Oracle Inventory Stock Locator Control Level

Locator Level是一个自上而下控制的,Order:Org locator Control > Subinv locator Control > Item locator Control

Org Level Locator Control

None: Inventorytransactions within this organization do not require locator


Prespecified only: Inventory transactions within this organization require a valid,

predefinedlocator for each item.

Dynamic entry allowed: Inventory transactions within this organization require a

locator for eachitem. You can choose a valid, predefined locator, or define a locator

dynamically atthe time of transaction.

Determined at subinventory level: Inventory transactions use locator control

information you define at the subinventory level.

Oracle Inventory Stock Locator Control Level

Subinventory Locator Control

You can select an option only if you selected locatorcontrol as Determined at

subinventorylevel in the LocatorControl field in the Organization Parameters

window. You can only update this option if there is noon-hand quantity for the


None: Inventorytransactions within this subinventory do not require locator


Prespecified: Inventorytransactions within this subinventory require you to enter a

valid predefinedlocator for each item.

Dynamic entry: Inventory transactions within this subinventory require you to enter

a locator foreach item. You may choose a valid predefined locator, or define a

locatordynamically at the time of transaction.

Item level: Inventorytransactions use locator control information that you define at

the item level.

Oracle Inventory Stock Locator Control Level

Item Level Locator Control

Oracle Inventory Stock Locator Control Level