monitor)

You can launch Activity Monitor (perform a Spotlight search for it or pin it to the Dock for easy access) to see exactly what’s happening on your Mac. This is the macOS equivalent of the Windows Task Manager. There are tabs to monitor CPU, Memory, Energy, Disk, and Network usage. To kill processes, highlight them, and then click the “X” in the top-left corner.

您可以启动“活动监视器”(执行Spotlight搜索或将其固定到Dock以便于访问),以查看Mac上正在发生的事情。 这等效于Windows任务管理器的macOS。 有一些选项卡可监视CPU,内存,能源,磁盘和网络使用情况。 要终止进程,请突出显示它们,然后单击左上角的“ X”。

如何从Windows PC切换到Mac

Apps that no longer respond (that is, they’ve crashed) are highlighted in red. You can use the box in the top-right corner to search for individual processes. If you have performance problems, you can launch Activity Monitor as a first step to diagnose the issue.

不再响应(即已崩溃)的应用以红色突出显示。 您可以使用右上角的框来搜索单个进程。 如果您遇到性能问题,则可以启动“活动监视器”作为诊断问题的第一步。

Go here to learn how to use Activity Monitor like a pro.

去这里学习如何像专业人士一样使用Activity Monitor

如何更新软件和macOS (How to Update Software and macOS)

You can update any software you install from the Mac App Store in a single click on the “Updates” tab of the Mac App Store. To automate this process, head to System Preferences > Software Update, and then enable automatic updates. Apps you install manually should perform their own checks, notify you when new versions are ready, and then invite you to install the update and restart the app.

您可以通过单击Mac App Store的“更新”选项卡来更新从Mac App Store安装的任何软件。 要自动执行此过程,请转到“系统偏好设置”>“软件更新”,然后启用自动更新。 手动安装的应用程序应执行自己的检查,准备好新版本时通知您,然后邀请您安装更新并重新启动应用程序。

Sometimes, you have to download the new version of an app directly from the developer’s website to update. This is usually the case for older apps and small free tools that lack the infrastructure for automatic updates.

有时,您必须直接从开发人员的网站下载应用程序的新版本以进行更新。 对于缺少自动更新基础结构的旧版应用程序和小型免费工具,通常会出现这种情况。

如何从Windows PC切换到Mac

You can also update macOS manually via the Software Update settings panel (shown above). You can choose to enable automatic downloads or to automate the update process, too. New, major versions of macOS are released every year, usually in October. You’ll be invited to update your Mac if it’s compatible with the new update. This process is taken care of via the Mac App Store.

您也可以通过“软件更新”设置面板(如上所示)手动更新macOS。 您也可以选择启用自动下载或自动执行更新过程。 每年(通常在十月份)都会发布新的主要版本的macOS。 如果Mac与新更新兼容,则将邀请您更新Mac。 此过程通过Mac App Store进行。

If you use any software that isn’t compatible with a new, major version of macOS, you might want to wait before you update your system.


You can read more about how to keep your Mac and its software up-to-date here.


如何使用Time Machine进行备份 (How to Back Up with Time Machine)

macOS has a built-in backup system called Time Machine. The easiest way to use Time Machine is to purchase an external drive that’s at least the size of your Mac’s internal storage. Insert the drive, and then launch Time Machine (Spotlight search it or click the Time Machine icon in the menu bar).

macOS具有称为Time Machine的内置备份系统。 使用Time Machine的最简单方法是购买外接驱动器,该驱动器的大小至少应与Mac内部存储器的大小相同。 插入驱动器,然后启动Time Machine(Spotlight搜索它或单击菜单栏中的Time Machine图标)。

From here, you designate the volume as a backup disk. Whenever you connect this drive in the future, macOS automatically backs up your system. If something goes wrong, you can easily restore your system from Time Machine. If you lose any files you’ve backed up with Time Machine, you just connect the drive and pick out the individual files or folders.

在这里,您可以将该卷指定为备份磁盘。 以后无论何时连接该驱动器,macOS都会自动备份您的系统。 如果出现问题,您可以轻松地从Time Machine恢复系统。 如果丢失了使用Time Machine备份的任何文件,则只需连接驱动器并挑选单个文件或文件夹。

You can also restore your entire Mac from a Time Machine backup. This is ideal when you move from one Mac to another, or in the case of a catastrophic hardware failure.

您还可以从Time Machine备份还原整个Mac。 当您从一台Mac迁移到另一台Mac时,或者发生灾难性的硬件故障时,这是理想的选择。

You can go here to find out what else you can do with Time Machine.

您可以在这里找到Time Machine还能做什么

macOS中的文件管理 (File Management in macOS)

Finder is the macOS equivalent of Windows Explorer. It’s how you get around the operating system, and its basic functions should be familiar to anyone who’s used Windows. You can click and drag to highlight files and right-click (or two-finger click) to access context menus and create folders.

