政务云存储 备份方案_最佳的在线备份和云存储解决方案

政务云存储 备份方案

Computers have permeated nearly aspects of daily life, from social networking to photography, finances and dating. This reliance on technology has brought a variety of advantages ranging from speed to adaptability.

从社交网络到摄影,财务和约会,计算机已经渗透到日常生活的各个方面。 对技术的依赖带来了从速度到适应性的各种优势。

However, when a majority of your personal data and your entire digital life are stored on computers, there is always the risk of losing that data. Hardware fails, viruses infect and data gets corrupted due to degredation.

但是,当您的大部分个人数据和整个数字生活都存储在计算机上时,始终存在丢失该数据的风险。 硬件故障,病毒感染以及数据由于降级而损坏。

That’s why the cloud revolution has been so important for businesses and individuals alike. Now, applications are no longer required to be installed on a user machine, they can be used in the cloud, and data can be mirrored and backed up in real time on cloud storage solutions.

这就是为什么云革命对企业和个人如此重要的原因。 现在,不再需要在用户计算机上安装应用程序,它们可以在云中使用,并且可以在云存储解决方案上实时镜像和备份数据。

Some cloud storage solutions are free, while others are paid. Some allow you unlimited backup, others have a size limit, and of course, there are always bandwidth considerations, but cloud storage is something that every computer user should consider.

一些云存储解决方案是免费的,而其他则是付费的。 有些允许您无限备份,有些则有大小限制,当然,总会有带宽方面的考虑,但是云存储是每台计算机用户都应该考虑的事情。

It’s important to mind, however, the amount and type of data that is stored in the cloud. Cloud storage presents somewhat different security and privacy implications, as generally large corporations have better security than your home network, but you are trusting a 3rd party with your data and security.

但是,重要的是要记住存储在云中的数据量和类型。 云存储带来的安全性和隐私性有所不同,因为一般而言,大型公司的安全性要比家庭网络更好,但是您信任数据和安全性的第三方。

Therefore, it’s important to consider what type of data and solution is best for you or your business. To help you in your quest, here’s a list of the best online backup and cloud storage providers & solutions:

因此,重要的是要考虑哪种类型的数据和解决方案最适合您或您的企业。 为了帮助您完成任务,以下是最佳的在线备份和云存储提供商和解决方案的列表:

投寄箱 (Dropbox)

Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring all your photos, docs, and videos anywhere. This means that any file you save to your Dropbox will automatically save to all your computers, phones and even the Dropbox website.

Dropbox是一项免费服务,可让您将所有照片,文档和视频带到任何地方。 这意味着您保存到Dropbox的任何文件都将自动保存到所有计算机,电话,甚至Dropbox网站。

政务云存储 备份方案_最佳的在线备份和云存储解决方案

ADrive (ADrive)

A Cloud Solution for Everyone. Protect & manage your personal, business and enterprise-level data with ADrive cloud storage & backup solutions.

适用于所有人的云解决方案。 利用ADrive云存储和备份解决方案保护和管理您的个人,企业和企业级数据。

ADrive delivers online cloud storage services to millions of individuals, businesses and enterprise-level users. Their goal is to provide users with a convenient and reliable way to better manage their data from virtually anywhere, at any time.

ADrive为数百万个人,企业和企业级用户提供在线云存储服务。 他们的目标是为用户提供方便,可靠的方式,以便几乎随时随地更好地管理其数据。

政务云存储 备份方案_最佳的在线备份和云存储解决方案


The best free way to back up personal data.Its the best way to back up personal data – online. Using it you can Get your files securely anytime, anywhere.

备份个人数据的最佳免费方法。它是在线备份个人数据的最佳方法。 使用它,您可以随时随地安全地获取文件。

政务云存储 备份方案_最佳的在线备份和云存储解决方案

云应用 (CloudApp)

CloudApp allows you to share images, links, music, videos and files. Here is how it works: choose a file, drag it to the menubar and let us take care of the rest. We provide you with a short link automatically copied to your clipboard that you can use to share your upload with co-workers and friends.

