joomla 模板开发_WordPress v Joomla:模板和主题

joomla 模板开发

joomla 模板开发_WordPress v Joomla:模板和主题

Welcome to Part 2 of our series covering all major aspects of the WordPress vs Joomla debate. Today we’ll be covering templates, frameworks and themes for Joomla and WordPress.

欢迎来到我们系列的第2部分,涵盖WordPress vs Joomla辩论的所有主要方面。 今天,我们将介绍Joomla和WordPress的模板,框架和主题。

Joomla模板和WordPress主题 (Joomla Templates and WordPress Themes)

At face value, Joomla templates and WordPress themes seem similar. There are a few minor details to take note of, however, that may affect your decision when choosing between the two content management systems.

从表面上看,Joomla模板和WordPress主题似乎很相似。 有一些小细节需要注意,但是,这可能会影响您在两个内容管理系统之间进行选择时的决定。

模板/主题目的 (Template/Theme Purpose)

A trend I’ve noticed with themes and templates is that Joomla templates seem to be designed and developed with versatility in mind, whereas WordPress themes are designed with a specific purpose in mind — usually content-oriented.


joomla 模板开发_WordPress v Joomla:模板和主题

Premium templates for Joomla will contain all the bells and whistles which will help you tailor your site to a specific purpose. WordPress themes, on the other hand, mostly seem to be limited to a single purpose. If you aren’t a web designer, this makes it a little difficult to customize the theme to suit something that isn’t quite what you are aiming for.

Joomla的高级模板将包含所有风吹草动,这将帮助您针对特定目的定制网站。 另一方面,WordPress主题似乎主要局限于一个目的。 如果您不是Web设计师,那么自定义主题以使其与您的目标不符就很难了。

Either way has its pitfalls, but I have to say I prefer Joomla in this department. I’d rather have too much choice than be limited by design.

无论哪种方式都有其陷阱,但是我不得不说我更喜欢这个部门的Joomla。 我宁愿选择太多,也不愿受到设计的限制。

多个模板 (Multiple Templates)

Something I consider important is native support for multiple templates within one website — in other words, the ability to select a specific template/theme for different pages on your website. Joomla offers this functionality and WordPress doesn’t. I believe it can be done in WordPress through the use of plugins and customization — but I honestly couldn’t be bothered when Joomla is able to do this natively.

我认为重要的一点是对一个网站内的多个模板的本地支持-换句话说,能够为网站上的不同页面选择特定的模板/主题。 Joomla提供了此功能,而WordPress没有。 我相信可以通过使用插件和自定义在WordPress中完成此操作-但老实说,当Joomla能够以本地方式执行此操作时,我不会感到困扰。

This is worth taking into account when planning your website. If you need to make a certain page look different to the rest — and a different template is your best option — you may wish to consider using Joomla for that website.

在计划您的网站时,这是值得考虑的。 如果您需要使某个页面看起来与其他页面不同-并且最好使用不同的模板-您不妨考虑对该网站使用Joomla。

Edit: When writing this post, even after having done a bit of research, I thought WordPress didn’t offer multiple theme functionality. It turns out that it does, using something called Page Templates. This allows you to select different templates for different pages. I will say, however, that I still feel Joomla’s multiple template functionality is more user friendly to end-users.  For developers, this may not be the case.

编辑:撰写本文时,即使做了一些研究,我仍认为WordPress不提供多种主题功能。 事实证明确实如此,它使用的是“页面模板”。 这使您可以为不同的页面选择不同的模板。 但是,我仍然觉得Joomla的多重模板功能对最终用户更加用户友好。 对于开发人员而言,情况可能并非如此。

开发自定义模板 (Developing Custom Templates)

For those of you looking at building custom templates and themes, I cannot report a major difference between Joomla and WordPress. If you spend some time with the documentation of either and have some working knowledge of HTML, PHP and CSS, you shouldn’t experience any major difficulties.

对于那些正在考虑构建自定义模板和主题的人,我无法报告Joomla和WordPress之间的主要区别。 如果您花一些时间阅读这两个文档,并且对HTML,PHP和CSS有一定的了解,那么您应该不会遇到任何重大困难。

Again, though, I feel like WordPress is limited when it comes to developing custom templates. This could just be because I started out with Joomla and have learned that I have practically no limitations when creating templates.

同样,我觉得WordPress在开发自定义模板方面受到限制。 这可能只是因为我刚开始使用Joomla并了解到我在创建模板时几乎没有限制。

If you’re a seasoned web designer, you should have no issue creating great looking templates/themes for either CMS. If you’re just starting out with content management systems, I would advise purchasing a great premium template/theme and adjusting it to suit your needs. This will give you a great starting point to learn about templating for Joomla and/or WordPress.

如果您是一位经验丰富的网页设计师,则可以为任一CMS创建美观的模板/主题都没有问题。 如果您刚开始使用内容管理系统,我建议您购买一个优质的高级模板/主题,并对其进行调整以满足您的需求。 这将为您提供一个学习Joomla和/或WordPress模板的绝佳起点。

模板框架 (Template Frameworks)

When designing a WordPress site, I like to base it off one of the many great frameworks available for the CMS. Occasionally I do this for a Joomla website too, but I tend to find that the frameworks available for WordPress tend to be better than those available for Joomla, as well as the fact that I’m more comfortable with coding custom templates for Joomla than I am with WordPress themes.

