windows 轻量_Windows 10的下一发行版包含一个轻量主题

windows 轻量_Windows 10的下一发行版包含一个轻量主题

windows 轻量

windows 轻量_Windows 10的下一发行版包含一个轻量主题

Windows 10 already has a dark theme, but now it’s getting a real light theme. Interface elements like the taskbar, Start menu, and print dialog are turning light, and Microsoft even created a new desktop background for it.

Windows 10已经有一个深色主题,但是现在它有了一个真正的浅色主题。 任务栏,“开始”菜单和“打印”对话框之类的界面元素正在变亮,Microsoft甚至为此创建了新的桌面背景。

This feature is arriving in Windows 10’s next update, codenamed 19H1 and expected for release around April 2019. It’s available today to Windows Insiders in the Fast ring as part of Insider build 18282. This release of Windows will make your PC faster.

此功能是运抵的Windows 10的下一次更新,代号为19H1和预期四月左右发布2019年今天的可用到的Windows业内人士在快速环作为部分内幕构建18282 。 Windows的此版本将使您的PC更快

Now, when you enable the light theme, everything will be light. This new light theme even extends to Windows 10’s notifications, and it looks great.

现在,当您启用light主题时,一切都会变淡。 这个新的轻量级主题甚至扩展到Windows 10的通知,而且看起来很棒。

windows 轻量_Windows 10的下一发行版包含一个轻量主题

Don’t worry, though—the old behavior with a dark taskbar, dark Start menu, and light application windows is still the default after upgrading. Microsoft won’t suddenly change your desktop theme.

不过,请不要担心-升级后,带有深色任务栏,深色“开始”菜单和浅色应用程序窗口的旧行为仍然是默认设置。 Microsoft不会突然更改您的桌面主题。

The Settings app now has separate options for “Default Windows mode” and “Default app mode.” With Windows set to dark and app mode set to light, you’ll use the old default theme. With both set to light or dark, you’ll use a pure light or dark theme.

现在,“设置”应用程序具有“默认Windows模式”和“默认应用程序模式”的单独选项。 将Windows设置为暗,将应用程序模式设置为亮,您将使用旧的默认主题。 两者都设置为亮或暗时,您将使用纯亮或暗的主题。

Microsoft has also added a new default wallpaper. You can enable it on the Insider builds by heading to Settings > Personalization > Themes and selecting “Windows Light.”

微软还添加了新的默认墙纸。 您可以通过转到“设置”>“个性化”>“主题”并选择“ Windows Light”,在Insider版本中启用它。

And, to match everything else, the print dialog for Store apps also has a new light theme. Previously, it was always dark.

而且,为了匹配其他所有内容,“商店”应用程序的“打印”对话框还具有一个新的浅色主题。 以前,它总是很暗。

windows 轻量_Windows 10的下一发行版包含一个轻量主题

Microsoft has also made a few other changes. For Windows 10 Professional users, the “Pause Updates” feature is available right on the Settings > Update and Security > Windows Update page, making it a bit easier to find and pause updates.

微软还进行了其他一些更改。 对于Windows 10专业版用户,“设置>更新和安全性> Windows更新”页面上的“暂停更新”功能可用,这使查找和暂停更新更加容易。

Windows can now automatically set your Active Hours to avoid rebooting for updates during the hours when you’re usually using your PC. You no longer have to set them manually if you enable this feature.

Windows现在可以自动设置“活动时间”,以避免您通常在使用PC的时间内重新启动更新。 如果启用此功能,则不再需要手动设置它们。

The new modern screenshot clipping tool added in the October 2018 Update gets a few improvements, too. It can now take timed screenshots and screenshots of specific windows.

2018年10月更新中添加的新的现代屏幕截图剪辑工具也进行了一些改进。 现在可以获取定时屏幕截图和特定窗口的屏幕截图。

Microsoft has also fixed the file association problem we reported, and you should now be able to set any app as your default once again. This fix should trickle out to stable versions of Windows 10 in the next few weeks.

Microsoft还修复了我们报告的文件关联问题,现在您应该可以再次将任何应用程序设置为默认应用程序。 此修复程序应在接下来的几周内滴入Windows 10的稳定版本。

Image Credit: Microsoft

图片来源: Microsoft


windows 轻量