windows10 k8s_什么是Windows 10 S,它有什么不同?

windows10 k8s_什么是Windows 10 S,它有什么不同?

windows10 k8s

windows10 k8s_什么是Windows 10 S,它有什么不同?

Windows 10 S is “the soul of today’s Windows”, according to Microsoft. It’s a new version of Windows intended for school PCs, but available to everyone. It’s designed to be more simple and streamlined, so it only runs applications from the Windows Store—unless you spend another $50 to upgrade to Windows 10 Pro.

微软表示,Windows 10 S是“当今Windows的灵魂”。 它是用于学校PC的Windows的新版本,但适用于所有人。 它的设计更加简单和精简,因此它仅运行Windows应用商店中的应用程序,除非您再花费50美元升级到Windows 10 Pro。

Microsoft announced that Acer, Asus, Dell, Fujitsu, HP, Samsung, and Toshiba will ship Windows 10 S education PCs starting at $189, beginning this summer. Microsoft is also releasing a $999 Surface Laptop, which runs Windows 10 S.

微软宣布,宏基,华硕,戴尔,富士通,惠普,三星和东芝将从今年夏天开始发售Windows 10 S教育版PC,起价为189美元。 微软还发布了售价999美元的Surface笔记本电脑,该笔记本电脑运行Windows 10 S.

This article was originally written based on the information Microsoft released at its May 2, 2017 event, but has since been updated with new information we’ve learned.


Update: On March 6, 2018, Microsoft’s Joe Belfiore confirmed that Windows 10 S would become a “mode” of Windows 10 rather than a completely separate version. Here’s how Windows 10’s S Mode works.

更新 :2018年3月6日,微软的Joe Belfiore确认Windows 10 S将成为Windows 10的“模式”,而不是完全独立的版本。 这是Windows 10的S模式的工作方式

Windows 10 S有何不同? (How Is Windows 10 S Different?)

The biggest difference in Windows 10 S is that can only run apps downloaded from the Windows Store. These apps are checked for security and run in a secure container. This ensures that applications can’t mess with your registry, leave files behind, or cause problems with the rest of your PC. You can get the same benefits by running those new Universal apps from the Windows Store on a Windows 10 PC. But unlike normal Windows 10, you won’t have the option of downloading other apps that aren’t available in the store.

Windows 10 S的最大区别是只能运行从Windows应用商店下载的应用程序。 这些应用程序经过了安全性检查,并在安全的容器中运行。 这样可以确保应用程序不会惹到您的注册表,不会遗留文件,也不会引起PC其余部分的问题。 通过在Windows 10 PC上的Windows应用商店中运行这些新的通用应用,您可以获得相同的好处。 但是与普通的Windows 10不同,您将无法选择下载商店中不提供的其他应用程序。

Thankfully, full versions of Microsoft Office 365 applications—Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and OneNote—are coming to the Windows Store soon. They’re packaged using Microsoft’s Project Centennial, which allows traditional Windows desktop applications to be run in a secure container and placed in the Windows Store. The application’s developer just has to package the application and submit it to the Store. Hopefully, Windows 10 S will give more desktop application developers the push to do so.

值得庆幸的是, Microsoft Office 365应用程序的完整版本-Word,Excel,PowerPoint,Outlook和OneNote-即将进入Windows应用商店。 它们使用Microsoft的Project Centennial打包,允许传统的Windows桌面应用程序在安全的容器中运行并放置在Windows应用商店中。 应用程序的开发人员只需打包应用程序并将其提交给商店。 希望Windows 10 S将为更多桌面应用程序开发人员提供推动力。

Microsoft demonstrated Windows 10 S signing in much faster than Windows 10 Pro on a first login. That’s no surprise, as Windows 10 S won’t have all the usual manufacturer-installed bloatware slowing things down.

Microsoft展示了Windows 10 S的首次登录速度比Windows 10 Pro快得多。 这并不奇怪,因为Windows 10 S不会像通常的制造商安装的所有过时软件那样拖慢速度。

Windows 10 S also has a different default desktop background that Microsoft says is “streamlined” like Windows 10 S itself, so it provides you with a clue you’re using Windows 10 S.

Windows 10 S也具有不同的默认桌面背景,Microsoft则说Windows 10 S像Windows 10 S本身一样是“简化的”,因此它为您提供了使用Windows 10 S的线索。

windows10 k8s_什么是Windows 10 S,它有什么不同?

如果在Windows 10 S中下载桌面应用程序会怎样? (What Happens if You Download a Desktop App in Windows 10 S?)

If you try to download a (non-Store) desktop application on a Windows 10 S PC, you’ll see a message saying that “For security and performance, Windows 10 S only runs verified apps from the Store”. The dialog informs you of similar applications available in the Windows Store. For example, Windows will suggest you install Adobe Photoshop Express from the Windows Store if you try to download the desktop version of Photoshop.

