spotify mp3_如何与朋友(或世界)共享您的Spotify播放列表

spotify mp3_如何与朋友(或世界)共享您的Spotify播放列表

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spotify mp3_如何与朋友(或世界)共享您的Spotify播放列表

Spotify and other streaming services have changed how people listen to music. While playlists were once the preserve of the radio DJ, annual compilation albums like Now That’s What I Call Music, or painstakingly put together mixtapes for a crush, now anyone can make one in a few minutes.

Spotify和其他流媒体服务已经改变了人们听音乐的方式。 虽然播放列表曾经是电台DJ的保存地,但诸如Now Now's What I Call Music之类的年度合辑专辑,或为混搭而精心制作的混音带,现在任何人都可以在几分钟内完成。

There’s a knack to putting together a good playlist. You can’t just throw a few somewhat related songs together and call it a day. There’s a reason Spotify, Apple, and Google all pay professionals to do it. If you’ve put together something you’re proud of and want to share with the public—or just send a mixtape to a friend—Spotify makes it easy. Here’s how to do it.

整理一个好的播放列表是有技巧的。 您不能只是将一些有些相关的歌曲放在一起,然后将其称为一天。 Spotify,Apple和Google都有付费的专业人士这样做是有原因的。 如果您将自己引以为傲的东西放在一起,并想与公众分享(或者只是将混音带发送给朋友),Spotify会变得很容易。 这是操作方法。

与朋友分享播放列表 (Sharing Playlists With Friends)

Open Spotify and head to the playlist you want to share. Click or tap the three little dots at the top and select Share. This will give you all the sharing options. Here’s how it looks with the desktop app.

打开Spotify并转到您要共享的播放列表。 单击或点击顶部的三个小点,然后选择共享。 这将为您提供所有共享选项。 这是桌面应用程序的外观。

spotify mp3_如何与朋友(或世界)共享您的Spotify播放列表

And here’s how it looks on mobile.


spotify mp3_如何与朋友(或世界)共享您的Spotify播放列表
spotify mp3_如何与朋友(或世界)共享您的Spotify播放列表

Spotify has a couple of options built in, like sharing over Facebook, Messenger, and Twitter. You can also just select Copy Playlist Link to copy a link to the playlist to your clipboard. Here’s the link to my Pop Punk Faves playlist. If you click that link, the playlist will open up in a browser window, which your friend can then play in Spotify.

Spotify内置了两个选项,例如通过Facebook,Messenger和Twitter进行共享。 您也可以选择复制播放列表链接,将播放列表的链接复制到剪贴板。 这是我的Pop Punk Faves播放列表的链接。 如果单击该链接,播放列表将在浏览器窗口中打开,然后您的朋友可以在Spotify中播放。

spotify mp3_如何与朋友(或世界)共享您的Spotify播放列表

公开共享播放列表 (Sharing Playlists Publicly)

You can share your playlists with as many friends as you like just by sharing the link, or posting it somewhere publicly like your Twitter feed. But if you want strangers to be able to discover it, you need to share it publicly through Spotify. This way, it will show up when people search Spotify. In the screenshot below, you can see I’ve searched for some other pop punk playlists.

您可以通过共享链接或将其发布到Twitter提要等公共场所来与任意多个朋友共享您的播放列表。 但是,如果您希望陌生人能够发现它,则需要通过Spotify公开共享它。 这样,它将在人们搜索Spotify时显示。 在下面的屏幕截图中,您可以看到我在搜索其他一些流行朋克播放列表。

spotify mp3_如何与朋友(或世界)共享您的Spotify播放列表

To make a playlist public through Spotify, tap or click the three little dots and select Make Public. Now it will show up in Spotify searches by other users.

要通过Spotify公开播放列表,请点击或单击三个小点,然后选择“公开”。 现在,它将显示在其他用户的Spotify搜索中。

spotify mp3_如何与朋友(或世界)共享您的Spotify播放列表

Spotify’s search function, however, isn’t great. It’s geared towards finding songs and artists, not playlists. If you really want people to have a chance to find your work, you should post it on a service like as well.

但是,Spotify的搜索功能不是很好。 它旨在查找歌曲和歌手,而不是播放列表。 如果您确实希望人们有机会找到您的作品,则也应该将其发布在Playlists.net等服务上。

spotify mp3_如何与朋友(或世界)共享您的Spotify播放列表 is exactly what it sounds like: a website where people share playlists. Click Submit a Playlist, sign up using your Spotify account, and then select the playlist you want to publish. Add a title, genre, description, and header image and then click Submit Playlist.

Playlists.net的确切含义是:人们共享播放列表的网站。 单击提交播放列表,使用您的Spotify帐户注册,然后选择要发布的播放列表。 添加标题,流派,描述和标题图像,然后单击“提交播放列表”。

spotify mp3_如何与朋友(或世界)共享您的Spotify播放列表

You can find my Pop Punk Anthems Called Anthem playlist here.


Playlists are one of Spotify’s top features. I’m a huge fan of both making my own and listening to other people’s. If you want to have even more fun, try collaborating on a playlist with your friends.

播放列表是Spotify的主要功能之一。 我非常喜欢自己创作和倾听别人的声音。 如果您想获得更多的乐趣,请尝试与您的朋友协作创建一个播放列表


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