facebook 分享页面_如何以其他方式查看您的Facebook页面

facebook 分享页面_如何以其他方式查看您的Facebook页面

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facebook 分享页面_如何以其他方式查看您的Facebook页面

Facebook page can reveal a lot about you to anyone who visits. If your posts are Public, everyone can see whatever you share. There are ways to lock down your Facebook account, like making it harder for people to find or changing the privacy on all your old posts. But if you want to double-check what people can see, you can view your Facebook profile as someone else.

Facebook页面可以向访问的任何人透露很多关于您的信息。 如果您的帖子是公开的,那么所有人都可以看到您共享的内容。 有一些方法可以锁定您的Facebook帐户,例如使人们更难找到更改您所有旧帖子的隐私。 但是,如果您要仔细检查人们可以看到的内容,则可以以其他人的身份查看您的Facebook个人资料。

Update: Facebook no longer allows you to view a page as a specific individual, but you can still use “View as Public” to see how your page looks to the general public.


Go to your Facebook page and click the three dots next to your cover photo.


facebook 分享页面_如何以其他方式查看您的Facebook页面

Select “View As” from the popup menu.


facebook 分享页面_如何以其他方式查看您的Facebook页面

You profile reloads to show you how it looks to the public—so, anyone who isn’t your friend. For me, it’s mainly my old profile pictures and cover photos.

您的个人资料会重新加载,以向您显示它对公众的外观-因此,不是您朋友的任何人。 对我来说,主要是我的旧个人资料照片和封面照片。

facebook 分享页面_如何以其他方式查看您的Facebook页面

You can also view your page as a specific person. At the top of the screen, click View As Specific Person and enter the name of the person you want to view your profile as.

您也可以以特定的人查看您的页面。 在屏幕顶部,单击“查看为特定人员”,然后输入您要查看其个人资料的人员名称。

facebook 分享页面_如何以其他方式查看您的Facebook页面

This is really useful if you’re hiding Facebook posts from one specific person. This is what my page looks like to my boss, Whitson.

如果您要隐藏某个特定人的Facebook帖子,这将非常有用。 这就是我的老板Whitson所看到的页面。

facebook 分享页面_如何以其他方式查看您的Facebook页面

While you can’t edit or delete any posts while you’re viewing your page as someone else, it will give you a good idea whether there’s anything you need to sort out. Checking every once in a while to see how your profile looks to others is a great little privacy checkup.

当您以其他人的身份查看网页时,虽然无法编辑或删除任何帖子,但它会带给您一个好主意,即您是否需要整理任何内容。 每隔一段时间检查一下您的个人资料对他人的外观是一件很棒的隐私检查。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/303003/how-to-view-your-facebook-page-as-someone-else/

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