

Ubuntu’s Unity desktop is a change of pace, whether you’re coming from Windows or another Linux distribution with a more traditional interface. Unity has its own way of doing things, including powerful keyboard shortcuts.

无论您是来自Windows还是具有传统界面的其他Linux发行版,Ubuntu的Unity桌面都在改变步伐。 Unity具有自己的处理方式,包括强大的键盘快捷键。

If you’re not using Ubuntu, you can play with Unity in your browser using the Ubuntu online tour website. This guide is targeted at new Unity users, but even experienced Ubuntu users might discover a few new tricks.

如果您不使用Ubuntu,则可以使用Ubuntu在线旅游网站在浏览器中使用Unity。 本指南针对的是Unity新用户,但是即使是经验丰富的Ubuntu用户也可能会发现一些新技巧。

启动器 (The Launcher)

The launcher at the left side of the screen is where you’ll launch frequently used applications and switch between running applications.



Click an application icon to launch or switch to it. If the application has multiple open windows, Ubuntu will show you the windows and allow you to switch between them.

单击一个应用程序图标以启动或切换到它。 如果应用程序有多个打开的窗口,Ubuntu将为您显示这些窗口并允许您在它们之间进行切换。


To quickly open a new window, even if the application is already running, middle-click its icon.


Right-click an application icon to access its quick list. For example, right-clicking the file manager icon will display a list of bookmarked folders you can open.

右键单击应用程序图标以访问其快速列表。 例如,右键单击文件管理器图标将显示您可以打开的书签文件夹列表。


Other applications you launch will also appear on the launcher while they’re running. To permanently attach another application to the launcher, right-click its launcher icon and select Lock to Launcher.

您启动的其他应用程序也会在运行时显示在启动器上。 要将另一个应用程序永久附加到启动器,请右键单击其启动器图标,然后选择“锁定到启动器”。

Select the Unlock from Launcher option to remove any icon from the launcher.



You can rearrange the applications on your launcher by dragging and dropping the application icons.


短跑 (The Dash)

Open the Dash by clicking the Ubuntu icon at the top left corner of the screen. You can also press the Super key to open the launcher (the Super key is also known as the Windows key).

单击屏幕左上角的Ubuntu图标,打开Dash。 您还可以按Super键打开启动器(Super键也称为Windows键)。


The home area in the Dash displays your recently used applications and files.



You can search for applications by typing at the Dash. This search feature searches more than just application names – for example, searching for “theme” will reveal the Appearance application.

您可以通过在Dash中键入来搜索应用程序。 此搜索功能不仅搜索应用程序名称,例如,搜索“主题”将显示Appearance应用程序。


Ubuntu includes many applications that aren’t attached to the launcher by default. To browse your installed applications, click the Applications lens at the bottom of the Dash and scroll through the applications.

Ubuntu包含许多默认情况下未附加到启动器的应用程序。 要浏览已安装的应用程序,请单击Dash底部的Applications镜头,然后滚动浏览这些应用程序。


Other lenses are also available at the bottom of the Dash. Click them to browse for and search files and folders, music, and videos.

Dash的底部也有其他镜头。 单击它们以浏览和搜索文件和文件夹,音乐和视频。

工作空间 (Workspaces)

Ubuntu includes multiple workspaces. Each workspace is its own desktop, allowing you to group application windows.

Ubuntu包含多个工作区。 每个工作区都是其自己的桌面,使您可以对应用程序窗口进行分组。

To view your workspaces, click the Workspace Switcher icon on the launcher.



You’ll see an overview of your workspaces and the windows open on each one. You can switch between workspaces from here.

您将看到工作区的概述,并且每个工作区都打开窗口。 您可以从此处在工作空间之间切换。


Drag and drop windows on the workspace switcher to rearrange your workspaces.



Use the Ctrl-Alt-Arrow Key keyboard shortcuts to switch workspaces. This is probably the quickest, most efficient way to switch workspaces.

使用Ctrl-Alt-Arrow键键盘快捷键可以切换工作区。 这可能是切换工作空间的最快,最有效的方法。


Use the Ctrl-Alt-Shift-Arrow Key keyboard shortcuts to move windows between workspaces. This key combination switches between workspaces, but brings the currently focused window with you.

