



We’ve long had the ability to send text messages from a computer with third party apps like Pushbullet and MightyText. Google has now finally added this functionality to its Android text messaging app. But how does it compare to the tools we’ve had for so long?

我们长期以来一直具有使用第三方应用程序(例如Pushbullet和MightyText)从计算机发送文本消息的能力。 谷歌现在终于在其Android短信应用程序中添加了此功能。 但是,与我们长期以来使用的工具相比,它又如何呢?

Android Messages for Web, as Google calls it, is the company’s newest feature for its texting platform. While available freely in the Play Store for any Android device, Android Messages is the stock messaging option on Pixel devices.

正如Google所称,Android网络版Messages是该公司短信平台的最新功能 。 尽管Play商店中的所有Android设备均可免费使用Android消息,但Android Messages是Pixel设备上的股票消息传递选项。

While limited in features compared to more robust options, Android Messages is still one of the most popular messaging apps in the Play Store, and Android Messages for Web is only going to add to its popularity. The thing is, users have been able to use third-party applications—like Pushbullet and MightyText—to not only used text messages from their computers, but also use any SMS app they want on their phone.

与功能更强大的选项相比,尽管功能有限,但Android Messages仍然是Play商店中最受欢迎的消息传递应用程序之一,而Android Messages for Web只会增加其受欢迎程度。 事实是,用户已经能够使用第三方应用程序(如Pushbullet和MightyText)不仅可以使用计算机上的短信,还可以使用手机上想要的任何SMS应用程序。

Like so many Google products, Messages for Web isn’t as robust or feature-rich as some of the other options out there. But also like other Google products, that doesn’t automatically make it a bad choice. Here’s how it compares to the biggest comparable apps in Google Play: Pushbullet, MightyText, mySMS, and PulseSMS.

与许多Google产品一样,Messages for Web并不像其他一些选项那样健壮或功能丰富。 但是,与其他Google产品一样,这并不会自动使它成为错误的选择。 它与Google Play中最大的同类应用进行比较的方式如下:Pushbullet,MightyText,mySMS和PulseSMS。

Pushbullet(免费,订阅) (Pushbullet (Free, Subscription))


Pushbullet’s original claim to fame was the ability to send links and the like back and forth between your Android device and computer, mirror your phone’s notifications on your computer, and more. SMS sync was included later into Pushbullet’s life, adding a substantial amount of value to an already-useful tool.

Pushbullet最初成名的是能够在Android设备和计算机之间来回发送链接等,在计算机上镜像手机的通知等。 SMS同步后来被包含在Pushbullet的生活中,为已经有用的工具增加了可观的价值。

So, right out of the gate, Pushbullet offers a lot more bells and whistles than Messages for Web. Not only do you gain the ability to text from your computer, but you can also send links and files, following specific channels of interest for immediate notifications, notifications mirroring, and universal copy/paste. That’s a lot.

因此,门的右侧出来,Pushbullet提供比网络消息多了很多花俏。 您不仅可以从计算机发送文本,而且还可以按照感兴趣的特定渠道发送链接和文件,以进行即时通知,通知镜像和通用复制/粘贴。 好多啊。

But here’s the catch: most of those features—including SMS sync—are a part of Pushbullet Pro, which will set you back $4.99 monthly or $39.99 yearly. The non-pro version of Pushbullet lets you send 100 SMS for free, but that’s it—a limit that most people will blow through pretty quickly.

但是这里有个问题:大多数功能(包括SMS同步功能)都是Pushbullet Pro的一部分,后者的价格为每月4.99美元或每年39.99美元。 Pushbullet的非专业版可让您免费发送100条SMS,仅此而已-这是大多数人很快就会遇到的限制。

Messages for Web, on the other hand, is completely free and unlimited. But it doesn’t offer the advanced functionality of Pushbullet, so there’s probably room for both apps in your life, should you choose to do things this way. A reasonable option, to be honest, because Pushbullet doesn’t have the best texting interface, especially compared to Messages for Web.

