



Perhaps one of the most annoying things about Facebook (there are many) are game requests. Yes, they still exist, and they still continue to annoy users in droves.

Facebook上最烦人的事情之一(有很多)可能是游戏请求。 是的,它们仍然存在,并且仍然继续成群结队地激怒用户。

Facebook games seem to derive their staying power by being really addictive – Candy Crush Soda Saga, for example, has over 10 million users. That’s a lot of people who play Candy Crush Soda Saga, but Facebook has over 800-million active users, so that’s a lot people don’t play CCSS.

Facebook游戏似乎可以通过真正上瘾来发挥其持久力-例如,《 Candy Crush Soda Saga》拥有超过1000万用户。 玩Candy Crush Soda Saga的人很多,但是Facebook拥有超过8亿活跃用户 ,所以很多人不玩CCSS。

Many games rope new players in through current players, with incentives. Recruit your friends to play, and you’ll get credits or advance more quickly to the next level. The result is game requests. It seems like the two typical responses to game requests are to grin and bear it, or write a missive complaining about it and/or threatening to unfriend the offenders.

许多游戏都在激励下通过现有玩家吸引新玩家。 招募您的朋友一起玩,您将获得积分或更快地升级到新的水平。 结果是游戏请求。 似乎对游戏请求的两个典型响应是咧嘴笑着忍受,或者写出一封抱怨它和/或威胁要与违规者交友的消息。

Unfortunately, complaining tends to fall on deaf ears, and unfriending, while decisive, is a bit extreme (unless you absolutely don’t care). There is a more refined solution, and it’s been there all along for quite some time now.

不幸的是,抱怨往往充耳不闻,而果断的交友则显得有些极端(除非您绝对不在乎)。 有一个更完善的解决方案,并且已经存在了很长一段时间。

游戏或个人阻止请求 (Blocking Requests by the Game or Person)

The Facebook website is big and busy, so there’s a lot going on that you can miss. But the controls are all there, if you know where to look. Along the left of your newsfeed are all your various navigation aids and settings. Under the Apps heading, you want to click the “Games” link.

Facebook网站又大又忙,所以您可能会错过很多事情。 但是,只要知道在哪里查看,控件就都在那里。 您的新闻源左侧是所有各种导航工具和设置。 在“应用”标题下,您想单击“游戏”链接。


At the very top there are two links: Find Games and Activity. You want to click on the “Activity” link and then “Invites.”

最顶部有两个链接:查找游戏和活动。 您要单击“活动”链接,然后单击“邀请”。


You can block requests in two ways. Click the “Ignore All” link next to each game, or you can click the “X” next to the “Accept” button to block the user and the game. Of the two methods, the second one is preferred.

您可以通过两种方式阻止请求。 单击每个游戏旁边的“全部忽略”链接,或者单击“接受”按钮旁边的“ X”以阻止用户游戏。 在这两种方法中,第二种是首选。


If you click “Ignore All,” then you can then block the game.



When you block a game, a dialog will appear asking you to confirm or cancel. Obviously, you want to click “confirm.”

当您阻止游戏时,将出现一个对话框,要求您确认或取消。 显然,您要单击“确认”。


Using the preferred method, click the “X” next to the sender’s name to see these options. The first option is to block the game, which will prompt the dialog in the previous screenshot. The second option, which allows you to ignore all requests from a specific user, is where the real magic happens.

使用首选方法,单击发件人姓名旁边的“ X”以查看这些选项。 第一个选项是阻止游戏,这将在上一个屏幕截图中提示对话框。 第二个选项允许您忽略来自特定用户的所有请求,这就是真正的魔力所在。


This is a nicer, gentler alternative to unfriending, and the person being blocked will be none the wiser.



It’s important to remember that blocking the app, doesn’t block the sender and vice/versa. Sometimes there’s just that one game that everyone is playing, which makes blocking the app easier. On the other hand, some people never learn and continue to spam their friends relentlessly with requests. Either way, you can handle all your requests in efficient (and ruthless) style.

重要的是要记住,阻止应用程序并不会阻止发件人,反之亦然。 有时只有每个人都在玩一个游戏,这使得阻止应用程序变得更加容易。 另一方面,有些人从来没有学习过,并且继续不断地向好友发送垃圾邮件。 无论哪种方式,您都可以高效(无情)的方式处理所有请求。

Let’s hear from you now. Tell us what you think by voicing your opinion in our discussion forum.

让我们现在听听你的声音。 在我们的论坛中表达您的意见,告诉我们您的想法。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/205350/how-to-block-facebook-game-requests/