使用Ctrl-Alt-Shift-Arrow键键盘快捷键在工作区之间移动窗口。 该组合键可在工作空间之间切换,但会带来当前聚焦的窗口。

指标菜单 (Indicator Menus)

Many important functions are located in the indicator menus, located at the top right corner of your screen. Whether you want to switch users, shut down your computer, control the volume level, or change network settings, you’ll find an option in one of the indicator menus.

许多重要功能位于屏幕右上角的指示器菜单中。 无论您是要切换用户,关闭计算机,控制音量级别还是更改网络设置,您都可以在一个指标菜单中找到一个选项。


The mail icon is the messaging indicator, which groups new message notifications for email, instant messaging, and social networking applications into one icon. The icon glows blue when you have a new message.

邮件图标是消息传递指示器,它将电子邮件,即时消息传递和社交网络应用程序的新消息通知分组为一个图标。 收到新消息时,该图标呈蓝色亮起。

在应用程序之间切换 (Switching Between Applications)

The trusty Alt-Tab keyboard shortcut switches between applications in Unity, too. When you Alt-Tab, it only switches between windows on your current workspace.

可信赖的Alt-Tab键盘快捷键也在Unity中的应用程序之间切换。 当您按Alt-Tab时,它仅在当前工作区的窗口之间切换。

The Alt-Tab switcher groups applications with multiple windows into a single icon. The three arrows to the left of the Firefox icon indicate that we have three Firefox windows open.

Alt-Tab切换器将具有多个窗口的应用程序分组为一个图标。 Firefox图标左侧的三个箭头表示我们打开了三个Firefox窗口。


If you Alt-Tab and pause with the Firefox icon selected, you’ll be able to switch between the open Firefox windows. You can also skip to this screen with the Alt-` keyboard shortcut. (The ` is the key above the Tab key.)

如果您按住Alt键并暂停并选择Firefox图标,则可以在打开的Firefox窗口之间进行切换。 您也可以使用Alt-`键盘快捷键跳到该屏幕。 (`是Tab键上方的键。)


隐藏的全局菜单 (Hidden Global Menus)

Unity uses a global menu – application menus aren’t located in the application’s windows, they’re located on the top panel. This may be somewhat confusing at first, because you can’t see the application’s menu until you mouse over the top panel.

Unity使用全局菜单-应用程序菜单不在应用程序窗口中,而是位于顶部面板上。 刚开始时这可能有些令人困惑,因为只有将鼠标悬停在顶部面板上,您才能看到应用程序的菜单。

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Each window’s title bar also merges into the top panel when you maximize the window. This includes the window manager controls. When an application window is maximized, its close, minimize, and restore buttons are located at the left side of the top panel, above the Dash icon.

当您最大化窗口时,每个窗口的标题栏也会合并到顶部面板中。 这包括窗口管理器控件。 当应用程序窗口最大化时,其关闭,最小化和还原按钮位于顶部面板的左侧,在Dash图标上方。


平视显示器 (The HUD)

The HUD is a new, alternative way of accessing application menus. Instead of clicking the menu, press the Alt key and start typing a menu item’s name. You can search for and activate menu options without touching the mouse.

HUD是访问应用程序菜单的一种新的替代方法。 不用单击菜单,而是按Alt键并开始输入菜单项的名称。 您可以搜索并**菜单选项,而无需触摸鼠标。


键盘快捷键备忘单 (Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet)

Unity has a lot of keyboard shortcuts, but you don’t need to remember them. Press and hold the Super (Windows) key and you’ll see a keyboard shortcuts cheat sheet.

Unity有很多键盘快捷键,但是您无需记住它们。 按住超级(Windows)键,您会看到键盘快捷键备忘单。


When you press and hold the Super key, you’ll also see numbers over the application icons on the launcher. Use these numbers in combination with the Super key to switch to or launch applications.

按住超级键时,启动器上的应用程序图标上还会显示数字。 将这些数字与Super键结合使用可切换到或启动应用程序。

For example, if the Firefox icon is in second place, we can press Super-2 to launch or switch to Firefox.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/113330/how-to-master-ubuntus-unity-desktop-8-things-you-need-to-know/