Finder与Windows资源管理器的macOS等效。 这是您使用操作系统的方式,使用Windows的任何人都应该熟悉它的基本功能。 您可以单击并拖动以突出显示文件,然后单击鼠标右键(或两指单击)以访问上下文菜单并创建文件夹。

如何从Windows PC切换到Mac

Copy and paste works the same as it does on Windows, although you use Command + C (copy) and Command + V (paste) as opposed to Ctrl on Windows. Cutting is called “Move” on a Mac, and it works a bit different. To “cut” a file, you copy it first, and then use Command + Option + V to move it. If you right-click and press the Option key, “Paste” changes to “Cut” in the menu.

尽管您在Windows上使用Command + C(复制)和Command + V(粘贴)而不是Ctrl,但是复制和粘贴的功能与Windows相同。 在Mac上,切割称为“移动”,其工作方式略有不同。 要“剪切”文件,请先将其复制,然后使用Command + Option + V将其移动。 如果右键单击并按Option键,则在菜单中“粘贴”更改为“剪切”。

macOS uses a UNIX-like HFS+ or APFS filesystems. The root folder on your “Macintosh HD” macOS install drive contains the following important folders:

macOS使用类似UNIX的HFS +或APFS文件系统。 “ Macintosh HD” macOS安装驱动器上的根文件夹包含以下重要文件夹:

  • /Applications: This is where your applications live.

    / Applications:这是您的应用程序所在的位置。

  • /System: Files related to the normal operation of macOS.

    / System:与macOS正常运行相关的文件。

  • /Libraries: Shared libraries used by software and the core OS.

    / Libraries:软件和核心操作系统使用的共享库。

  • /Users: Where user files and folders are stored.


  • /Volumes: Where all mountable volumes (like .DMG files) and external drives are mounted.


  • /Network: Where network volumes are mounted.


Due to the way UNIX file systems are structured, there are no separately mounted C:\ drives. This can be confusing for people who are new to Mac. Remember, if you’re looking for a file or folder you can search for it with Spotlight to find it quickly. If you know the specific folder you want, launch Finder, choose Go > Go to Folder, and then type the location. For example, to go to your Documents folder, you would type: /Users/username/Documents.

由于UNIX文件系统的结构方式,因此没有单独安装的C:\驱动器。 对于Mac新手来说,这可能会造成混乱。 请记住,如果要查找文件或文件夹,则可以使用Spotlight搜索该文件或文件夹以快速找到它。 如果知道所需的特定文件夹,请启动Finder,选择“转到”>“转到文件夹”,然后键入位置。 例如,要转到“文档”文件夹,请键入:/ Users / username / Documents。

One issue you might run into as you transfer from Windows is compatibility with its NTFS-formatted volumes, like external drives and USB devices. This is Microsoft’s format, and you’ll likely use it either on your old Windows PC or external storage. macOS can read from NTFS volumes, but it cannot write to them natively. However, you can add NTFS write capability to your Mac with additional software.

从Windows传输时,您可能会遇到的一个问题是与其NTFS格式的卷(例如外部驱动器和USB设备)的兼容性。 这是Microsoft的格式,您很可能会在旧的Windows PC或外部存储设备上使用它。 macOS可以从NTFS卷读取,但无法本地写入。 但是,您可以使用其他软件将NTFS写入功能添加到Mac

macOS安全性 (macOS Security)

Apple is often accused of overreaching when it comes to protecting Mac users from potential threats. In reality, the protections in macOS aren’t a huge departure from what Microsoft has added to Windows 10. The major difference on a Mac is you don’t need a virus scanner running all the time.

在保护Mac用户免受潜在威胁方面,苹果经常被指责过度。 实际上,macOS中的保护与Microsoft在Windows 10中添加的保护并没有很大的不同。Mac上的主要区别是您不需要一直运行病毒扫描程序。

守护者 (GateKeeper)

GateKeeper was added to macOS to protect the system from unsigned software. When you first launch an app, GateKeeper shows a warning (shown below) not dissimilar to those you see on Windows 10. If you try to run an app you either didn’t download from the Mac App Store or the developer hasn’t signed for with Apple, you won’t be able to open it. Of course, there’s an easy way around it.

GateKeeper已添加到macOS,以保护系统免受未经签名的软件的侵害。 首次启动应用程序时,GateKeeper会显示警告(如下所示),与Windows 10上的警告类似。如果尝试运行应用程序,则可能没有从Mac App Store下载或开发者尚未签名。因为使用Apple,您将无法打开它。 当然,有一个简单的解决方法。

如何从Windows PC切换到Mac

After you’re told the app won’t open, head to System Preferences > Security & Privacy. On the General tab at the bottom of the screen, you see a notice alerting you that an app was prevented from launching. Click “Launch Anyway,” and your app will open (you also won’t have to repeat this in future).