另一方面,Web消息是完全免费且不受限制的。 但是它不提供Pushbullet的高级功能,因此,如果您选择以这种方式进行操作,那么这两个应用程序可能在您的生活中都有空间。 老实说,这是一个合理的选择,因为Pushbullet没有最好的短信界面,尤其是与Messages for Web相比。

MightyText(免费,订阅) (MightyText (Free, Subscription))


Unlike Pushbullet, MightyText started its life as nothing more than a way to send messages from your computer, but it has grown since then. In fact, it can do a lot of the same things you’ll find in Pushbullet, like notification mirroring.

与Pushbullet不同, MightyText的诞生无非是一种从计算机发送消息的方式,但是自那时以来,它一直在发展。 实际上,它可以做很多与Pushbullet一样的事情,例如通知镜像。

That said, it also offers features you won’t find elsewhere. Things like battery alerts and texting via email are available as part of MightyText,  and the Pro version also lets you schedule messages, create message templates, and even supports themes if that’s something you’re into.

也就是说,它还提供了您在其他地方找不到的功能。 电池警报和通过电子邮件发短信等内容可作为MightyText的一部分获得,而Pro版本还可以让您安排消息,创建消息模板,甚至在您需要的时候还支持主题。

Of course, to get the most use from MightyText, you’ll need that Pro version (started to see a trend here?). The free version is limited to 150 messages per month, which isn’t much. The Pro version removes this limitation, allowing you to send as many messages as you want. But here’s the kicker: MightyText Pro is $9.99 a month or $79.99 a year, making it double what Pushbullet charges, for a nearly identical service. Ouch.

当然,要充分利用MightyText,您需要Pro版本(开始在这里看到趋势吗?)。 免费版本每月限制为150条消息,数量不多。 专业版消除了此限制,使您可以发送任意数量的邮件。 但是这里有一个关键点:MightyText Pro的月费为9.99美元,或每年为79.99美元,是Pushbullet收费的两倍 ,几乎可以享受相同的服务。 哎哟。

It’s also worth mentioning MightyTexts’ photo and video syncing feature, which can back up everything you shoot with your phone’s camera—it even includes a simple editor. But honestly, if you’re already using Google Photos (as you should be), then this is sort of a wash.

还值得一提的是MightyTexts的照片和视频同步功能,该功能可以备份您用手机相机拍摄的所有内容,甚至还包括一个简单的编辑器。 但老实说,如果您已经在使用Google相册(应该使用),那将是洗礼。

So at that point, you’re looking to pay a lot of money for not a lot of additional functionality. If you need features that aren’t included in Messages for Web, we’d suggest Pushbullet before even considering MightyText.

因此,到那时,您希望为很多附加功能付出很多钱。 如果您需要Messages for Web中未包含的功能,建议您在考虑使用MightyText之前建议使用Pushbullet。

mySMS(免费,订阅) (mySMS (Free, Subscription))


When it comes to texting from your computer, mySMS is one of the simplest options out there. It doesn’t offer the frills that you’ll find in Pushbullet and MightyText—notification mirroring, link sharing, and the like are all absent here. This app/service is all about SMS—nothing more, nothing less.

从计算机发短信时, mySMS是最简单的选择之一。 它不提供在Pushbullet和MightyText中会发现的多余装饰-通知镜像,链接共享等均不存在。 此应用程序/服务仅涉及SMS,仅此而已。

As such, its more of a direct competitor with Messages for Web than the above two options. Still, it offers more than what you’ll get with Messages for Web. While the free version supports a “basic messaging feature set,” the Premium subscription will get you backup options, the ability to manage calls on your computer, message scheduling, export and archiving options, and the removal of the “via” signature at the end of messages sent from your computer.

因此,与上述两个选项相比,它更是Messages for Web的直接竞争对手。 尽管如此,它提供的功能远不止Messages for Web。 免费版支持“基本消息传递功能集”,而Premium订阅将为您提供备份选项,管理计算机上的呼叫的能力,消息调度,导出和归档选项以及删除“ via”的功能。从计算机发送的消息末尾签名。

mySMS Premium is also significantly more affordable than the other pro apps on the list at just $10 a year. Messages for Web, of course, is completely free, and most of the other options available from mySMS can also be replicated for free (save perhaps for scheduled messaging).

