Altium Designer 19 错误警告 Design contains shelved or modified (but not repoured) polygons


Altium Designer 19 错误警告 Design contains shelved or modified (but not repoured) polygons


Design contains shelved or modified (but not repoured)polygons.
The result of DRC will not be correct.
Would you like to continue?
Note:recommended to stop DRC and restore/repour all polygons before proceeding with DRC.

Design contains shelved or modified (but not repoured) polygons. The result of DRC is not correct. Recommended to restore/repour all polygons and proceed with DRC again
Polygon named: Top Layer-GND 3 On Top Layer
Polygon named: Top Layer-No Net 1 On Top Layer
Polygon named: Top Layer-No Net On Top Layer
Polygon named: Top Layer-GND 1 On Top Layer
Polygon named: Top Layer-GND 2 On Top Layer
Polygon named: Abstract polygon ID On Top Layer


覆铜时分块覆铜,绕过板子四角焊盘孔。若覆铜后对板子又进行修改,则右击覆铜,选择Polygon Actions ->
Repour Modified,进行修改覆铜。

Altium Designer 19 错误警告 Design contains shelved or modified (but not repoured) polygons