通知您应用无法打开后,请转到系统偏好设置>安全和隐私。 在屏幕底部的“常规”选项卡上,您会看到一条通知,警告您应用程序无法启动。 点击“仍然启动”,您的应用将打开(以后您也不必重复此操作)。

系统完整性保护 (System Integrity Protection)

In a bid to protect certain parts of the operating system, Apple introduced System Integrity Protection (or SIP). SIP performs all the following functions for macOS:

为了保护操作系统的某些部分,Apple引入了系统完整性保护(SIP)。 SIP为macOS执行以下所有功能:

  • It protects core system files and directories.

  • It prevents code that could pose a threat to security from being injected into pre-installed applications, like Finder and Safari.

  • It stops the installation of unsigned kernel extensions (like drivers and options panels in System Preferences).


You can disable SIP on your Mac if you want to, but you really shouldn’t.

您可以根据需要在Mac上禁用SIP ,但实际上不应该这样做。

应用沙箱 (App Sandboxing)

Any software you install via the Mac App Store is designed to conform with Apple’s app sandboxing guidelines. This vastly limits the damage a rogue app can do to your system. Sandboxing provides the app with only the resources it needs to perform its designated function and little else.

您通过Mac App Store安装的任何软件都旨在符合Apple的应用沙箱指南。 这极大地限制了恶意应用可能对您的系统造成的损害。 沙箱仅为应用程序提供执行其指定功能所需的资源,而几乎没有其他资源。

Not all apps are sandboxed—those you install outside the Mac App Store are not. You might notice some developers maintain two versions of their apps: a slightly limited Mac App Store version, and a fully functional, stand-alone version.

并非所有应用都被沙盒化-在Mac App Store之外安装的应用不是。 您可能会注意到一些开发人员维护其应用程序的两个版本:Mac App Store版本略有限制,以及功能齐全的独立版本。

如何防范恶意软件 (How to Guard Against Malware)

Mac malware does exist—it’s naive to think otherwise. To protect your system from malware, it’s best to avoid unsigned apps, favor the Mac App Store, and steer clear of pirated or cracked software.

Mac恶意软件确实存在,否则就天真地思考。 为了保护您的系统免受恶意软件的侵害,最好避免使用未签名的应用程序,最好使用Mac App Store,并避免使用盗版或**的软件。

You don’t need an antivirus as your Mac already runs a low-level one called XProtect (you can learn more about it here). However, you might want to scan your Mac periodically with an anti-malware tool, like Malwarebytes, and a persistent installer checker, like KnockKnock. The best use for antivirus on your Mac is to prevent infection from spreading between your Windows machines.

您不需要防病毒软件,因为您的Mac已经运行了一个名为XProtect的低级防病毒软件(您可以在此处了解更多信息)。 但是,您可能希望使用反恶意软件工具(如Malwarebytes )和持久安装程序检查器(如KnockKnock)定期扫描Mac。 Mac上防病毒的最佳用途是防止感染在Windows计算机之间传播。

键盘,触控板和鼠标 (The Keyboard, Trackpad, and Mouse)

Most of the differences between Windows and macOS only take a few hours of real-world use to adjust to. One that might take a bit longer is the physical difference in the keyboard layout—most notably, three keys: Control, Option, and Command (shown below).

Windows和macOS之间的大多数差异仅需要几个小时的实际使用即可适应。 可能需要更长的时间的是键盘布局的物理差异-最值得注意的是三个键:Control,Option和Command(如下所示)。

如何从Windows PC切换到Mac

The Command key is Mac’s equivalent to the Windows Ctrl key. You use it for common shortcuts, like to copy (Command + C), to save your work (Command + S), and to switch between apps (Command + Tab). The main adjustment issue with this key is its physical placement, closest to the spacebar. You’ll get used to it in time.

Mac上的Command键等同于Windows Ctrl键。 您可以将其用于常见的快捷方式,例如复制(Command + C),保存工作(Command + S)以及在应用程序之间切换(Command + Tab)。 此键的主要调整问题是其物理位置,最靠近空格键。 您会及时习惯的。

The Option key is a modifier. It changes what common shortcuts do (like Command + Option + V for Move instead of Paste). It also changes the options menus display and what keys type.

Option键是修饰符。 它更改了常用的快捷键的功能(例如Command + Option + V代替Move(粘贴)。 它还会更改选项菜单显示和按键类型。

Here are some things you can do with the Option key:


  • Right-click an active application in the Dock, and then press the Option key. “Close” changes to “Force Quit.”

    用鼠标右键单击Dock中的活动应用程序,然后按Option键。 “关闭”更改为“强制退出”。
  • Press and hold Option while you click the Wi-Fi icon in the menu bar to see far more information about your network adapter.

