



If you don’t use a password manager, those complex passwords can be pretty hard to remember. If you’ve forgotten your Facebook password, you can’t really recover that same password, but it’s easy enough to recover your account by resetting your password to something new.

如果您不使用密码管理器 ,那么很难记住那些复杂的密码。 如果您忘记了Facebook密码,则无法真正恢复相同的密码,但是通过将密码重置为新的密码来恢复帐户非常容易。

Whether you’ve forgotten your Facebook password, or have had someone else change it without your permission, Facebook offers a pretty simple way to recover. And what we’re talking about here is recovering your account if you’ve totally forgotten your password. Changing your Facebook password is a little different—that’s when you know your current password, but just want to change it to a new one.

无论您忘记了Facebook密码,还是在未经您允许的情况下让他人更改了密码,Facebook都提供了一种非常简单的恢复方法。 如果您完全忘记了密码,我们在这里谈论的就是恢复您的帐户。 更改Facebook密码有点不同-那时您知道当前的密码,但只想将其更改为新密码。

RELATED: How to Change Your Facebook Password

相关: 如何更改您的Facebook密码

找回密码 (Recovering Your Password)

After an unsuccessful login attempt, Facebook should show you a “Recover Your Account” button under the password field. Go ahead and click that.

登录尝试失败后,Facebook应在密码字段下为您显示“恢复您的帐户”按钮。 继续并单击。


Note: If you’ve forgotten both the email (or phone number) and your password, you’ll have to head to the Facebook homepage, and click the “Forgotten Account” link under the login fields instead of using the technique we’re talking about in this article.

注意 :如果您忘记了电子邮件(或电话号码)和密码,则必须转到Facebook主页,然后单击登录字段下的“忘记的帐户”链接,而不要使用我们正在使用的技术。在本文中讨论。

Next, enter the email address you used to sign up for your Facebook account, and then click the “Search” button.



If Facebook finds a match, it shows you on the results screen. Click the “This Is My Account” button.

如果Facebook找到匹配项,它将在结果屏幕上显示您。 点击“这是我的帐户”按钮。


Depending on what type of information you provided when you set up your account (and the security settings you configured), you may be presented with different options to reset your password. Choose a method, and then click the “Continue” button.

根据设置帐户时提供的信息类型(以及配置的安全设置),可能会显示不同的选项来重置密码。 选择一种方法,然后单击“继续”按钮。


让Facebook通过电子邮件发送代码 (Have Facebook Send a Code by Email)

After you receive the code in the email you used to set up your account, you can click the “Click here to change your password” link, and then copy the reset code and paste it into the Facebook site. But, it’s easier to just click the “Change Password” button in the email and circumvent the whole code entry process.

在用于设置帐户的电子邮件中收到代码后,您可以单击“单击此处更改密码”链接,然后复制重设代码并将其粘贴到Facebook站点中。 但是,只需单击电子邮件中的“更改密码”按钮并绕过整个代码输入过程就容易了。


Either option will take you to the same place—a screen prompting you to type a new password. Choose a strong password, and then click the “Continue” button.

两种方法都可以将您带到同一位置-屏幕提示您输入新密码。 选择一个强密码 ,然后单击“继续”按钮。


RELATED: Your Passwords Are Terrible, and It's Time to Do Something About It

相关: 您的密码很糟糕,是时候对其进行处理了

使用Gmail登录 (Using Gmail To Login)

If you connected your Gmail account to Facebook when you signed up, you also can log into Google to gain immediate access to reset your Facebook password. This bypasses the confirmation email and code being sent to your email address at all.

如果您在注册时将Gmail帐户连接到Facebook,还可以登录Google以立即访问以重置您的Facebook密码。 这完全绕过了确认电子邮件和发送到您的电子邮件地址的代码。

A pop-up window will open with a secure login screen for your Gmail account. Click on the account you signed up with.

将打开一个弹出窗口,其中包含您Gmail帐户的安全登录屏幕。 点击您注册时使用的帐户。


On the next screen, type your Google password, and then click the “Next” button.



Type the new Facebook password you want to use, and then click the “Continue” button.



更改密码后重置活动会话 (Resetting Active Sessions After Changing Your Password)

After you’ve reset your password, Facebook gives you the option to log out of active sessions on other devices or stay logged in.


If you just forgot your password, believe your account is safe, and don’t want to hassle with signing in again on other devices, go ahead and choose the “Stay Logged In” option.


If you suspect at all that your account was compromised, choose the “Log Out Of Other Devices” option instead. All current sessions on your PC, phone, tablet, and so on will be signed out, and you’ll need to sign in on them again using your new password.

如果您完全怀疑自己的帐户遭到入侵,请改为选择“注销其他设备”选项。 您PC,手机,平板电脑等所有当前会话都将被注销,您需要使用新密码再次登录。


Next you’ll be taken through a couple steps to help secure your account. If you suspect that someone may have had access to your account, Facebook can check to see whether there are any recent changes to your basic information (name, profile picture, and so on), installed apps, and your activity.

接下来,将通过几个步骤帮助您保护帐户安全。 如果您怀疑有人可以访问您的帐户,Facebook可以检查您的基本信息(名称,个人资料图片等),已安装的应用程序以及您的活动是否有近期更改。


That’s it. Click “Go To News Feed” and you’re done.

而已。 单击“转到新闻源”,操作完成。


设置更好的安全性 (Setting up Better Security)

Facebook provides multiple options for keeping your account secure other than just using a standard password. You can set up two-factor authentication, specify authorized devices on which you can sign in, name trusted contacts, and more. Reviewing these settings can really help keep your Facebook account secure.

除了提供标准密码外,Facebook还提供了多种选项来确保您帐户的安全 。 您可以设置两因素身份验证,指定可以登录的授权设备,命名受信任的联系人等。 查看这些设置确实可以帮助确保您的Facebook帐户安全。

RELATED: How to Secure Your Facebook Account

相关: 如何保护您的Facebook帐户

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/355419/how-to-recover-your-forgotten-facebook-password/