与清单上的其他专业应用相比,mySMS Premium的价格也要便宜得多,每年仅需10美元。 当然,Web消息是完全免费的,而且mySMS中可用的大多数其他选项也可以免费复制(也许可以保存计划的消息传递)。

Your call on whether that’s worth $10 a year.


Pulse SMS(免费,订阅,一次性费用) (Pulse SMS (Free, Subscription, One-Time Fee))


PulseSMS is the only app on the list that also requires you to use its app on your phone in order to use the service on the web, making it a true match to Messages for Web. But here’s the thing: this app is also really damn good. Pulse claims that it’s “texting done right,” and I’m inclined to agree.

PulseSMS是列表中唯一的应用程序,该应用程序还要求您在手机上使用其应用程序才能使用Web上的服务,从而使其与Messages for Web完全匹配。 但是,事实是:这个应用程序真的很好 。 Pulse声称它“发短信正确”,我倾向于同意。

It comes at a price, but not a terrible one. You can access all of Pulse’s features for $0.99 a month, $1.99 for three months, $5.99 a year, or a one-time change for $10.99. That’s a lifetime license.

它是有代价的,但并不可怕。 您可以以每月0.99美元,三个月1.99美元,每年5.99美元的价格访问Pulse的所有功能以10.99美元的价格一次性更改。 那是终身许可证。

So, what does that license get you? Basically everything you should expect from a paid SMS service at this point: unlimited SMS from the web, scheduled messaging options, archiving tools, a blacklist, and stats about your computer.

那么,该许可证能为您带来什么? 基本上,您目前应该从付费SMS服务中获得的所有期望:来自网络的无限SMS,预定的消息传递选项,存档工具,黑名单以及有关计算机的统计信息。

One of the coolest things about Pulse is that it’s not just on the web: you can use it on your Android tablet, Wear Watch, or even Android TV. Texting on your TV! There are also native apps for Windows, macOS, and Linux, as well as extensions for Chrome and Firefox. It’s pretty much everywhere you’d want it to be.

关于Pulse的最酷的事情之一是它不仅在网络上:您可以在Android平板电脑,Wear Watch甚至Android TV上使用它。 在电视上发短信! 还有适用于Windows,macOS和Linux的本机应用程序,以及适用于Chrome和Firefox的扩展程序。 您几乎希望在任何地方都可以看到它。

那么,哪个是最好的? (So, Which One is the Best?)

We wouldn’t say there’s a clear winner here—Android Messages for Web is great on its own, but a big part of that is because it’s free. That said, it’s also lacking some of the more advanced functionality of…pretty much all the other apps on this list.

我们不会说这里有一个明显的赢家-Android Messages for Web本身就很棒,但是很大一部分是因为它是免费的。 就是说,它还缺少……的一些更高级的功能……几乎列表中的所有其他应用程序。

If you’re just looking for more SMS features, Pulse SMS is easily the best choice of the bunch—if there’s a feature you wish Messages for Web had, there’s a good chance Pulse has it. And it’s super cheap.

如果您只是在寻找更多SMS功能,那么Pulse SMS无疑是众多产品中的最佳选择-如果您希望Messages for Web具有此功能,那么Pulse很有可能拥有它。 而且超级便宜。

If you’re looking for options beyond just SMS, Pushbullet is a great choice. You can share links and whatnot for free, but for some other functionality (like universal copy/paste), you’ll need to pony up the subscription fee.

如果您正在寻找除SMS以外的其他选择,Pushbullet是一个不错的选择。 您可以免费共享链接和其他内容,但是对于某些其他功能(例如通用复制/粘贴),则需要支付订阅费用。

As for the others, well, there’s really not much of a reason to give them much thought. Unless you’re looking for a very specific feature to fit a defined niche in your life and only one of these services offers it, you’re better off just sticking with Messages for Web, Pulse, or Pushbullet.

至于其他人,确实没有太多理由去思考。 除非您正在寻找一种非常特定的功能以适应生活中定义的细分市场,并且只有其中一项服务可以提供此功能,否则最好只坚持使用Web,Pulse或Pushbullet消息。