CloudApp允许您共享图像,链接,音乐,视频和文件。 它是这样工作的:选择一个文件,将其拖到菜单栏中,让我们来处理其余的事情。 我们为您提供一个短链接,该短链接会自动复制到剪贴板,您可以使用该短链接与同事和朋友共享您的上传。

政务云存储 备份方案_最佳的在线备份和云存储解决方案

zy (mozy)

Mozy offers a number of backup solutions to fit your individual needs. For non-commercial backup of your personal files, including music, photos, home videos, and personal tax records

Mozy提供了许多备份解决方案来满足您的个性化需求。 用于非商业备份您的个人文件,包括音乐,照片,家庭视频和个人税收记录

政务云存储 备份方案_最佳的在线备份和云存储解决方案

LiveDrive (LiveDrive)

Livedrive is creating technology that will revolutionise the way people store and access their files, photos, music, videos and other digital content. Our vision is simple: don’t store files on your PC, store them on your Livedrive instead. Livedrive is your personal storage space on the Internet. It’s unlimited, it’s secure and it’s there forever. The Livedrive management team is made up of respected industry experts and investors, who have lent their significant experience and financial strength to ensuring that Livedrive is both well-managed and well-funded.

Livedrive正在创造技术,它将彻底改变人们存储和访问其文件,照片,音乐,视频和其他数字内容的方式。 我们的愿景很简单:不要将文件存储在PC上,而是将文件存储在Livedrive上。 Livedrive是Internet上的个人存储空间。 它是无限的,它是安全的,并且永远存在。 Livedrive管理团队由受人尊敬的行业专家和投资者组成,他们凭借其丰富的经验和财务实力来确保Livedrive的管理和资金都充足。

政务云存储 备份方案_最佳的在线备份和云存储解决方案

备份 (IBackup)

IBackup enables small and medium sized businesses to get enterprise-class online backup with superior performance for their critical data at a fraction of cost. Global corporations, Business houses and people trust IBackup for their storage and backup needs. IBackup’s online backup services include applications for automatic scheduling of backups with Compression, Encryption, Incremental/Full backups, Versioning, synchronization, open file support for Outlook, MS SQL Server, MS Exchange Server, Oracle Server, MS SharePoint Server backups and more.

IBackup使中小型企业能够以极低的成本获得关键数据的卓越性能的企业级在线备份。 跨国公司,企业机构和人们信任IBackup满足其存储和备份需求。 IBackup的在线备份服务包括用于通过压缩,加密,增量/完全备份,版本控制,同步,对Outlook,MS SQL Server,MS Exchange Server,Oracle Server,MS SharePoint Server备份等的自动备份调度的应用程序。

政务云存储 备份方案_最佳的在线备份和云存储解决方案

蜘蛛橡树 (Spideroak)

SpiderOak provides an easy, secure and consolidated free online backup, sync, sharing, access & storage solution for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux (Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora & openSUSE)

SpiderOak为Windows,Mac OS X和Linux(Ubuntu,Debian,Fedora和openSUSE)提供了一个简单,安全,统一的免费在线备份,同步,共享,访问和存储解决方案。

政务云存储 备份方案_最佳的在线备份和云存储解决方案

糖同步 (sugarsync)

SugarSync is a free service that enables you to access, sync and share your files across all your computers and devices. We enable you to backup, sync and share all of your documents, photos, music and movies so that you can access them from your laptop, iPhone, iPad, Android, BlackBerry, or any other device.

SugarSync是一项免费服务,使您可以在所有计算机和设备*问,同步和共享文件。 我们使您能够备份,同步和共享所有文档,照片,音乐和电影,以便您可以从笔记本电脑,iPhone,iPad,Android,BlackBerry或任何其他设备访问它们。

政务云存储 备份方案_最佳的在线备份和云存储解决方案

我的电脑备份 (MyPCBackup)

MyPCBackup takes the security and privacy of your data very seriously. All your files are encrypted with the same security as banks use. Unlike other online backup providers we don’t limit the amount of files you can backup, enjoy the freedom of unlimited online backup.

