mvn 打jar包异常:The packaging for this project did not assign a file to the build artifact -> [Help 1]

idea maven打包 install 报错,信息如下:

mvn 打jar包异常:The packaging for this project did not assign a file to the build artifact -> [Help 1]


idea中打包maven项目,有两个install;其实本人很菜鸟,一直就用Plugins下的install,并 不晓得Lifecycle中的install,经过这次问题,百度了一下,其实lifecycle是maven中一个十分完善的生命周期模型,所以使用Lifecycle中的install项目就会自动去maven仓库下载需要的包。问题解决!

mvn 打jar包异常:The packaging for this project did not assign a file to the build artifact -> [Help 1]