



Whether you want to share family photos with distant relatives or make a shared pool of vacation or event photos with friends, it’s easy to create and share collaborative albums in Google Photos.


While there is no shortage of ways to share photos among your friends, Google Photos offers some pretty enticing reasons make it your photo sharing platform of choice. First off, there’s the simple ubiquity of Google accounts—practically everyone has one already and, if not, it’s free. Google Photos also offers features like unlimited photo storage, built-in social functions like commenting on albums and individual photos, facial and object recognition, a plethora of other features big and small.

虽然在您的朋友之间共享照片的方式不乏不足,但Google相册提供了一些诱人的原因,使其成为您选择的照片共享平台。 首先,简单易用的Google帐户无处不在-实际上每个人都有一个帐户,如果没有,它是免费的。 Google相册还提供无限制的照片存储功能 ,内置的社交功能(例如对相册和单张照片发表评论,面部和物体识别) 以及许多其他大小功能

In fact, we only have one real complaint to lodge about photo sharing through Google Photos. When you share an album, you can’t really limit who can see it. Google Photos creates a custom (and obfuscated) URL for each album and you share the album by sending people that URL. There’s no way to limit access to specific Google accounts. While the chances of someone guessing the long and obfuscated URL that points back to your shared album is minuscule, that doesn’t prevent the people with whom you share the URL from sharing it with others. We’d still prefer the additional security of login-restricted access. Hopefully, this is an issue that Google addresses in future updates to Google Photos.

实际上,对于通过Google相册共享照片,我们只有一个真正的投诉。 共享相册时,您无法真正限制可以看到该相册的人。 Google相册会为每个相册创建一个自定义(且模糊的)URL,您可以通过向该人发送该URL来共享该相册。 无法限制对特定Google帐户的访问。 尽管有人猜测指向您共享相册的冗长且晦涩的URL的可能性很小,但这并不能阻止与您共享URL的人与他人共享URL。 我们仍然希望登录限制访问具有更高的安全性。 希望这是Google在以后对Google相册的更新中解决的一个问题。

That minor complaint aside, Google Photos makes it super easy to share your pictures. Let’s jump right into creating a new album and enabling the sharing features. We’ll be walking you through the features using the Google Photos for iOS app, but the functionality is pretty much the same in the Android app. You should also be able to follow along easily if you’re using the web-based Google Photos interface, since the menu entries are all the same.

除了轻微的投诉外,Google相册使共享图片变得非常容易。 让我们直接进入创建新相册并启用共享功能。 我们将使用iOS版Google相册为您介绍这些功能,但Android应用程序中的功能几乎相同。 如果您使用的是基于网络的Google相册界面,那么您也应该能够轻松进行操作,因为菜单项都是相同的。

在Google相册中创建和共享相册 (Create and Share an Album in Google Photos)

To create your first shared album, fire up your Google Photos app and click the menu icon (three horizontal lines) in the search bar. In the menu, click “Shared” to access your shared album directory.

要创建您的第一个共享相册,请启动您的Google相册应用,然后点击搜索栏中的菜单图标(三行横线)。 在菜单中,单击“共享”以访问您的共享相册目录。


On the “Shared” page, click the + symbol in the lower right-hand corner to create an album. You’ll be prompted to select photos for the album—select as few as one or as many as you want, and then click “Next.”

在“共享”页面上,单击右下角的+符号以创建一个相册。 系统将提示您选择相册中的照片-选择所需的一张或多张,然后单击“下一步”。


Name your new album, and then click “Share.” You’ll see all kinds of sharing options, depending on what apps you have enabled for sharing. You can share the album with individual contacts, send the shared URL to your messaging app of choice, email a link to the album, and so on.

为您的新相册命名,然后单击“共享”。 您将看到各种共享选项,具体取决于您启用了哪些共享功能。 您可以与各个联系人共享相册,将共享的URL发送到您选择的消息收发应用程序,通过电子邮件将链接发送到相册,等等。


Although it isn’t immediately apparent here, we want to emphasize the point we brought up earlier. Google Photos sharing is not permissions-based. If you share your album with three of your friends, you’re not giving their three Google accounts permission to access the shared album. You’re just sending them the URL for the album. Yes, this URL is long and the chances of random people stumbling across it is pretty much zero. But, anyone with the URL can access your photos, meaning that the people you shared it with can easily share it with others. So, it’s in your best interest to keep sensitive photos out of shared albums and only share with people you trust.

尽管在这里还不是很明显,但是我们想强调一下我们早先提出的观点。 Google相册共享不是基于权限的。 如果您与三个朋友共享相册,则不会授予他们三个Google帐户访问共享相册的权限。 您只是向他们发送相册的URL。 是的,此URL很长,随机的人绊倒它的机会几乎为零。 但是,具有该URL的任何人都可以访问您的照片,这意味着您与之共享的人可以轻松地与他人共享。 因此,将敏感照片保留在共享相册之外并且仅与您信任的人共享才是您的最大利益。

管理您的共享相册 (Manage Your Shared Album)

So, you’ve created your album and shared it. Now, let’s take a look at how to manage that album. If you just finished creating a new album, you’ll immediately land on that album’s page. If you’re coming back into the app, tap the “Albums” icon and then the “Shared” album thumbnail. You’ll see a list of all your shared albums (in our example, there’s just the “Pets” album we created in the last section). Tap the album you want to open.

因此,您已经创建了相册并共享了它。 现在,让我们看一下如何管理该相册。 如果刚刚完成创建新专辑的操作,您将立即进入该专辑的页面。 如果您要返回应用程序,请点击“相册”图标,然后点击“共享”相册缩略图。 您将看到所有共享相册的列表(在我们的示例中,只有上一部分创建的“宠物”相册)。 点击您要打开的相册。


Within the album, you’ll see a series of icons across the upper right corner. From left-to-right, they let you:

在相册中,您会在右上角看到一系列图标。 从左到右,他们让您:

  • Send the album to Chromecast as a slideshow

  • Add photos to the album

  • Make comments on the album

  • Share the album with more people

  • Access the album’s menu.


The album’s menu lets you take actions like viewing recent activity, editing the album name, configuring sharing options, and deleting the album.



The “Sharing options” page offers several additional options. You can grab a copy of the sharing link, see who’s been invited to view the album, toggle collaboration and commenting on or off, and—naturally—stop sharing the album.

“共享选项”页面提供了几个附加选项。 您可以获取共享链接的副本,查看受邀查看相册的人,打开或关闭协作和评论,以及-自然地-停止共享相册。


停止分享相册 (Stop Sharing an Album)

One of our favorite things about the sharing toggling in Google Photos is that if you stop sharing an album and then share it again later, the album is given a brand new, randomized URL (unlike the static URL that is permanently assigned to albums when you share an iCloud photo album). While you will lose comments and collaborative photos if you stop sharing an album, it is nice that you can share it again with a brand new URL if you need to, instead of deleting the entire album and rebuilding it from scratch.

关于Google相册中的共享切换,我们最喜欢的事情之一是,如果您停止共享相册,然后稍后再共享,则会为该相册提供一个全新的随机URL(与当您永久分配给相册的静态URL不同)共享iCloud相册)。 如果停止共享相册会丢失评论和协作照片,但很高兴可以根据需要使用全新的URL再次共享它,而不是删除整个相册并从头开始重建。


That’s all there is to it: you now have a shared and collaborative Google Photos album where your friends not only can see, for example, your vacation photos, but even add their own if their on the trip with you.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/302063/how-to-create-and-share-collaborative-albums-in-google-photos/
