台大机器学习基石 Lecture 1 - The Learning Problem


What is Machine Learning


Improving some performance measure with experience computed from data

An alternative route to build complicated systems.

Key Essence:

  • exists some ‘underlying pattern’ to be learned
  • no programmable (easy) definition
  • somehow there is data about the pattern

Key Essence help decide whether to use ML.

Components of ML

Basic Notations:

  • input: x ∈ X
  • output: y ∈ Y
  • unknown pattern to be learned ⇔ target function:    f : X → Y
  • data ⇔ training examples: D = {(台大机器学习基石 Lecture 1 - The Learning Problem台大机器学习基石 Lecture 1 - The Learning Problem),(台大机器学习基石 Lecture 1 - The Learning Problem, 台大机器学习基石 Lecture 1 - The Learning Problem),··· ,(台大机器学习基石 Lecture 1 - The Learning Problem, 台大机器学习基石 Lecture 1 - The Learning Problem)}
  • hypothesis ⇔ skill with hopefully good performance:    g: X → Y

台大机器学习基石 Lecture 1 - The Learning ProblemLearning Model = A and H

use data to compute hypothesis g that approximates target f