Error running 'HelloWord': Cannot start process, the working directory 'F:\ ' does not exist

Error running ‘HelloWord’: Cannot start process, the working directory ’ ’ does not exist

Error running 'HelloWord': Cannot start process, the working directory 'F:\ ' does not exist
Error running ‘HelloWord’: Cannot start process, the working directory ‘F:\workspace\javaproject\pinyougou\workspace\javaproject\pinyougou’ does not exist运行程序发现运行不了 :
出现这个问题的原因是 : 创建项目的时候选择项目目录有 “//”;如下图示

Error running 'HelloWord': Cannot start process, the working directory 'F:\ ' does not exist这个目录F:\workspace\javaproject\pinyougou不对,把双斜杠改为单斜杠创建项目就可以了F:\workspace\javaproject\pinyougou
解决方案 : 选择file–>Close Project 回到IDEA初始页面 选择open 你的项目路径就ok了:具体操作参考下图:
Error running 'HelloWord': Cannot start process, the working directory 'F:\ ' does not exist

Error running 'HelloWord': Cannot start process, the working directory 'F:\ ' does not exist
