


PHP, or hypertext preprocessor, is an open-source server-side scripting language. It’s extremely popular, too — almost 80% of all websites were using PHP as of October 2018.

PHP,或超文本预处理器,是一种开源的服务器端脚本语言。 它也非常受欢迎-截至2018年10月,几乎所有网站中有80%使用PHP

But how do you know which PHP framework is right for you?


为什么要使用PHP框架? (Why use a PHP framework?)

This post will list the 10 best PHP frameworks out there to help you choose.


A PHP framework provides a basic structure for streamlining the development of web apps. We use them because they speed up the development process.

PHP框架提供了用于简化Web应用程序开发的基本结构。 我们之所以使用它们,是因为它们可以加快开发过程。

Above all, the responsiveness of websites and applications built using PHP frameworks helps businesses fulfill their performance needs. So there’s no doubt that PHP frameworks will continue gaining attention and popularity in 2019.

最重要的是,使用PHP框架构建的网站和应用程序的响应能力有助于企业满足其性能需求。 因此,毫无疑问,PHP框架将在2019年继续受到关注和普及。

十大PHP框架 (The top 10 PHP frameworks)

Here’s a list of the best PHP frameworks, based on popularity and ability to facilitate application development.


1. Laravel (1. Laravel)


Introduced in 2011, Laravel has become the most popular free, open-source PHP framework in the world. Why? Because it can handle complex web applications securely, at a considerably faster pace than other frameworks. Laravel simplifies the development process by easing common tasks such as routing, sessions, caching, and authentication.

Laravel于2011年推出,现已成为全球最受欢迎的免费开源PHP框架。 为什么? 因为它可以安全地处理复杂的Web应用程序,所以比其他框架要快得多。 Laravel通过简化诸如路由,会话,缓存和身份验证之类的常见任务,简化了开发过程。

使用Laravel的理由 (Reasons to use Laravel)

  • Laravel is suitable when developing applications with complex backend requirements, whether small or large. Installing Laravel has been made easier by the introduction of Homestead, a prepackaged, all-in-one vagrant box.

    Laravel适用于开发具有复杂后端需求(无论大小)的应用程序。 通过引入预包装的多合一无家可归的盒子Homestead,使Laravel的安装变得更加容易。
  • It’s a PHP framework full of features that will help you customize complex apps. Among these: seamless data migration, MVC architecture support, security, routing, view template engine, and authentication, among many others.

    它是一个包含所有功能PHP框架,可帮助您自定义复杂的应用程序。 其中包括:无缝数据迁移,MVC体系结构支持,安全性,路由,视图模板引擎和身份验证等。
  • Laravel is highly expressive, and its speed and security are in line with expectations for a modern web application. For developers who want to build B2B or enterprise websites that will evolve with changing web trends, Laravel is the way to go.

    Laravel具有很高的表现力,其速度和安全性符合现代Web应用程序的期望。 对于希望建立B2B或将随着网络趋势变化而发展的企业网站的开发人员而言,Laravel是必经之路。

2. CodeIgniter (2. CodeIgniter)


Known for its small footprint (it’s only about 2 MB in size, including the documentation) CodeIgniter is a PHP framework suitable for developing dynamic websites. It offers numerous prebuilt modules that help with constructing robust and reusable components.

CodeIgniter以其占用空间小(包括文档在内只有2 MB大小)而闻名,它是一个PHP框架,适合开发动态网站。 它提供了许多预构建的模块,可帮助构建健壮且可重复使用的组件。

使用CodeIgniter的理由 (Reasons to use CodeIgniter)

  • CodeIgniter is a lightweight and straightforward PHP framework that’s hassle-free to install, unlike other frameworks. Due to a simple setup process and highly illustrated documentation, it’s ideal for beginners.

    CodeIgniter是一个轻巧,简单PHP框架,与其他框架不同,它可以轻松安装。 由于设置过程简单,文档说明丰富,因此非常适合初学者。

  • Key features include an MVC architecture, top-notch error handling, inbuilt security tools, and simple and excellent documentation. In addition, it creates scalable apps.

    主要功能包括MVC体系结构,一流的错误处理,内置的安全工具以及简单而出色的文档。 此外,它还创建可扩展的应用程序。

  • Compared with other frameworks, CodeIgniter is considerably faster. Since it also offers solid performance, it’s a good choice when you want to develop lightweight applications to run on modest servers. One caveat: CodeIgniter releases are a bit irregular, so the framework isn’t a great option for an application that requires high-level security.