  • Hold Option while you type to access special characters and accents, like Option + P for π.

    键入时请按住Option以访问特殊字符和重音符号,例如π的Option +P。

The Control key is contextual. It’s often used within apps for app-specific shortcuts, like Control + Tab to switch between tabs in Safari or Chrome. You can also use Control in global macOS shortcuts. For example, you can press Control + Arrow Keys to switch between desktops.

Control键是上下文的。 它通常在应用程序内用于特定于应用程序的快捷方式,例如Control + Tab,可在Safari或Chrome中的选项卡之间切换。 您也可以在全局macOS快捷方式中使用Control。 例如,您可以按Control +方向键在桌面之间切换。

The other difference that can trip up newcomers is instead of a Backspace key, you see Delete. The Delete key works just like Backspace on Windows (you can hold Function + Backspace to replicate its Windows behavior).

可能会使新来者绊倒的另一个区别是,您没有看到Backspace键,而是使用Backspace键。 Delete键的工作方式与Windows上的Backspace相同(您可以按住Function + Backspace来复制其Windows行为)。

在Mac上常见的Windows键盘快捷键 (Common Windows Keyboard Shortcuts on a Mac)

Many macOS shortcuts are similar to their Windows counterparts. Here’s a cheat sheet to get you started:

许多macOS快捷方式与Windows相似。 以下是备忘单,可以帮助您入门:

  • Copy: Command + C

    复制: Command + C

  • Paste: Command + V

    粘贴: Command + V

  • Move (Cut): Command + Option + V

    移动(剪切): Command + Option + V

  • Undo: Command + Z

    撤消: Command + Z

  • Select All: Command + A

    全选: Command + A

  • Switch app/window: Command + Tab

    切换应用程序/窗口: Command + Tab

  • Minimize app/window: Command + M

    最小化应用程序/窗口: Command + M

  • Quit an app: Command + Q

    退出应用程序: Command + Q

  • Close window/tab: Command + W

    关闭窗口/选项卡: Command + W

  • Take a screenshot (whole screen): Shift + Command + 3

    截图(整个屏幕): Shift + Command + 3

macOS works best with a trackpad. If you’ve had some bad Windows laptops in the past, you might be surprised at how responsive your MacBook’s trackpad is. With the trackpad, you can use gestures that speed up navigation, and you can configure all of them according to your preferences. Head to System Preferences > Trackpad to see which gestures are available. You can also watch videos that show you how to use them.

macOS最好与触控板一起使用。 如果过去曾经有过一些糟糕的Windows笔记本电脑,您可能会对MacBook触控板的响应速度感到惊讶。 使用触控板,您可以使用手势来加快导航速度,并且可以根据自己的喜好配置所有手势。 转到系统偏好设置>触控板,查看可用的手势。 您还可以观看向您展示如何使用它们的视频。

If you don’t have a MacBook, you can purchase a Magic Trackpad 2 (shown below) to use with your iMac or another desktop system.

如果没有MacBook,则可以购买Magic Trackpad 2 (如下所示)以与iMac或其他台式机系统一起使用。

如何从Windows PC切换到Mac

Your Mac works with just about any USB mouse or keyboard, even if it’s designed for Windows. However, you might have to install the manufacturer’s software to configure the device properly. You can also rebind any key (including the Windows key) on a keyboard with a free app called Karabiner-Elements. This is a great way to get more mileage out of old Windows peripherals.

您的Mac几乎可以与任何USB鼠标或键盘一起使用,即使它是为Windows设计的。 但是,您可能必须安装制造商的软件才能正确配置设备。 您还可以将键盘上的任何键(包括Windows键)与名为Karabiner-Elements的免费应用程序重新绑定。 这是从旧的Windows外设中获得更多收益的好方法。

只是需要时间 (It Just Takes Time)

Apple makes it difficult to “break” macOS on your own, so feel free to explore the operating system at your own pace. Many people are drawn into the Apple ecosystem because they want a better user experience. The fact that Apple designs both hardware and software in tandem affords it a level of control over its machines that Windows OEMs cannot match.

Apple很难自行“破坏” macOS,因此可以按照自己的进度随意探索操作系统。 许多人被吸引到Apple生态系统中是因为他们想要更好的用户体验。 苹果同时设计硬件和软件,这一事实为Windows OEM提供了对其机器的控制水平。

Also, despite the old myth, a Mac is perfectly suitable for playing games. Once you’re up to speed on the basics, be sure to check out how to play games on your Mac.

另外,尽管有古老的神话,Mac还是非常适合玩游戏的。 一旦掌握了基础知识,请务必查看如何在Mac上玩游戏

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/437168/how-to-switch-from-a-windows-pc-to-a-mac/