Python vs Java:选择哪一个

We proceed to compare different programming languages to each other. Just to remind we have already written about similarities and differences between Python and PHP, PHP and Java, Java and .NET, PHP and JavaScript, Kotlin and Java. In this blog post, we are going to compare Java and Python.

What is Java?

Java is a compile, object-oriented, and statically typed programming language. Being one of the most popular in the world, it is used for web and mobile application development, working with Big Data, and building complex apps for enterprises. Java also offers vast libraries for embedded apps development which makes it a good choice for IoT.

The most significant benefit of the Java language is that it allows writing code only once and running it at different platforms — with the help of JVM (Java Virtual Machine). In addition to that, Java allows creating a high level of security as well as has a big and strong community of developers. Being made on the basis of C and C++, it has quite strict syntax rules to follow.

What is Python?

与Java不同,Python是解释型和动态类型化的语言,但它也是面向对象的。 Python被认为是最简单的学习语言-它甚至被用于教授编程的基础知识。 由于Python具有类似英语的简单语法,因此它是快速开发应用程序的理想选择。 它是用于数据科学,机器学习(ML)和人工智能(AI)的最受欢迎的工具。 在其他领域,它的受欢迎程度相对较小,但是社区每年都显示创纪录的增长,这意味着该语言发展迅速,提供了更多的库,框架等。

Python vs Java Comparison

Let us now highlight the core differences between Java and Python.
Python vs Java:选择哪一个

The Bottom Line

如您所见,Python和Java既有优点也有缺点。 在寻找合适的应用程序开发工具时,应考虑未来应用程序的目标及其所需的功能。

At SCAND, we have decades of experience in working with both Java and Python and can help you to make the right choice as well as to deliver a robust and reliable application. Contact us to ask any questions and get additional information.