    与其他框架相比,CodeIgniter的速度要快得多。 由于它还提供可靠的性能,因此当您要开发轻量级应用程序以在适度的服务器上运行时,它是一个不错的选择。 一个警告:CodeIgniter发行版有些不规则,因此对于需要高级别安全性的应用程序而言,该框架不是一个不错的选择。

3. Symfony (3. Symfony)


The Symfony framework was launched in 2005, and although it’s been in existence for much longer than other frameworks on this list, it’s a reliable and mature platform. Symfony is an extensive PHP MVC framework and the only framework known to follow PHP and web standards to the tee.

Symfony框架于2005年启动,尽管它存在的时间比此列表中的其他框架要长得多,但它是一个可靠且成熟的平台。 Symfony是一个扩展PHP MVC框架,并且是已知的唯一遵循PHP和Web标准的T形框架。

使用Symfony的理由 (Reasons to use Symfony)

  • Symfony is the perfect choice for developing large-scale enterprise projects. It’s easy to install and configure on most platforms.

    Symfony是开发大型企业项目的理想选择。 在大多数平台上安装和配置都很容易。
  • One of its key features? It’s reusable PHP components. It also boasts database engine–independence, and it’s stable, complies with most web best practices and design patterns, and allows for integration with other vendor libraries.

    其主要功能之一? 它是可重用PHP组件。 它还具有数据库引擎独立性,并且稳定,符合大多数Web最佳实践和设计模式,并允许与其他供应商库集成。
  • Symfony is also highly flexible and can integrate with bigger projects like Drupal. Symfony and Laravel have many common and unique features, which makes it difficult to say which of these frameworks is better.

    Symfony的灵活性也很高,可以与诸如Drupal之类的较大项目集成。 Symfony和Laravel具有许多共同和独特的功能,这使得很难说出这些框架中哪个更好。

However, while Laravel focuses more on simplicity and delivering value, even for developers who are not advanced, Symfony targets advanced developers and is a bit harder to start with. In addition, the Symfony security mechanism is a bit difficult to use. And, because it lets developers “do it all,” it can be slower than other frameworks.

但是,尽管Laravel更加注重简单性和交付价值,即使对于不高级的开发人员而言,Symfony还是针对高级开发人员,因此开始时会有些困难。 此外,Symfony安全机制很难使用。 而且,由于它可以让开发人员“完成所有工作”,因此它可能比其他框架要慢。

4. CakePHP (4. CakePHP)


If you’re looking for a toolkit that’s simple and elegant, look no further. CakePHP will help you develop visually impressive, feature-loaded websites. In addition, CakePHP is one of the easiest frameworks to learn, especially because of its CRUD (create, read, update, and delete) framework. CakePHP hit the market in the early 2000s, and since then it’s gained better performance and many new components.

如果您正在寻找简单而优雅的工具包,那就别无所求。 CakePHP将帮助您开发外观令人印象深刻且功能强大的网站。 此外,CakePHP是最容易学习的框架之一,特别是因为它具有CRUD(创建,读取,更新和删除)框架。 CakePHP在2000年代初投放市场,此后,它获得了更好的性能和许多新组件。

使用CakePHP的理由 (Reasons to use CakePHP)

  • CakePHP is simple and easy to install, as you only need a web server and a copy of the framework.

  • It makes a good choice for commercial applications due to security features that include SQL injection prevention, input validation, cross-site request forgery (CSRF) protection, and cross-site scripting (XSS) protection.

  • Some key features include a modern framework, fast builds, proper class inheritance, validation, and security. In addition, CakePHP provides great documentation, many support portals, and premium support through Cake Development Corporation.

    一些关键功能包括现代框架,快速构建,正确的类继承,验证和安全性。 此外,CakePHP还通过Cake Development Corporation提供了出色的文档,许多支持门户以及高级支持。

5. Yii (5. Yii)


The Yii framework — which stands for Yes, it is! — is, in fact, simple and evolutionary. It’s a high-performance, component-based PHP framework for developing modern web applications. Yii is suitable for all kinds of web apps. For this reason, it’s a universal web programming framework.

