

As a photographer, you’ll want to control your camera remotely on occasion. For example, if you’re shooting landscapes by the sea and don’t want to get your feet wet, taking a group portrait you’re also in, playing around with self-portraits, or making a timelapse, remote control is essential. Let’s explore some of the different options.

作为摄影师,您有时需要远程控制相机。 例如,如果您要在海边拍摄风景,不想弄湿自己的脚,也想参加自己的集体照,玩自画像,或者进行定时拍摄,则遥控器是必不可少的。 让我们探索一些不同的选项。

使用远程快门释放 (Use a Remote Shutter Release)


A remote shutter release is the simplest way to control your camera remotely, and you can find both wired and wireless models. Remote shutter releases have been around since the invention of the camera, so they’re pretty mature.

远程快门释放是远程控制相机的最简单方法,并且可以找到有线和无线型号。 自从相机问世以来,就一直在使用遥控快门,因此它们已经相当成熟。

The simplest remote shutter releases are just a button you press, and your camera takes a picture without you touching it (very useful for long exposure or landscape photography) but the vast majority include features like time-lapse, delay, and exposure timers.


We’re huge fans of remote shutter releases because they’re cheap, lightweight, idiot proof, and can live in your camera bag. The other options we’re going to look at are all either expensive, fiddly, or involve extra gear.

我们是远程快门释放的忠实拥护者,因为它们便宜,轻巧,防白痴,并且可以放在您的相机包中。 我们将要考虑的其他选择要么全部昂贵,要么变态,或者涉及额外装备。

I use the Pixel TW-283. It’s both a wired and wireless shutter release, costs less than thirty bucks, and has both long exposure and time-lapse modes. There’s pretty much nothing not to like. Just make sure you get the version with the right cable for your camera.

我使用Pixel TW-283 。 它既有有线快门也有无线快门,成本不到三十美元,并且具有长时间曝光和延时模式。 没有什么不喜欢的。 只需确保使用适合您相机的电缆即可获得该版本。

如果您的相机具有Wi-Fi或蓝牙,请使用智能手机进行控制 (If Your Camera Has Wi-Fi or Bluetooth, Control It With Your Smartphone)


More and more modern cameras are coming with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth so you can connect and control them from your smartphone or tablet. In general, you connect your smartphone to a wireless network created by your camera and then use either Canon’s Camera Connect app (iOS, Android) or Nikon’s Wireless Mobile Utility (iOS, Android).

越来越多的现代相机随附Wi-Fi和蓝牙,因此您可以通过智能手机或平板电脑进行连接和控制。 通常,您将智能手机连接到相机创建的无线网络,然后使用佳能的Camera Connect应用程序( iOSAndroid )或尼康的Wireless Mobile Utility( iOSAndroid )。

The best thing about this option is it’s free; if your camera has Wi-Fi and you have a smartphone, you’re good to go. The other significant advantage is that you get a live view on your phone; if you really can’t be near your camera, you can at least preview your shot. It’s also convenient to be able to transfer photos to your phone quickly so you can edit and share them, no computer needed.

关于这个选项的最好的事情是它是免费的。 如果您的相机具有Wi-Fi并且具有智能手机,那么您就可以使用了。 另一个重要的优点是您可以在手机上实时查看。 如果您真的不能靠近相机,则可以至少预览一下。 能够快速将照片传输到手机也很方便,因此您无需计算机就可以编辑和共享照片。

While remotely controlling your camera from your phone is an excellent idea in principle—and the apps kind of work—most of the time you’re not going to want to mess around with your smartphone when you’re trying to take a picture. The apps also lack some pretty significant features; there’s no timelapse mode or powerful video controls in either. To be honest, they’re both a bit half-baked.

从原理上来说,从手机远程控制相机是一个好主意,而且应用程序也可以正常工作,但在大多数情况下,当您尝试拍照时,您并不想弄乱智能手机。 这些应用程序还缺少一些非常重要的功能。 两者都没有延时模式或强大的视频控件。 老实说,他们俩都有点不成熟。

If your camera has wireless, play around with controlling it from your smartphone. If it works for your needs, go for it. If not, check out the rest of this article.