MyPCBackup非常重视数据的安全性和隐私性。 您所有文件的加密方式都与银行使用的安全性相同。 与其他在线备份提供商不同,我们不限制您可以备份的文件数量,享受无限在线备份的*。

政务云存储 备份方案_最佳的在线备份和云存储解决方案

JustCloud (JustCloud)

JustCloud lets you store all your files online so you can access them from anywhere at anytime. Store All Your Files In The Cloud Access Your Files From Anywhere At Anytime, From Any Device. Professional Cloud Storage from JustCloud is Simple, Fast and Unlimited. Your Just Cloud account will also function as a Computer backup device to completely automate all your Cloud Storage needs.

JustCloud使您可以在线存储所有文件,以便您可以随时随地访问它们。 将所有文件存储在云中随时随地通过任何设备访问文件。 JustCloud的专业云存储是简单,快速和无限的。 您的Just Cloud帐户还将用作计算机备份设备,以完全自动化您所有的云存储需求。

政务云存储 备份方案_最佳的在线备份和云存储解决方案

Egnyte HybridCloud (Egnyte HybridCloud)

Egnyte HybridCloud addresses the needs of business users for a simple and easy way to access and share files with team members, at the same time enabling IT to control and monitor all access. The latest enhancements create a solution that scales to meet Enterprise needs. Egnyte Cloud File Server brings unprecedented file sharing, large file transfer, collaboration and backup capabilities. With the addition of breakthrough Local Cloud technology, Egnyte enables fast local file access and offline access.

Egnyte HybridCloud满足了业务用户的需求,以一种简单的方法来访问团队成员并与他们共享文件,同时使IT部门可以控制和监视所有访问。 最新的增强功能可创建可扩展以满足企业需求的解决方案。 Egnyte Cloud File Server带来了前所未有的文件共享,大文件传输,协作和备份功能。 通过添加突破性的本地云技术,Egnyte可以实现快速本地文件访问和脱机访问。

政务云存储 备份方案_最佳的在线备份和云存储解决方案

你发送它 (YouSendIt)

Offering unlimited storage and convenient accessibility, YouSendIt sits on solid ground in the competitive online storage industry. Designed as an email alternative, this online storage service is built on the premise that you should be able to easily send and receive large files. Recently, YouSendIt added cloud storage to its growing repertoire of services. As a result, YouSendIt is a versatile file sharing and data storage service that is quickly climbing the ranks.

YouSendIt提供无限的存储空间和便捷的可访问性,在竞争激烈的在线存储行业中立于不败之地。 此在线存储服务被设计为电子邮件的替代方案,其前提是您应该能够轻松发送和接收大文件。 最近,YouSendIt将云存储添加到其不断增长的服务中。 因此,YouSendIt是一种多功能的文件共享和数据存储服务,正在Swift攀升。

政务云存储 备份方案_最佳的在线备份和云存储解决方案

的OpenDrive (OpenDrive)

OpenDrive, a Palo Alto, California Corporation, provides an online software as a service that helps individuals and businesses store and collaborate on files easily, securely, and professionally.


The current version of OpenDrive was launched in 2008 to provide individuals with a simple solution to backup and share their digital media. Since the company’s creation, OpenDrive has grown to service over 1 million daily users and is trusted by over 20,000 businesses across the globe.

当前版本的OpenDrive于2008年推出,旨在为个人提供备份和共享其数字媒体的简单解决方案。 自公司创立以来,OpenDrive已发展成为每天为超过100万用户提供服务的平台,受到了全球20,000多家企业的信赖。

政务云存储 备份方案_最佳的在线备份和云存储解决方案


Box lets you store all of your content online, so you can access, manage and share it from anywhere. Integrate Box with Google Apps and Salesforce and access Box on mobile devices. You can access, share and collaborate on files anywhere through our award-winning mobile apps. Share folders in a tap, exchange feedback or save files for offline access.

