
本文为瑞典布莱津理工大学(作者:Md. Zameari Islam)的硕士论文,共59页。



Speech is an elementary source of humaninteraction. The quality and intelligibility of speech signals duringcommunication are generally degraded by the surrounding noise. Corrupted speechsignals need therefore to be enhanced to improve quality and intelligibility.In the field of speech processing, much effort has been devoted to developspeech enhancement techniques in order to restore the speech signal by reducingthe amount of disturbing noise. This thesis focuses on a single channel speechenhancement technique that performs noise reduction by spectral subtractionbased on minimum statistics. Minimum statistics means that the power spectrumof the non-stationary noise signal is estimated by finding the minimum valuesof a smoothed power spectrum of the noisy speech signal and, thus, circumventsthe speech activity detection problem. The performance of the spectralsubtraction method is evaluated using single channel speech data and for a widerange of noise types with various noise levels. This evaluation is used inorder to find optimum method parameter values, thereby improving this algorithmto make it more appropriate for speech communication purposes. The system isimplemented in MATLAB and validated by considering different performancemeasure and for different Signal to Noise Ratio Improvement (SNRI) and SpectralDistortion (SD). The SNRI and SD were calculated for different filter banksettings such as different number of subbands and for different decimation andinterpolation ratios. The method provides efficient speech enhancement in termsof SNRI and SD performance measures.

  1. 引言
  2. 项目背景与相关工作
  3. 基于最小统计的谱减法
  4. 具体实现与结果
  5. 结论