如果您尝试在Windows 10 S PC上下载(非商店)桌面应用程序,则会看到一条消息,指出“为了安全和性能,Windows 10 S仅运行商店中经过验证的应用程序”。 该对话框通知您Windows应用商店中可用的类似应用程序。 例如,如果您尝试下载Photoshop的桌面版本,则Windows建议您从Windows应用商店安装Adobe Photoshop Express。

In this way, Windows 10 S’s default behavior works just like Windows 10 with the “Allow apps from the Store only” option enabled. This will also protect those PCs from malware.

这样,Windows 10 S的默认行为就像启用了“仅允许来自存储的应用程序”选项的 Windows 10一样。 这也将保护这些PC免受恶意软件的侵害。

windows10 k8s_什么是Windows 10 S,它有什么不同?

Windows 10 S提供了一些专业功能,但没有命令行 (Windows 10 S Offers Some Pro Features, But No Command Lines)

Windows 10 S is actually built on Windows 10 Pro, and not Windows 10 Home. This means that Windows 10 S has access to powerful Windows 10 Professional features, including BitLocker drive encryption, the ability to join domains, and the Hyper-V virtual machine software.

Windows 10 S实际上是在Windows 10 Pro而非Windows 10 Home上构建的。 这意味着Windows 10 S可以使用强大的Windows 10 Professional功能 ,包括BitLocker驱动器加密 ,加入域的能力以及Hyper-V虚拟机软件

However, the advanced features stop there. Windows 10 S is more limited in other ways.

但是,高级功能到此为止。 Windows 10 S在其他方面受到更多限制。

Windows 10 S won’t allow any access to command line environments or tools. You can’t launch either the Command Prompt (CMD) or PowerShell environment. This version of Windows does not include the Windows Subsystem for Linux, either. You can’t install Bash-on-Linux environments like Ubuntu, openSUSE, or Fedora from the Windows Store.

Windows 10 S不允许访问命令行环境或工具。 您无法启动命令提示符(CMD)或PowerShell环境。 此版本的Windows 也不包含用于Linux的Windows子系统。 您无法从Windows应用商店安装Linux上的Bash-on-Linux环境,例如Ubuntu,openSUSE或Fedora。

As Microsoft points out, all command line tools run outside the “safe environment” that normally protects the system from malicious or misbehaving applications.


您必须使用Bing和Microsoft Edge (You Have to Use Bing and Microsoft Edge)

You have to use Microsoft Edge on Windows 10 S. You can’t change your default browser, and you can’t even install Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. Those are desktop applications, and aren’t available in the Windows Store.

您必须在Windows 10 S上使用Microsoft Edge。您无法更改默认浏览器,甚至无法安装Google Chrome或Mozilla Firefox。 这些是桌面应用程序,在Windows应用商店中不可用。

Microsoft Edge also has a big limitation on Windows 10 S: You can’t change its default search engine. Bing will always be the default. This is a big departure even from Chromebooks, which allow you to choose any search engine you like.

Microsoft Edge在Windows 10 S上也有很大的限制:您不能更改其默认搜索引擎 。 必应始终是默认设置。 即使与Chromebook相比,这也是一个很大的差异,Chromebook可让您选择所需的任何搜索引擎。

Microsoft noted that “Windows 10 S can run any web browser in the Windows Store” at its May 2 event. That just includes Microsoft Edge right now, but Microsoft clearly wants Google and Mozilla to create browsers for the Windows Store, too.

微软指出,在5月2日的活动中,“ Windows 10 S可以在Windows应用商店中运行任何Web浏览器”。 目前这只包括Microsoft Edge,但微软显然希望Google和Mozilla也为Windows应用商店创建浏览器。

However, Microsoft is being a little sneaky here. Microsoft won’t let Google package Chrome for the Windows Store, even if Google wanted to. The Windows Store only allows browser apps based on the Edge browser engine, just as Apple’s iPhone and iPad App Store only allows browsers built on the Safari browser engine. You’ll only get a Chrome browser for Windows 10 S if Google creates a new version of Chrome based on Edge (like Google does with its Safari-based Chrome for iOS).

但是,微软在这里有点偷偷摸摸。 即使Google愿意,微软也不会允许Google将 Chrome打包用于Windows应用商店。 Windows应用商店仅允许基于Edge浏览器引擎的浏览器应用程序,就像Apple的iPhone和iPad应用商店仅允许基于Safari浏览器引擎构建的浏览器一样。 如果Google基于Edge创建新版本的Chrome(例如Google的基于Safari的iOS版Chrome),则只有Windows 10 S的Chrome浏览器。

But even if Google did create a version of Chrome based on Microsoft Edge, you wouldn’t be able to make it your default browser anyway.

但是,即使Google确实创建了基于Microsoft Edge的Chrome版本,也无法将其设置为默认浏览器。

Microsoft didn’t mention these limitations in its presentation, and they were only discovered in the Windows 10 S FAQ and Windows Store Policies afterwards.

微软在其演示文稿中并未提及这些限制,后来仅在Windows 10 S常见问题解答Windows存储策略中发现了这些限制。

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如何升级到Windows 10 Pro (How to Upgrade to Windows 10 Pro)

You can upgrade any Windows 10 S device to Windows 10 Pro to enable running desktop applications on it. The upgrade process happens through the Windows Store and works just like upgrading from Windows 10 Home to Pro.