Box使您可以在线存储所有内容,因此您可以从任何地方访问,管理和共享它。 将Box与Google Apps和Salesforce集成,并在移动设备*问Box。 您可以通过我们屡获殊荣的移动应用程序在任何地方访问,共享和协作文件。 轻按即可共享文件夹,交换反馈或保存文件以供离线访问。

政务云存储 备份方案_最佳的在线备份和云存储解决方案

同步性 (Syncplicity)

Syncplicity’s Virtual Private Cloud lets you sync, access, share and backup your files without changing the way you work. Just set it up once and you’re done — Syncplicity does the rest. The easiest way to sync, share, access & protect every file you need.Meet your virtual private Cloud. Sync files with all your computers. Access them from all your mobile devices. Share them without changing your work habits. Make sure everything is backed up. All with the control and security you need.

Syncplicity的虚拟私有云使您可以同步,访问,共享和备份文件,而无需更改工作方式。 只需将其设置一次,就可以完成-其余工作由Syncplicity完成。 同步,共享,访问和保护所需的每个文件的最简单方法。满足您的虚拟私有云。 与所有计算机同步文件。 从所有移动设备访问它们。 分享它们而不改变您的工作习惯。 确保所有内容都已备份。 全部具有您所需的控制和安全性。

政务云存储 备份方案_最佳的在线备份和云存储解决方案

iCloud的 (iCloud)

iCloud stores your music, photos, documents, and more and wirelessly pushes them to all your devices. Automatic, effortless, and seamless — it just works. iCloud is so much more than a hard drive in the sky. It makes it quick and effortless to access just about everything on the devices you use every day. iCloud automatically and securely stores your content so it’s always available to your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, Mac, or PC. It gives you access to your music, movies, apps, latest photos, and more from whichever device you happen to be using. And it keeps your email, contacts, and calendars up to date across all your devices. No syncing required. No management required. In fact, no anything required. iCloud does it all for you.

iCloud可以存储您的音乐,照片,文档等内容,并以无线方式将它们推送到所有设备。 自动,轻松,无缝-可以正常工作。 iCloud不仅是天空中的硬盘。 它使您可以轻松快捷地访问每天使用的设备上的几乎所有内容。 iCloud自动安全地存储您的内容,因此它始终可用于您的iPhone,iPad,iPod touch,Mac或PC。 它使您可以从碰巧使用的任何设备*问音乐,电影,应用程序,最新照片以及更多内容。 而且,它可以使您所有设备上的电子邮件,联系人和日历保持最新状态。 无需同步。 无需管理。 实际上,不需要任何操作。 iCloud为您完成了所有工作。

政务云存储 备份方案_最佳的在线备份和云存储解决方案

阿克罗尼斯 (Acronis)

Acronis software makes virtualization easy; many tools, one unified user interface. Our virtualization solutions deliver server consolidation, backup, recovery, data protection and data storage savings from a single user interface. And we support all major virtual platforms and Windows and Linux environments.

Acronis软件使虚拟化变得容易。 许多工具,一个统一的用户界面。 我们的虚拟化解决方案可通过单个用户界面实现服务器整合,备份,恢复,数据保护和数据存储节省。 而且我们支持所有主要的虚拟平台以及Windows和Linux环境。

政务云存储 备份方案_最佳的在线备份和云存储解决方案

乌阿拉 (Wuala)

Wuala is a secure online storage, made in Switzerland. As the Swiss knife of online storage, it covers all the essential needs for professional and personal use: with Wuala, you can store your files securely online, share them with select others, access them from anywhere, setup automatic backups of your local data, or synchronize whole folders to the cloud. Wuala employs client-side-encryption to achieve a unique level of security. All data is encrypted locally, before it is uploaded. Your password never leaves your computer. Nobody – not even we as storage provider – can access your data without your authorization.