Yii框架 -代表是,是的! -实际上,它是简单且具有进化性的。 这是一个用于开发现代Web应用程序的高性能,基于组件PHP框架。 Yii适用于各种Web应用程序。 因此,它是一个通用的Web编程框架。

使用Yii的理由 (Reasons to use Yii)

  • Yii has an easy installation process. Furthermore, its robust security features make the framework suitable for highly secure endeavors such as e-commerce projects, portals, CMS, forums, and many others.

    Yii的安装过程很简单。 此外,其强大的安全功能使该框架适合于高度安全的工作,例如电子商务项目,门户,CMS,论坛等。
  • It boasts excellent speed and performance, it’s highly extensible, and it lets developers avoid the complexity of writing repetitive SQL statements, as they can model the database data in terms of objects.

  • Yii has a core developer team and experts that contribute to its development. With a massive community using it, you can post issues on Yii forums and get help.

    Yii拥有核心的开发团队和专家,为公司的发展做出了贡献。 使用庞大的社区,您可以在Yii论坛上发布问题并获得帮助。
  • Yii is extremely extensible, and you can customize nearly every piece of the core’s code. However, if it’s your first time using it, be prepared for a steep learning curve.

    Yii具有极强的可扩展性,您可以自定义几乎所有内核代码。 但是,如果您是第一次使用它,请准备好陡峭的学习曲线。

6. Zend框架 (6. Zend Framework)


The Zend framework is a complete object-oriented framework, and the fact that it uses features such as interfaces and inheritance makes it extendable. It was built on the agile methodology, which helps you to deliver high-quality applications to enterprise clients. Zend is highly customizable and abides by PHP best practices—an important point for developers who want to add project-specific functionalities.

Zend框架是一个完整的面向对象的框架,并且它使用诸如接口和继承之类的功能的事实使其可扩展。 它基于敏捷方法论,可帮助您为企业客户交付高质量的应用程序。 Zend具有高度可定制性,并遵守PHP最佳实践-对于想要添加项目特定功能的开发人员而言,这一点很重要。

使用Zend的理由 (Reasons to use Zend)

  • Zend framework is an excellent fit for complex, enterprise-level projects. It’s the preferred framework for large IT departments and banks.

    Zend框架非常适合复杂的企业级项目。 这是大型IT部门和银行的首选框架。
  • Some key features include MVC components, simple cloud API, data encryption, and session management.

  • It can integrate with external libraries, and you can use only the components you want. The Zend framework comes with extremely good documentation and has a large community base. However, if you’re a mobile app builder, get ready for a steep learning curve.

    它可以与外部库集成,并且只能使用所需的组件。 Zend框架附带了非常好的文档,并且拥有庞大的社区基础。 但是,如果您是移动应用程序构建器,请准备好进行陡峭的学习。

7.菲尔Kong (7. Phalcon)


A full-stack PHP framework that employs the MVC web architecture design pattern, Phalcon was originally written in C and C++ and released in 2012. Since it’s delivered as a C-extension, you don’t have to worry about learning the C programming language.

Phalcon是采用MVC Web架构设计模式的全栈PHP框架,最初是用C和C ++编写的,于2012年发布。由于它是作为C扩展提供的,因此您不必担心学习C编程语言。

使用Phalcon的理由 (Reasons to use Phalcon)

  • Phalcon is easy to install and suitable for creating highly configurable web applications that are in line with enterprise development guidelines.

  • Key features include increased execution speed, asset management, a universal autoloader, and top security and caching.

  • Unlike other frameworks, Phalcon optimizes performance due to its efficient memory utilization. If you’re looking to create a blazing fast website, give Phalcon a try.

    与其他框架不同,Phalcon由于其有效的内存利用率而优化了性能。 如果您想创建一个快速的网站,请尝试Phalcon。
  • On the negative side, Phalcon developers are a bit slow to patch bugs, which may not jive with today’s need for high levels of security.


8.斯沃夫特 (8. Swoft)

Swoft is a PHP high performance microservice coroutine framework. It has been published for many years and has become the best choice for php. It can be like Go, built-in coroutine web server and common coroutine client and is resident in memory, independent of traditional PHP-FPM. There are similar Go language operations, similar to the Spring Cloud framework flexible annotations.

Swoft是一个PHP高性能微服务协程框架。 它已经发布了很多年,并已成为php的最佳选择。 它可以像Go,内置的协程Web服务器和通用协程客户端一样,驻留在内存中,独立于传统PHP-FPM。 有类似的Go语言操作,类似于Spring Cloud框架的灵活注释。

Reasons to use Swoft


  • Based on Swoole native Coroutine, comes with a resident memory and a package of other Swoole features.