您可以将任何Windows 10 S设备升级到Windows 10 Pro,以在其上启用正在运行的桌面应用程序。 升级过程通过Windows应用商店进行,就像从Windows 10 Home升级到Pro一样

Schools can upgrade their PCs for free, while everyone else can pay $50 to unlock Windows 10 Pro and the full Windows desktop experience.

学校可以免费升级其PC,而其他所有人则可以支付50美元来解锁Windows 10 Pro和完整的Windows桌面体验。

However, Microsoft will allow anyone who uses “assistive technologies” to upgrade from Windows 10 S to Windows 10 Pro for free. Assistive technology tools like screen readers are generally only available as desktop applications and aren’t in the Windows Store, so it makes sense.

但是,微软将允许使用“辅助技术”的任何人免费从Windows 10 S升级到Windows 10 Pro。 屏幕阅读器之类的辅助技术工具通常仅作为桌面应用程序提供,而在Windows Store中则不可用,因此这很有意义。

Microsoft still allows anyone to upgrade from Windows 7 or 8 to Windows 10 for free using this same reasoning—you just need to click a button saying they use assistive technology. The Windows 10 S upgrade offer looks similar. Microsoft is using the honor system, once again.

微软仍然允许任何人使用相同的理由免费从Windows 7或8升级到Windows 10-您只需要单击一个按钮,说他们使用了辅助技术。 Windows 10 S升级优惠看起来类似。 微软再次使用荣誉系统。

windows10 k8s_什么是Windows 10 S,它有什么不同?

Windows 10 S适用于谁? (Who Is Windows 10 S For?)

Windows 10 S computers are Microsoft’s answer to Chromebooks, which are also big in schools. Chromebooks can only run web-based software, while Windows 10 S can also run powerful desktop apps if they’re packaged for the Store. In this context, Windows 10 S doesn’t look too limited—it looks more powerful than Google’s Chromebooks…as long as Windows developers get on board with the store. Of course, Chromebooks can now run Android apps, so they’re getting more powerful too.

Windows 10 S计算机是Microsoft对Chromebook的解答, Chromebook在学校中也很常见。 Chromebook只能运行基于Web的软件,而Windows 10 S如果已打包用于商店,则它们也可以运行功能强大的桌面应用程序。 在这种情况下,Windows 10 S看起来并没有太大的局限性,它看起来比Google的Chromebook更强大……只要Windows开发人员加入该商店即可。 当然,Chromebook现在可以运行Android应用了 ,因此它们的功能也越来越强大。

Microsoft is positioning Windows 10 S as a streamlined version of Windows 10 for schools. They even showed off a simple “Set Up My School PC” application that creates a USB drive which will automatically set up PCs with the settings. Plug in the USB drive, wait 30 seconds, and the system will be configured automatically. Then, plug the USB stick into the next laptop.

微软将Windows 10 S定位为学校Windows 10的简化版本。 他们甚至展示了一个简单的“设置我的学校PC”应用程序,该应用程序创建了USB驱动器,该驱动器将使用设置自动设置PC。 插入USB驱动器,等待30秒钟,系统将自动配置。 然后,将USB记忆棒插入下一台笔记本电脑。

In addition to the Surface Laptop, which is Microsoft’s flagship Windows 10 S device and only available with Windows 10 S, Microsoft is working on Windows 10 S versions of its Surface Pro and Surface Book hardware. These won’t replace the Surface Pro and Surface Book models with full versions of Windows, but these Windows 10 S versions will be available to schools looking for locked down Surface devices that aren’t laptops.

除了作为Microsoft的旗舰Windows 10 S设备且仅与Windows 10 S一起提供的Surface笔记本电脑之外,Microsoft 还在开发 Windows 10 S版本的Surface Pro和Surface Book硬件。 这些不会用完整版的Windows替代Surface Pro和Surface Book型号,但这些Windows 10 S版本将向正在寻找非笔记本电脑锁定的Surface设备的学校提供​​。

But Windows 10 S isn’t just for schools. Microsoft expects Windows 10 S will be available on normal consumer PCs. You’ll probably see Windows 10 S PCs in stores alongside normal Windows 10 PCs. And hey, if you try it and don’t like it, you can always turn a Windows 10 S PC into a Windows 10 Pro PC for $50. That’s actually cheaper than the upgrade from Windows 10 Home to Pro, which costs $100.

但是Windows 10 S不仅仅适用于学校。 微软预计Windows 10 S将可在普通消费类PC上使用。 您可能会在商店中看到Windows 10 S PC和普通Windows 10 PC。 嘿,如果您不喜欢它,可以随时将Windows 10 S PC变成Windows 10 Pro PC,价格为50美元。 这实际上比从Windows 10 Home到Pro升级便宜,后者的价格为100美元。

windows10 k8s_什么是Windows 10 S,它有什么不同?


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