Wuala是瑞士制造的安全的在线存储。 作为在线存储的瑞士刀,它满足了专业和个人使用的所有基本需求:使用Wuala,您可以安全地在线存储文件,与其他人共享文件,从任何地方访问它们,设置本地数据的自动备份,或将整个文件夹同步到云。 Wuala使用客户端加密来实现独特的安全级别。 在上载之前,所有数据都会在本地进行加密。 您的密码永远不会离开您的计算机。 未经您的授权,没有人可以访问您的数据,甚至我们也不是存储提供商。

政务云存储 备份方案_最佳的在线备份和云存储解决方案

丛林磁盘 (JungleDisk)

Using JungleDisk protect your files against loss, theft, viruses, and natural disasters. Share business data securely and privately in the office or across the globe. Sync your critical work across all your computers. Access your data from any web browser. You can do all of that and more, on the go, from anywhere, securely, with just a click.

使用JungleDisk保护您的文件免受丢失,被盗,病毒和自然灾害的侵害。 在办公室或全球范围内安全私密地共享业务数据。 在所有计算机上同步您的关键工作。 从任何Web浏览器访问您的数据。 只需单击一下,您就可以在旅途中随时随地安全地完成所有这些以及更多操作。

政务云存储 备份方案_最佳的在线备份和云存储解决方案

ubuntu一 (ubuntu one)

Ubuntu One is the personal cloud that brings your digital life together, so you can enjoy your content, your way, wherever you are. With our suite of cloud services including storage, sync, sharing and streaming – you have immediate access to your music collection, favorite photos, videos, important documents and more, at any time and from any device.

Ubuntu One是将您的数字生活融合在一起的个人云,因此无论您身在何处,都可以按自己的方式欣赏内容。 借助我们的包括存储,同步,共享和流传输在内的云服务套件,您可以随时随地通过任何设备立即访问音乐收藏,收藏的照片,视频,重要文档等。

政务云存储 备份方案_最佳的在线备份和云存储解决方案

对称 (Symform)

Symform is a revolutionary cloud storage & backup service, providing up to 200GB free and unlimited online storage for a low flat fee. Symform’s distributed global network is the fastest, most secure & lowest cost cloud storage available today. You join the network by contributing some of your excess local storage in exchange for really affordable cloud storage. Join the Revolution & try Symform today!

Symform是一项革命性的云存储和备份服务,以低固定费用提供高达200GB的免费和无限的在线存储。 Symform的分布式全球网络是当今可用的最快,最安全和成本最低的云存储。 您通过贡献一些多余的本地存储来交换网络,以换取真正负担得起的云存储。 加入革命并立即尝试Symform!

政务云存储 备份方案_最佳的在线备份和云存储解决方案

SecurusVault (SecurusVault)

SecurusVault’s online backup service uses trusted cloud storage technology to ensure your data is backed up securely. Access, share, backup and manage your digital life with SecurusVault. Protect your data against hard drive failure or computer theft with SecurusVault’s online data archive. Make extra room on your hard drive but archiving files not used on a daily basis.

SecurusVault的在线备份服务使用受信任的云存储技术来确保安全地备份您的数据。 使用SecurusVault访问,共享,备份和管理您的数字生活。 通过SecurusVault的在线数据存档,保护您的数据免受硬盘故障或计算机被盗。 在硬盘驱动器上留出更多空间,但可以归档每天不使用的文件。

政务云存储 备份方案_最佳的在线备份和云存储解决方案

阿西格拉 (Asigra)

Asigra brings a Cloud Model to backup and recovery – including the backup and recovery of mobile devices such as tablets and smart phones – through our Cloud Backup, Recovery and Restore software solution: Asigra Cloud Backup™ v11.