  • Comes with Mysql/Redis/Rpc efficient connection pool and all connection disconnection reconnection. Developers not do care about connection pooling, and the corresponding components have been implemented.

    随附Mysql / Redis / Rpc高效连接池和所有连接断开连接重新连接。 开发人员不必关心连接池,并且已经实现了相应的组件。
  • AOP can be used for all objects managed by the framework container. Using AOP allows you to control the behavior of instance objects without changing the inside of the instance.

    AOP可以用于框架容器管理的所有对象。 使用AOP可以控制实例对象的行为,而无需更改实例内部。
  • The RPC service is divided into RPC Server and RPC Client, and the framework provides a more elegant way to use RPC services like Dubbo.

    RPC服务分为RPC Server和RPC Client,该框架提供了一种更优雅的方式来使用Dubbo等RPC服务。
  • With service mesh frameworks such as Istio/Envoy, and provides a set of rapid build microservice governance components for small and medium-sized businesses, including service registration and discovery, service bucks, service throttling, and configuration centers.

    借助Istio / Envoy等服务网格框架,并为中小型企业提供了一套快速构建的微服务治理组件,包括服务注册和发现,服务费用,服务限制和配置中心。

9. PHPixie (9. PHPixie)


Introduced in 2012 and just like FuelPHP, PHPixie implements the HMVC design pattern. Its goal was to create a high-performance framework for read-only websites.

PHPixie于2012年推出,与FuelPHP一样,实现了HMVC设计模式。 其目标是为只读网站创建一个高性能框架。

使用PHPixie的理由 (Reasons to use PHPixie)

  • It’s easy to get started with PHPixie, which is suitable for social networking websites, customized web applications, and web app development services.

  • Key features include HMVC architecture, standard ORM (object-relational mapping), input validation, authorization capabilities, authentication, and caching.

  • PHPixie is built using independent components. For this reason, you can use it without the framework itself. Note that PHPixie has relatively few modules. Besides that, it lacks support for components independently made from the dependencies. Since it’s relatively new, it’s less popular and has a smaller community of users than other frameworks.

    PHPixie是使用独立组件构建的。 因此,您可以在没有框架本身的情况下使用它。 请注意,PHPixie具有相对较少的模块。 除此之外,它缺乏对独立于依赖项的组件的支持。 由于它相对较新,因此与其他框架相比,它不那么受欢迎,并且用户社区较小。

10.苗条 (10. Slim)


Slim is another popular PHP micro-framework that helps developers quickly create simple but powerful web applications and APIs.


使用Slim的理由 (Reasons to use Slim)

  • Just like PHPixie, Slim is easy to learn. PHP developers use Slim to develop RESTful APIs and web services.

    与PHPixie一样,Slim易于学习。 PHP开发人员使用Slim开发RESTful API和Web服务。

    Key features include URL routing, session, and cookie encryption, client-side HTTP caching, and more.


  • It’s the best framework for a small web application that doesn’t necessarily require a full-stack PHP framework. In addition, active maintenance and friendly documentation make Slim super user-friendly.

    对于不一定需要完整堆栈PHP框架的小型Web应用程序,这是最佳的框架。 此外,积极的维护和友好的文档使Slim变得超级用户友好。

哪个PHP框架适合您? (Which PHP framework is right for you?)

Using PHP frameworks simplifies the development process, which helps to minimize workload. Each framework has its own strengths and weaknesses, and they all vary in terms of community, documentation, and the database they support.

使用PHP框架简化了开发过程,有助于最大程度地减少工作量。 每个框架都有自己的优点和缺点,并且它们在社区,文档和所支持的数据库方面都各不相同。

As such, the decision on the best framework to use depends on various factors such as security, ease of use, scalability, documentation, and more. So, start by understanding the requirements of the project or application you want to develop. Then, choose the most suitable PHP framework from this list. You can’t go wrong.

因此,决定使用哪种最佳框架取决于各种因素,例如安全性,易用性,可伸缩性,文档编制等等。 因此,首先要了解您要开发的项目或应用程序的需求。 然后,从此列表中选择最合适PHP框架。 你不会错的。

翻译自: https://habr.com/en/post/464417/