如果您的相机具有无线功能,请尝试通过智能手机进行控制。 如果它适合您的需求,那就去做吧。 如果没有,请查看本文的其余部分。

将相机连接到计算机 (Tether Your Camera to Your Computer)

Studio photographers, and other professional photographers, regularly connect their camera to their computer. The main reasons are so that they—or their clients—can preview photos on a much larger screen and that the images are automatically backed up, but it’s also a way to control a camera remotely.

摄影棚摄影师和其他专业摄影师会定期将其相机连接到计算机。 主要原因是他们(或他们的客户)可以在更大的屏幕上预览照片,并且可以自动备份图像,但这也是远程控制相机的一种方式。

The most obvious downside to this option is that it involves your computer, so it isn’t a great portable travel solution. Instead, it’s best used if you want to do something like take a timelapse from your apartment, absolutely need a way to remotely control your camera, or have a super specific use in mind like astrophotography.

此选项最明显的缺点是它涉及您的计算机,因此它不是一个出色的便携式旅行解决方案。 取而代之的是,如果您想做一些事情,例如从公寓中抽出时间间隔,绝对需要一种方法来远程控制相机,或者在头脑中有一种超级特殊的用途(如astrophotography) ,则最好使用它。

Adobe Lightroom supports tethered shooting with both Canon and Nikon cameras but, for features like time-lapse control, you’re better off going with Canon EOS Utility for Canon cameras (available on both Windows and Mac). For Nikon shooters, your best options are digiCamControl if you have a Windows PC or Sofortbild if you have a Mac. They’re all free; you just need a USB cable that connects to your camera.

Adobe Lightroom支持佳能和尼康相机的系留拍摄,但是,对于延时控制等功能,最好不要使用佳能相机的佳能EOS实用程序(在Windows和Mac上均提供)。 对于尼康的射手,你最好的选择是digiCamControl ,如果你有一台Windows PC或Sofortbild ,如果你有一台Mac。 他们都是免费的。 您只需要连接相机的USB电缆即可。

严重的选择:Camranger (The Serious Option: Camranger)


The best—and by far most expensive—way to remotely and wirelessly control your camera is CamRanger.


CamRanger is a $300 box that connects to your camera. It creates a wireless network so you can connect your smartphone or computer and then use the dedicated app to control your camera. The difference between this and Canon or Nikon’s solutions is that CamRanger is incredibly feature-packed.

CamRanger是一个售价300美元的盒子,可连接您的相机。 它创建了无线网络,因此您可以连接智能手机或计算机,然后使用专用应用程序控制相机。 该解决方案与佳能或尼康解决方案的区别在于,CamRanger具有令人难以置信的功能。

With CamRanger, you get a wireless live view, total exposure control, movie recording with focus control, macro and focus stacking, timelapse and HDR support, the ability to transfer photos to your phone or computer, and loads more. While it still has all the downsides and clunkiness of controlling your camera from a smartphone, CamRanger at least adds enough extra features that in certain situations, it’s definitely worth the tradeoff.

有了CamRanger,您可以获得无线实时取景,总曝光控制,具有焦点控制的电影录制,微距和焦点堆叠,延时摄影和HDR支持,将照片传输到手机或计算机的能力以及加载更多内容。 尽管仍然具有通过智能手机控制相机的所有缺点和笨拙性,但CamRanger至少添加了足够的额外功能,在某些情况下,绝对值得进行权衡。

Every photographer needs a way to trigger their camera remotely. At some point, you’ll at least be roped into taking family photos where you have to be in them. There’s also really important if you’re into taking landscapes, long exposures, or time-lapses.

每个摄影师都需要一种远程触发相机的方法。 在某个时候,您至少会被困在必须要合影的家庭照中。 如果您要拍摄风景,长时间曝光或延时拍摄,那也很重要。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/361614/how-to-remotely-control-your-camera/