

As anyone who has ever bought anything on Amazon will know, there’s money to be had in ecommerce. In 2017 alone, global ecommerce sales amounted to over 2.3 trillion dollars, and that number is expected to more than double by 2021. It’s a giant pie, and one that everyone can have a piece of if they’re savvy enough and possess a certain know-how, and a certain eye. Like any physical, brick and mortar store, e-commerce websites have to be visually appealing and easy to navigate. They have to attract customers, keep them there, and make the process from item pick-up to checkout as swift and painless as possible. This requires intuitive and expert web design, specifically geared towards e-commerce stores, and below we’ll guide you through all the principles you need to be aware of.

正如任何在Amazon上购买过商品的人都会知道的那样,电子商务中就有钱。 仅在2017年,全球电子商务销售额就超过2.3万亿美元 ,到2021年,这一数字有望翻一番以上。这是一个巨大的蛋糕,每个人只要有足够的头脑并拥有一定的知识,就可以拥有一份专有技术和一定的眼睛。 像任何实体,实体商店一样,电子商务网站必须具有视觉吸引力且易于浏览。 他们必须吸引顾客,将他们留在那儿,并使从提货到结帐的过程尽可能Swift而轻松。 这需要直观且专业的网页设计,尤其是针对电子商务商店的网页设计,下面我们将指导您完成所有需要了解的原则。


使其美观 (Make It Aesthetically Pleasing)

According to a study conducted by Adobe, more than 66% of viewers would rather stay on a site that is aesthetically pleasing as opposed to one that isn’t. It’s a no-brainer; humans are generally attracted to the beautiful and ornate, and e-commerce is no different. While designing a website from scratch to achieve the ultimate aesthetic is certainly an option, for most people it’s simply too time consuming, especially with a multitude of other projects to juggle. And if aesthetics isn’t exactly your forte, there are web providers out there who can offer you premade templates for your online store to give you some inspiration. The best part is, you can usually customize these templates so suit your needs and preferences, so you don’t have to settle for a bland, cookie-cutter design.

根据Adobe进行的一项研究,超过66%的观看者宁愿停留在美观的网站上,而不喜欢不美观的网站。 这很容易 人们通常被美丽华丽的事物所吸引,电子商务也是如此。 从头开始设计网站以实现最终的美感当然是一个选择,但对大多数人而言,这太耗时了,尤其是要进行大量其他项目的设计。 而且,如果美学并非您的长处, 那么网络服务提供商可以为您的在线商店提供预制模板,为您提供一些启发。 最好的部分是,您通常可以自定义这些模板,以适合您的需求和偏好,因此您不必满足于平淡无奇的设计。

优质图像 (Quality Images)

If you’re selling a product or a service, words alone won’t cut it. Every e-commerce website worth its salt relies on high quality, professional images that adequately convey to the consumer either the specific details of the product they’re buying or give them a sense of the emotional value they will get from the product. This is crucial. The better the image, the higher the likelihood that the consumer is going to put that item into their basket.

如果您要销售产品或服务,仅凭文字就不会减少。 每个有价值的电子商务网站都依赖高质量,专业的图像,这些图像可以向消费者充分传达他们所购买产品的具体细节,或者使他们对从产品中获得的情感价值有所了解。 这很关键。 图像越好,消费者将物品放入购物篮的可能性就越高。

易于浏览 (Easy to Navigate)

The user experience of every website is of the utmost importance. Shopping online should be as easy as possible. No one wants to navigate a labyrinth just to buy a pair of socks online. Items and products should be displayed simply and divided into easy-to-understand categories and the journey from home page to a specific item should be no more than a couple of clicks. As was mentioned earlier in this article, the process of getting item from cart to checkout should be extremely fast and easy. Nothing will scare a potential customer away faster than a site full of glitches and a hard-to-follow sales process. This means having effective search bars, easy-to-read menus, favoring simple and digestible text over complex explanations, and ensuring that your website loads as fast as possible.

每个网站的用户体验至关重要。 在线购物应该尽可能地容易。 没有人愿意迷宫般地在网上买一双袜子。 项目和产品应简单显示,并分为易于理解的类别,并且从首页到特定项目的过程不应超过两次单击。 如本文前面所述,将商品从购物车运送到结帐的过程应该非常快速且容易。 没有什么会比充满故障和难以遵循的销售流程的站点更快地吓跑潜在客户。 这意味着拥有有效的搜索栏,易于阅读的菜单,更倾向于使用易于理解的文本而不是复杂的说明,并确保您的网站尽快加载。

无可挑剔的客户服务 (Impeccable Customer Service)

If someone has a problem, it should be as easy as possible for them to find help. Having a clear “contact” or “help” section is imperative in this regard. Customers should have detailed information – including email addresses and telephone numbers – about who they can get in touch with. Another option is to include a chat section on the site which allows customers to either get in touch with support staff or a chat bot which can answer basic questions, in real time.

如果有人遇到问题,他们应该尽可能容易地寻求帮助。 在这方面,必须有明确的“联系”或“帮助”部分。 客户应该获得有关与谁联系的详细信息,包括电子邮件地址和电话号码。 另一个选择是在站点上包括一个聊天部分,该部分允许客户与支持人员或可以实时回答基本问题的聊天机器人进行联系。

翻译自: https://www.thecrazyprogrammer.com/2018/09/a-guide-to-effective-web-design-for-e-commerce.html