在设计WordPress网站时,我希望以CMS可用的众多出色框架之一为基础。 有时我也为Joomla网站执行此操作,但是我倾向于发现WordPress可用的框架比Joomla可用的框架要好,而且我比Joomla更愿意为Joomla编写自定义模板与WordPress主题有关。

什么是框架? (What is a Framework?)

A framework helps you to put together a great template/theme with half the effort because it provides the non-visual elements and tweaks that should be in a template and would otherwise need to be added by yourself.


Things such as module positions, IE6 warning messages (which should hopefully never be seen anymore), a back-end control panel and easy typography control are some of the things that are usually provided by a framework.


A good framework will implement generally accepted design and development practices. For example, many frameworks are based off the 960 grid system which is still preferred by many web designers. They will also make sure your template/theme is optimized for good page load times by compressing CSS and JavaScript. Lately I’ve noticed some frameworks include Ajax support and provide the interface for other plugins to use Ajax as well.

一个好的框架将实施公认的设计和开发实践。 例如,许多框架都基于960网格系统 ,这仍然是许多Web设计人员首选的框架。 他们还将通过压缩CSS和JavaScript来确保针对模板/主题优化了页面加载时间。 最近,我注意到一些框架包括Ajax支持,并为其他插件提供了使用Ajax的接口。

Some of the more popular frameworks have been converted into full HTML5 and CSS3 frameworks, which is great for building a website that is compliant with modern technology. Another feature that is key in 2012 is optimization for mobile devices. A good framework will often provide options to display a mobile-friendly version of your website.

一些较流行的框架已转换为完整HTML5和CSS3框架,非常适合构建符合现代技术的网站。 2012年的另一个关键功能是针对移动设备的优化。 一个好的框架通常会提供一些选项,以显示网站的移动版。

我应该使用什么框架? (What Frameworks Should I Use?)

There are three frameworks I would recommend at the moment. Two of them have versions for both Joomla and WordPress and the other is only a WordPress framework.

我目前建议三个框架。 其中两个具有Joomla和WordPress的版本,另一个仅是WordPress框架。

YooTheme的 WARP框架 (WARP Framework by YooTheme)

The WARP framework is probably my favorite at the moment and the one I use on my own website. WARP has versions for Joomla and WordPress. It is fully HTML5 and CSS3 compliant and contains pretty much all the functionality you would expect from a good framework.

目前,WARP框架可能是我最喜欢的框架,也是我在自己的网站上使用的框架。 WARP具有Joomla和WordPress的版本。 它完全符合HTML5和CSS3,并包含您期望从一个好的框架获得的几乎所有功能。

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The thing I like most is how lightweight it is. It helps you take care of your load times by implementing common page speed optimizations such as Javascript, CSS and HTML compression.

我最喜欢的是轻巧的东西。 通过实现常见的页面速度优化(例如Javascript,CSS和HTML压缩),它可以帮助您节省加载时间。

WARP is definitely a good one to check out regardless of which CMS you choose.


RocketTheme的龙门框架 (Gantry Framework by RocketTheme)

The Gantry framework is also available for both Joomla and WordPress. It is similar to the WARP framework but contains more options for customization. This makes it a bit bulkier than YooTheme’s option, but it is still a fantastic framework to use.

龙门框架也可用于Joomla和WordPress。 它类似于WARP框架,但包含更多的自定义选项。 这使它比YooTheme的选项要大一些,但是仍然是一个很棒的框架。

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It utilizes the 960 grid system and offers seemingly endless options for the customization and streamlining of your website.


Gantry is worth investigation if you’re looking for something more than WARP can offer you.


StudioPress的创世纪 (Genesis by StudioPress)

Genesis is a framework created in partnership with some of the guys at Copyblogger, which means it’s automatically awesome.


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It is built only for WordPress and is used and recommended by some of the internet’s biggest celebs, including Matt Mullenweg (Founder of WordPress), Darren Rowse from Problogger and Chris Brogan. Genesis’ main selling point is that it provides a search-optimized framework for your WordPress site.

它仅针对WordPress构建,并得到互联网上一些最大的名人的使用和推荐,包括Matt的创始人Mullenweg(WordPress的创始人),Problogger的Darren Rowse和Chris Brogan。 Genesis的主要卖点是,它为您的WordPress网站提供了搜索优化的框架。

This framework is ideal for blogs and content-driven websites and, although it’s not free, is definitely worth looking at if you settle on WordPress as your CMS.


结论 (Conclusion)

When it comes to templating for WordPress and Joomla, it’s really up to your personal preference.  If you’re not an experienced web designer and aren’t familiar with HTML, CSS and PHP, you may simply find a great premium theme that fits your needs. If you are a developer, you probably won’t have a problem with either system. Pick the one you’re most familiar with or the one that fits your purpose the best.

当涉及到WordPress和Joomla模板时,这完全取决于您的个人喜好。 如果您不是经验丰富的网页设计师,并且不熟悉HTML,CSS和PHP,那么您可能会发现满足您需求的优质高级主题。 如果您是开发人员,则两个系统都可能不会有问题。 选择您最熟悉的一种或最适合您目的的一种。

I feel that Joomla is considerably more versatile and, for someone who is familiar with the Joomla CMS, there really are no limitations with design. If you’re not looking to do anything too fancy, however, WordPress themes may be perfect for you — they tend to be good for minimalistic design.

我觉得Joomla的用途更加广泛,对于熟悉Joomla CMS的人来说,设计确实没有限制。 但是,如果您不想做任何花哨的事情,则WordPress主题可能对您来说是完美的-它们倾向于简约设计。

Tell us about your experience with Joomla templates, WordPress themes and frameworks in the comments below.



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