梯度下降公式理解(为什么使用cost function的导数?)

在gradient descent 梯度下降公式中,一般的表达都是如下:
梯度下降公式理解(为什么使用cost function的导数?)
梯度下降公式理解(为什么使用cost function的导数?)
但是学习率 α 后为什么用 θ1处的求导呢?在吴恩达的课程论坛中也看到类似的提问:

有个回答很清楚,我直接贴过来了。可以看出,其实可以不必使用cost function的导数。
梯度下降公式理解(为什么使用cost function的导数?)

但是用cost fucntion求导肯定有其好处,这篇文章阐述的很清楚,如 链接:Gradient Descent Derivation
Why does gradient descent use the derivative of the cost function? Finding the slope of the cost function at our current Ѳ value tells us two things.
为什么梯度下降公式中使用 cost function的导数?在当前的 θ点上,计算出cost function的导数有两个好处:

The first is the direction to move theta in. When you look at the plot of a function, a positive slope means the function goes upward as you move right, so we want to move left in order to find the minimum. Similarly, a negative slope means the function goes downard towards the right, so we want to move right to find the minimum.
第一:可以决定移动的方向,在cost function函数曲线中,当斜率为正时,如果向右移动,那么函数值向上增加,所以此时需要向左移动以找到最小值。

The second is how big of a step to take. If the slope is large we want to take a large step because we’re far from the minimum. If the slope is small we want to take a smaller step. Note in the example above how gradient descent takes increasingly smaller steps towards the minimum with each iteration.