facebook 个人账户_如何锁定您的Facebook帐户

facebook 个人账户_如何锁定您的Facebook帐户

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Facebook definitely allows you to easily communicate with others, but if you’re not careful, certain information you would like to remain private can be exposed. Here we take a look at locking down your profile, and how to avoid other annoyances.

Facebook绝对可以让您轻松与他人交流,但是如果您不小心,可能会泄露您想保持私密性的某些信息。 在这里,我们将介绍如何锁定您的个人资料,以及如何避免其他麻烦。

Privatize Your Profile


Facebook is a great way to keep in touch with friends, family and other contacts online. It’s also a great place to spread personal information, pictures, and other data to everyone if you don’t use the proper settings. The first thing you want to do is change default settings under the Privacy Settings.

Facebook是与在线的朋友,家人和其他联系人保持联系的好方法。 如果您使用的设置不正确,这也是向每个人分发个人信息,图片和其他数据的好地方。 您要做的第一件事是更改“隐私设置”下的默认设置。

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Take the time to go through each of the privacy sections and make the appropriate choices for your profile.


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Go through each section to adjust who can see your information. Of course showing it to everyone will be the least private.

浏览每个部分以调整谁可以看到您的信息。 当然向所有人展示将是最不私密的。

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Make sure to go through the settings for both Basic and Contact information.


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If you choose a custom setting you can select who sees it and even block out specific users (like your crazy ex).


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Control what information is on your wall, and what posts to your friend’s wall.


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Control what other people can see about you in searches.


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If there are certain users you don’t want to be able to contact you then you can put them in the block list.


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Avoid Quizzes and Other Snooping Apps


You might be enticed to take the multitude of quizzes and games on Facebook because you’re bored or other friends have recommended them. They can however, be aggressive data miners. So when you’re taking a quiz to find out “Who is your Celebrity Twin” the developers of those quizzes are gathering your personal data.

您可能很想在Facebook上参加众多测验和游戏,因为您很无聊或其他朋友推荐了它们。 但是,他们可以成为积极的数据挖掘者。 因此,当您进行测验以找出“谁是您的名人双胞胎”时,这些测验的开发人员就会收集您的个人数据。

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It’s not a secret that your information is being shared through Facebook applications. If you go into the Applications overview under Privacy settings, it states how apps interact with your data. Here are a few of the items in the privacy statement.

通过Facebook应用程序共享您的信息并不是秘密。 如果进入“隐私”设置下的“应用程序概述”,它将说明应用程序如何与您的数据进行交互。 以下是隐私声明中的一些项目。

“When you authorize an application, it will be able to access any information associated with your account that it requires to work.”


“When a friend of yours visits an application or authorizes it, the information that the application can access includes your friend’s friend list and information about the people on that list.”


“If you interact with an application that has been restricted to users of a certain age and/or country without explicitly authorizing the application, the application might be able to infer your approximate birth date or location because you were able to access the application.”


Under the Privacy section and Application Settings you can control what types of information can be seen through apps. If you don’t want anything shared select that option at the bottom.

在“隐私”部分和“应用程序设置”下,您可以控制可以通过应用程序查看哪些类型的信息。 如果您不希望共享任何内容,请在底部选择该选项。

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With Facebook being a central hub of social activity, you might have co-workers, supervisors, or the head boss as a contact. If you are playing games on company time, make sure you don’t get busted on Facebook. Under the same apps privacy page we were at above, scroll down a bit further and check the box under Beacon Websites. A Beacon Site where you play a game needs to be an affiliate of Facebook, but if you aren’t sure, you might want to check this box to be safe.

由于Facebook是社交活动的中心枢纽,因此您可能需要与同事,主管或老板进行联系。 如果您在公司时间玩游戏,请确保您不会在Facebook上破产。 在与上面相同的应用程序隐私页面下,进一步向下滚动并选中Beacon网站下的框。 玩游戏的信标站点必须是Facebook的会员,但如果不确定,则可能需要选中此框以确保安全。

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Block Facebook Annoyingness


If you’re sick of seeing messages every time a friend takes a quiz or makes a move in Mafia Wars, make sure and check out The Geek’s article on how to Block Those irritating Facebook Quiz & Application Messages.

如果您厌烦每次朋友进行测验或在《黑手党战争》中移动时都看到消息,请确保并查看The Geek上有关如何阻止那些烦人的Facebook测验和应用程序消息的文章

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facebook 个人账户_如何锁定您的Facebook帐户



Facebook can be a lot of fun and is a great place to keep in touch with others, but by default it shares a lot of information that you might want to remain private. These steps should help you out in protecting your privacy, and avoiding potentially embarrassing or awkward situations.

Facebook可能很有趣,并且是与他人保持联系的好地方,但是默认情况下,它共享许多您可能希望保持私密性的信息。 这些步骤将帮助您保护自己的隐私,避免潜在的尴尬或尴尬情况。

Facebook Privacy Policy


More About Beacon Sites


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/5032/how-to-lock-down-your-facebook-account/

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