



Gmail users can now use Gmail’s Confidential Mode to send self-descruting emails on Android and iPhone.


We showed you how the new Confidential Mode works in Gmail back in May, but that was on the desktop. The feature is now offered in the Gmail mobile app. Just start composing a message on your phone, then click the settings button at top-right. Select “Confidential Mode” and you’ll be asked about the expiration date and an optional passcode.

我们早在5月就向您展示了新的“机密模式”在Gmail中的工作原理 ,但它是在桌面上运行的。 Gmail移动应用程序现已提供此功能。 只需开始在手机上编写消息,然后单击右上角的设置按钮即可。 选择“机密模式”,系统将询问您有效日期和可选密码。

As we’ve explained, confidential messages are hosted on Google’s servers, not sent over email. This has its downsides—recipients who aren’t viewing the email in Gmail have to click a link to open messages in a browser, for example. It’s all quite seamless between Gmail users, however.

如前所述 ,机密消息托管在Google的服务器上,而不是通过电子邮件发送。 这有其缺点-例如,未在Gmail中查看电子邮件的收件人必须单击链接以在浏览器中打开邮件。 但是,Gmail用户之间的连接非常无缝。

Experts are divided on how secure this is, of course, because it’s always possible for whoever you email to just take a screenshot. You might find it worthwhile, just don’t send passwords or anything using it.

当然,专家们对此有多高的安全性存在分歧,因为无论您发电子邮件给谁,只要截取屏幕截图,都是可能的。 您可能会发现它值得,只是不要发送密码或使用它的任何东西。