Asigra通过我们的Cloud Backup,Recovery and Restore软件解决方案Asigra Cloud Backup™v11为备份和恢复(包括平板电脑和智能手机等移动设备的备份和恢复)带来了Cloud Model。

政务云存储 备份方案_最佳的在线备份和云存储解决方案

Microsoft SkyDrive (Microsoft SkyDrive)

Microsoft Skydrive is all about the ability to make backups and store files online rather than actually making it easy. In many respects, Skydrive is just a technical option – a place to put your files online. This is more attractive than it sounds: the service offers 25GB of free storage for docs, photos, or any file you care to post. There is a ‘single sign-on’ mentality here. Once you sign up for Live, you are automatically grandfathered in to Skydrive so there is no separate registration process.

Microsoft Skydrive只是具有在线备份和存储文件的能力,而不是使其变得简单。 从许多方面来看,Skydrive只是一种技术选择-在线存储文件的地方。 这比听起来更有吸引力:该服务为文档,照片或您希望发布的任何文件提供25GB的免费存储空间。 这里有一种“单点登录”的心态。 注册Live之后,您将自动成为Skydrive的父级,因此没有单独的注册过程。

政务云存储 备份方案_最佳的在线备份和云存储解决方案

碳酸盐岩 (Carbonite)

online backup service works quietly and continually in the background protecting your files. If something goes wrong or you delete a file by accident, we’ve still got a copy. Carbonite Online Backup now includes remote file access! Retrieve files you have backed up with Carbonite from any computer with an internet connection.

在线备份服务在后台安静,连续地工作,可保护您的文件。 如果出现问题或您意外删除了文件,我们仍然有副本。 Carbonite在线备份现在包括远程文件访问! 从具有Internet连接的任何计算机上检索使用Carbonite备份的文件。

政务云存储 备份方案_最佳的在线备份和云存储解决方案

内含子 (intronis)

Intronis offers the most secure online backup storage services, online backup software, and data recovery services. Intronis not only offers a great online backup and recovery service to MSPs, but offers the unbeatable benefits of Intronis employees who care, put their best foot forward, and do all they can to make sure each and every partner is successful with their online backup business. Intronis isn’t just here to sell you a solution, but to make sure each partner has the tools to succeed in their business.

Intronis提供最安全的在线备份存储服务,在线备份软件和数据恢复服务。 Intronis不仅为MSP提供出色的在线备份和恢复服务,而且还为Intronis员工提供无与伦比的利益,他们关心,竭尽全力并竭尽所能,以确保每个合作伙伴都能成功实现在线备份业务。 Intronis不仅在这里为您提供解决方案,还可以确保每个合作伙伴都有成功开展业务的工具。

政务云存储 备份方案_最佳的在线备份和云存储解决方案

CoreVault (CoreVault)

CoreVault’s services are scaled to fit your needs. First, we grow with you. As your data expands, we accommodate its growth seamlessly. Second, we flexibly adjust services to keep our plan cost-effective. (Example, we can automatically switch data from Online protection to Archive at appropriate intervals, a process controlled by you). Finally, scalability works in reverse; our service can handle individual file and message restores as easily as recovering entire systems.

CoreVault的服务可以扩展以满足您的需求。 首先,我们与您一起成长。 随着您数据的扩展,我们将无缝地适应其增长。 第二,我们灵活调整服务以保持计划的成本效益。 (例如,我们可以按适当的时间间隔自动将数据从在线保护切换到存档,此过程由您控制)。 最后,可伸缩性相反。 我们的服务可以像恢复整个系统一样轻松地处理单个文件和消息还原。

政务云存储 备份方案_最佳的在线备份和云存储解决方案

赞达 (zmanda)

Zmanda Cloud Backup (ZCB) is a radically simple-to-use and cost-effective backup and disaster recovery solution. ZCB backs up Windows servers, desktops and live applications such as Microsoft Exchange and SQL Server to Amazon’s highly dependable online storage.

Zmanda云备份(ZCB)是一种易于使用且经济高效的备份和灾难恢复解决方案。 ZCB将Windows服务器,台式机和实时应用程序(例如Microsoft Exchange和SQL Server)备份到Amazon高度可靠的在线存储中。

政务云存储 备份方案_最佳的在线备份和云存储解决方案

One hand cursor image via Shutterstock



政务云存储 备份方案